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Chapter 71 Played

  • Dane's heart raced as he frantically searched for the elusive key to his apartment. Every second felt like an eternity as his mind replayed the shocking realization that Scarlett, the love of his life, was still alive. It had been months since he last set foot in this place, avoiding it like a haunted memory. But now, compelled by a burning desire to confront Scarlett and uncover the truth, Dane's hands trembled in anticipation.
  • Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Dane's fingers brushed against the cold metal of his apartment key nestled within the depths of his wallet. With a mixture of relief and trepidation, he fumbled with the lock and turned the key, unlocking the door to his sanctuary. The hinges creaked in protest as he pushed it open, revealing a sight that caught him off guard.
  • The apartment was immaculate—spotless and organized, unlike the chaotic mess he left behind before. It was as if someone had poured their heart and soul into cleaning up every trace of Dane's existence. A pang of guilt washed over him as he pondered who could have put in such effort to restore order to this space.
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