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Chapter 37 They Accidentally Shared A Bathroom

  • When she entered the bedroom, she could not see Daniel, she wondered where he was, she got out of the bedroom and she searched the rooms nearby then she thought he must have found a study room then started to get busy with his work. Oh this man is so devoted to his work, I hope he will not deprive us time in this relationship.
  • She went back to the bedroom, entered the bathroom, she did not even think about looking around, she just started to undressed and she got into the shower. She did not notice that there was someone on the bath tub.
  • When Daniel saw her undress, he felt his body heat up. His manhood shoot up and he knew that he might not be able to control himself tonight. He has been holding it for too long, he has been dreaming about having this woman for a very long time.
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