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Chapter 3

  • Narrator
  • The garden was huge, with beautiful planters filled with flowers of all kinds, and Grandma did everything possible to keep it that way.
  • Melissa arrived at one of the planters furthest from the back entrance to the house. There were very few people in the garden, and slowly they were making their way into the house. She was lost in her thoughts, imagining ways she could have been friendlier with the man from the café to please him, but she knew it wasn't possible.
  • Behind her, she heard,
  • "Good choice, but I prefer the original version, it's more complete," she turned and saw Daniel pointing to the book next to her.
  • "I've been looking for the original version for a while and I've only found this one in my grandfather's library," she nervously replied, getting up with the determination to re-enter the party to be alone with him as little as possible. He made her terribly nervous, and she didn't know what he was doing in the garden."
  • "I have it, I bought it on a trip to England. If you really want to read it, I can share it with you," Daniel was the kind of man who made anyone nervous, his tone of voice, his composure, his gaze. She couldn't hide her surprise and nervousness. She would truly love to read that book, but she didn't know if she was willing to accept it from him. She had no reason not to.
  • "Thank you, really," Daniel stopped her and looked at her intently.
  • "It's just a book."
  • "B But... I mean, I would love to read the book. When I can, I'll have my aunt send it to you. It would be perfect," she was so nervous."
  • "Why don't I see you on Wednesday at 'Te Amo Café' and I'll bring it for you?" Melissa panicked and could only reply,
  • "Ok," and hurriedly walked away.
  • "At 3," Daniel said a little louder.
  • Melissa
  • What the hell just happened? He recognized me. Damn, he knows it was me who spilled the coffee on him, and he's making fun of me. Maybe I shouldn't go, maybe... I turned to look at him again, now inside the house, lighting a cigarette. Why does he have to be so sexy? Why do I have to be so clumsy?
  • I kept watching him from an angle where he supposedly couldn't see me drooling over him. I talked to some aunts who kept saying, "But you're so skinny," "You should tell us the secret," and more nonsense.
  • Suddenly, I saw him enter the house, say goodbye to some people, and go straight to Diana and my nanny. He hugged them and kissed them on the cheeks, and Diana accompanied him to the door. My parents and I would stay all night, it was safe, and I had to endure the family's comments about how "thin" I was.
  • Daniel
  • After smoking a bit, I left the party. Diana accompanied me to the car.
  • "I'm really glad you came. It's been a long time since you spent time with us," she said, giving me a bright smile.
  • "I know, sorry, I've really been caught up in meetings, business, paperwork, and stuff like that."
  • "You work too much. You should take a break and get your head out of the papers and those girls' legs," we both laughed at that, although deep down it was a reproach.
  • "You're terrible. Let me keep my head there. You should try it," I don't know how bad that sounded, but Diana's eyes widened before bursting into laughter.
  • "I meant work," I tried to backtrack, but it didn't work. Laughter gave me away.
  • "Sure, Daniel."
  • "Anyway, I have to go, but we'll see each other more often now that you'll be in charge of the business, right?"
  • "I think so. It stresses me out, and you have to advise me. Let's have coffee later."
  • "Sure," I said, bidding her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and getting into my car.
  • It was about a 30-minute drive to my apartment. At first, I didn't even remember Melissa, I was more focused on the potential business with Mario, and suddenly her image came back to my mind, but she was no longer the shy girl from the café. Now I saw her a bit more as the woman in the sexy black dress, who knows."
  • "Surely Daniel is very young, enough of thinking about her. What's the point of meeting her in a café? That's not your style of conquest. A coffee? Why not a bar, a drink, take her to bed, and be done? Besides, she's a friend's niece. Damn, what a mess. " I found myself talking like a complete lunatic to nothing.
  • "What mess, sir? " At that moment I realized that José, the 60"year" old doorman of the building, had heard part of my crazy rambling.
  • "Oh, nothing, Don José, just this crazy guy " I tried to hide my embarrassment, he looked at me smiling.
  • "You're coming alone today, huh? " I couldn't help but laugh.
  • "Maybe not tomorrow," I said, getting on the elevator, and he laughed loudly.
  • Narrator
  • It was Tuesday and Melissa hadn't been able to sleep since her grandmother's party. She didn't know what to do, tomorrow was the day she would see him, now she knew his name was Daniel and that his perfume was the best she had ever smelled in her life.
  • " Miss Villanueva " the teacher spoke loudly, snapping her out of her thoughts.
  • "Yes? " Melissa replied, a little startled.
  • "Could you tell me a little about the topic we're discussing, since you're so attentive " said the grumpy anatomy teacher.
  • "The endocrine system, it's... Well... It has the function of... " The more than nervous Melissa tried in the face of the expectant gaze of the whole group.
  • "Be quiet and go to the principal's office, you must wait for me there to discuss your punishment " the teacher said, pointing to the door.