Chapter 15 Uncle's Graveyard
- The car ride to the station is quiet, it gave me time to think, I have to be quick, Joffer, my contact in the police would be waiting at the station with whatever lie he has to get me in with Michigan, it better be good, I don't want to have to kill any of these lowlifes deceiving themselves to get my way and get the job done. Carwyn is a dead man if he thinks he can toy with my business, we've had a simple truce you could say for a year now to avoided bloodshed, when our fathers went against each other, it was bloody, innocents died, Laila died. I've been keeping my own end of the deal, making sure my men kept to our boundary and did their fucking job but two shipments missing? In less than a month? No one else would have the balls to cross me except that slimy bastard and whatever fucking mole he's using to infiltrate me, I'll kill them! I'll kill them all!! I close my eyes forcing myself to call down, like I said I'm trying not to kill these fuckers.
- We finally get to the shappy compound they use as their police base and I'm dragged out by my handcuffs. I make sure to look at the officer's name tag, Tim, Officer Tim. He's going to regret treating me like shit real soon.