Chapter 8 Sold To The Highest Bidder
- Dakari is on the stage when the next girl enters, she's a good height but I notice Valente starts shifting in his chair.
- "Something up your ass?" I ask him.
- He continues staring at the girl as different offers are made for her, she's good looking, a nice ass to go with it but I'm not much interested.
- "Remember that one night stand I had at Onyx that made me miss the informant?" Valente asks
- "Yes.. don't tell me-"
- "Five hundred thousand!" Valente is shouting before I could finish my question"
- "Sold! to Mr. Gavi Valente!" Dakari announces.
- "Fuck" I cuss "She's got you worked up, corner that fucking boner"
- Valente is smiling like a kid who just got handed his favourite candy. Dakars men cover the girl with a blanket and bring her to our table, Valente pays with his card and she's handed over.
- "It's you" The girl says.
- "So you remember me, not acting dumb like you did the next morning huh?" Valente says as his hands snake to the middle of her thighs, she's shaking.
- "If you're gonna fuck her in front of me, I'll shoot you in the balls" I warn him.
- "You good here? Cause I want to leave" Valente tells me downing the remaining drink in his glass.
- "You're not taking my car" I tell him
- "Don't worry, I already texted my driver" Valente says taking off his suit jacket and giving it to her, she takes off the blanket and puts it on.
- "Bye Omari, don't fuck shit up"
- They both leave and then I catch Don staring at me, I smirk again before focusing on the stage. Another girl comes in, more of a stumbling, the audience all start laughing but I can't take my eyes off her, she's beautiful, exquisite. The curves on her, the way her breasts stand on her chest. She looks half pissed, half shocked.
- "Five hundred" someone offered and the betting began.
- I was interested in her, hell, my boner was begging to release but I didn't want a distraction, we had so much going on in the business and fucking a chick should be the list of my worries.
- "Five hundred thousand!" I hear Don announce, I turn to look at him, he's staring at her like she's the scrumptiest lunch he's ever laid eyes on, fuck that.
- "One million" my mouth is moving before I realise, everyone, even Carwyn turns to look at me. I have never bought anything at this auction, never.
- A wry smile parts Dakari’s lips as he locks eyes with me. “Anyone going above one million? Anyone?” He asks, sweeping his gaze across the crowd. There's no response and everyone seems to be whispering.
- “Sold! To the highest bidder!” He screams.
- Dakari sells her for that prize. His men waste no time in bringing her over to me and I pay, she's oddly silent and shaking. I was a gentleman like Valente, I didn't even want to buy her in the first place, she has to deal with her blanket for now. I hold her hands and drag her away, when we get to the door, I realise Don is following us, with some chick in his hands. The face she's giving mine gives me the feeling they both have bad blood.
- "I thought you were above all this Kanaan" Don says as he reaches us. His men behind him, my girl shrinks more into me. Gods, I hope she's not clingy.
- "Sometimes you have to go as low as your enemies" I reply.
- Don laughs "You've got a fine chick alright, I wouldn't waste that much money on what I was going to fuck and throw aside but I guess loosing shipments doesn't cut you short"
- He knows about it! I knew it "And what would you know about my missing shipment Carwyn?" I hated his stupid name.
- He realises he has slipped up "Well walls talk Kanaan. Like my little June over here" he says pointing to his new commodity "She tells me your Juniper is a dumb bitch, I thought you don't like dumb people"
- I smile, so they do have bad blood, what has this little minx been up to?
- "I also don't like rats, seems like your purchase is both" I tell him "I seriously hate talking to you, so I'm leaving, have fun" I drag Juniper and we both walk out towards my car when a gun goes off behind me, I turn around to see Don has shot the air. But men are already surrounding me, classic of Valente. He never leaves me alone, he would have sent them here.
- "Kind of stupid trying to kill me at a no weapon policy auction" I push Juniper into the car and closing the door.
- "We're outside and besides I saw the little minx first, I want her. You can't keep taking things that belong to me Kanaan, my dog is underground now!" Don shouts, his men coming out.
- Fuck, Valente told me to avoid this.
- I smile "You couldn't pay for her Don, not my fault. Your dog was your mistake, how you trying to sneak up on someone and you send a fuck dog?! No more workers to do your dirty deals?"
- "Fuck that! You act almighty but fucking come here and ruin my show! Dirty deals?! You fucking wanted those same deals"
- "But I don't go stealing do I? You fucking took my shipments and expect me to be at home crying? I'm not you Don" I tell him.
- "You just assumed it was me Kanaan, I wouldn't steal your damn shipments, I'd fucking sink them. Pass the girl over!"
- "Not interested" I tell him and besides "You have "your June" as you already said"
- "Who wants this dumb bitch?!" Don asks as he pushes her away from his corner and shoots her in the head.
- I hear Juniper gasp loudly from the car.
- Fucking mess. The man throws a tantrum like a child.