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Chapter 15 In The Same Hell

  • As expected, Donald's sisters were the first to criticize the outfit that Yves was wearing. In addition to this, they invited young women who were attracted to him to provoke jealousy in Yves and create a situation that would embarrass Donald.
  • In light of this, the guests, in front of Yves who felt very uncomfortable, hugged and kissed him. When Laila Thomas entered, she did the same as the others, but went further in her greeting by kissing him very close to his lips. This made Yves explode with jealousy and he slapped her hard in front of the rest of the guests.
  • "What's wrong with you?! You bitch! You lowlife!" Laila hissed hysterically, not doing anything to defend herself because she wanted to show Donald how wild and violent his wife was.
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