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Chapter 3

  • Sofia's Point of View
  • "Hey, Sof, wait up," I heard Ella say. School was over, and I was on my way to the bus stop. I stopped walking and looked at Ella as she ran the rest of the way to where I was standing.
  • "Hey, I don't have time to talk. I have to make it to the bus stop before I miss it. I have to get to work," I said. I worked at a place called Ronny's Diner and had to take two buses to get there.
  • "I will take you," Ella said
  • "It is over an hour away," I replied
  • "I don't mind taking you, Sof," Ella said.
  • "Okay, thanks," I said. I had never let her take me anywhere before, but I was most likely going to miss the bus, and I couldn't be late for work again. I had to pay the gas bill as soon as possible, and I was sure the light bill needed to be paid soon as well. I gave my mom the money to pay them, but she obviously didn't. I needed to keep my job, and if I was late, I was sure there was a chance that Ronny, the owner of the Diner, would fire me.
  • "Oh, I need to get my calculus book from my locker. I will be right back. You can just wait in the car," Ella said
  • "Okay," I replied. I decided to wait outside of her car. While I was waiting, Jane and Ethan started walking toward me with their friends.
  • "Well, if it isn't Sofia. Shouldn't you be on the bus right now?" Jane said
  • "Ella told me she would give me a ride," I said
  • "Oh, your sister is so nice, baby. She is always trying to help those in need," Jane said as she looked at Ethan, then she looked at me. "You do know that that is the only reason Ella hangs with you, right? She sees you as a charity case. Isn't that right, Ethan," Jane asked. I looked at Ethan to see he was looking at her, not sparing me a glance like always. All of their friends just stood there and watched the scene.
  • "Yeah, let's get out of here," Ethan said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they walked away. I hated how sad I always felt when Ethan would agree with every mean thing Jane said about me. He never bullied me. Honestly, the only one that was mean to me was Jane. Ethan and their friends just listened or laughed at everything she said. I wished Ethan would stand up for me, but he never did.
  • Ella came out, and she took me to work. Ella talked most of the way to my job. I kept thinking about Ethan. How much I wished things were different between us. How much I wished we were together, but I knew that would never happen. I should just get over him because there was no way we would end up together. He was popular and rich while I was a nobody. He would never want a girl like me.
  • "Thanks for the ride, Ella," I said as we made it to the Diner.
  • "Are you okay, Sof? You seemed to be deep in thought the whole ride. Did something happen while I was in the school?" Ella asked
  • "I am fine, Ella. Please don't worry about me," I replied. I was sure Ella didn't believe me, but I was happy she didn't push the subject.
  • "Well, okay. I will pick you up tomorrow at five so we can get ready for the party together," Sof said. I had given her my address while we were in school. I warned her that my neighborhood wasn't the best, but she told me it didn't matter.
  • "Okay, I will see you tomorrow," I said
  • "See, ya," Ella said, and I got out of the car and walked into the Diner. I still had ten minutes before I had to clock in. I went into the bathroom and changed into my work uniform before clocking in. I was a waitress and hoped we would be busy today. I got to keep the tips, and Ronny paid out credit card tips the same day, so hopefully, I would make enough so that I could pay the gas bill.
  • Sadly, it was as busy as I had hoped. I only made fifty dollars in tips, and that wasn't enough for the bill. Once I finished my shift, I put on my sweater, grabbed my bag, and walked the fifteen minute walk to my house. I got off at Eleven that night, and the bus didn't run that late, so I had to walk home. It was a cold night that night, and I knew it was going to be a long night without any heat.
  • When I got home, I went to my room. I knew I was home alone because my mom had told me she would be staying at her boyfriend's house since the gas was cut off. Just as I expected, it was very cold in the house. I kept my sweater on and got under my covers. I couldn't help the tears that came out of my eyes as I thought about how bad everything had been going. I wished I had someone that cared for me, but I didn't. Well, besides Ella, that is, but I could never tell her about my life. I was sure if I did, she would want to help me. I am sure she would want to tell her parents, and they would want to help me, too. I didn't want to be a bother to anyone. I was sure Ethan wouldn't like it if I bothered his family anyway.
  • I just had to wait six months. In just a few more months, I would be done with high school and in college far away from here, and I would never come back.
  • Hopefully, I will meet people who accepted me for me in college. Hopefully, no one cared about what side of town I came from. That would be great. I fell asleep and dreamed about Ethan like every other night.