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Chapter 100

  • Rosana alighted the car and walked inside the mansion. Unlike the other days, she was happy because she finally got to share the problems that had been troubling her with someone. Not just anyone but Lucretia. Suddenly, it felt like a heavy burden was lifted off her chest and she was back to feeling normal.
  • With a smile on her face, she started climbing up the stairs. She couldn't wait to relax her tired limbs and also get some rest. But before then, Viola would give her some massage. Viola... What would she have done without her?
  • The smile soon withered the moment she looked up and saw Vicenta standing at the top of the stairs. The sight of her reminded Rosana of the present situation and the fact that she was carrying Sergio's child. She had not seen her in days and now that she did, she couldn't help wondering what she was up to.
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