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Chapter 5 You Have The Duty To Obey Me

  • A few days after the artificial insemination procedure, Katherine is in the hospital accompanying Ethan. She is not allowed to leave his side. She tries to stay strong in front of him. Ethan sleeps most of the day, and when he is awake, he does not like to talk, especially to her, which is a relief for Katherine. She spends the whole day lost in her thoughts, with a tired and uncharismatic expression. Her demeanor only increases Ethan's hatred and contempt for her, as he believes Katherine has no self"love, and he feels disgusted at the thought of such a weak and defenseless woman becoming his wife. He blames her for it, as he is only there because of her father, and now he is married to her. One night he wakes up and hears her quietly crying. He sits up in bed, frustrated."
  • "You are so ridiculous. All you do is stay here crying. Why do you even exist?"
  • Katherine watches him and lowers her head, wiping her tears. Her love for life no longer exists. She is hopeless and, in a moment of weakness, made a stupid decision. The idea of the procedure working and her being pregnant gives her chills. How would she be a mother, especially to the child of such a heartless man? He is always rude, and his family is completely crazy. She constantly thinks about how to escape this life.
  • "Don't you know how to speak? How did my grandmother think this was a good idea? You are so ridiculous. Get up and bring me water now."
  • Katherine sighs to not let his rudeness affect her. She gets up, goes to the mini"fridge, takes a bottle of water, and pours a glass for him. She feels Ethan's intimidating gaze on her the whole time. She walks over to him and offers the glass to him. When his cold fingers touch hers, she startles and drops the glass, wetting Ethan and the bed. In a fit of rage, he throws the glass against the wall."
  • "You are so stupid, what a ridiculous woman. You can't even do the basics, you are incapable of serving me a glass of water. So useless,"he says in a loud and rude tone. He gets up, while she shrinks into the corner, afraid.
  • "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,"she tries to apologize, but he interrupts her.
  • "It's obvious you didn't mean to. You are just useless, good for nothing. You wouldn't dare provoke me. Clean up this mess,"he says, heading to the bathroom.
  • Katherine breathes slowly as she begins to tidy up everything, doing it as quickly as she can with tears streaming down her face. She looks like a living dead, just following orders, turning into Amelia's little doll and Ethan's maid. She questions herself when her life turned into this, only able to lament without reacting. She thinks of her mother to try to endure it all. She finishes tidying up and leaves the room to calm down before Ethan returns and humiliates her further. When he comes out of the bathroom, he notices the bed made and the floor dry and free of glass shards, wondering where she went. He lies back down and soon falls asleep. Katherine is in the hospital chapel.
  • "God, what did I do to deserve this? Why is my life like this? I don't know if I can take much more, please end my suffering. Don't abandon me, Lord,"she says softly amidst sobs and tears.
  • She sits in the chapel for hours during the night, then returns to the room and enters slowly. She watches Ethan sleeping and his expression, while asleep, is not as terrifying as when he is awake. She goes to the sofa and lies down to sleep. The next morning, she is awakened by Ethan.
  • "Katherine, wake up,"he says from his bed. She doesn't move, so he speaks louder to wake her up. "Katherine, wake up now."She sits up slowly and sleepily on the sofa, her tiredness apparent. Ethan watches her, his anger growing.
  • "Bring me my coffee, damn it, what are you good for? I need you to wake up, I don't want this to happen again. Tomorrow when you wake up, you'll be waiting for me with my coffee ready."
  • "Because you..."When she realizes what she was about to say, she interrupts the sentence and lowers her gaze. "I'm sorry, this won't happen again."She gets up and goes to the bathroom, while Ethan smiles smugly, showing the dimples that always appear when he smiles. He likes it when she reacts to insults.
  • Katherine takes a long time in the bathroom because she is taking her shower, which irritates him even more. When she comes out of the bathroom, she doesn't look at him and goes straight to the hospital cafeteria, while Ethan goes to the bathroom to take his shower. He is almost fully recovered from the accident and knows he will probably be able to go home soon. When he comes out of the bathroom, he sees Katherine sitting with her head down in her usual state, sunk in sadness and bitterness, and he can't hide his anger and dissatisfaction with it. He sits on the bed and continues to bother her.
  • "What are you waiting for? Get up and serve my coffee, that's your job and you can't even do that right."
  • "But..."
  • "But what?"He interrupts her. "You don't have to question me, you are my property and have the duty to obey me."
  • Katherine counts mentally to 10, she doesn't know how long she can bear it, so she quickly visualizes her mother so as not to ruin everything, she gets up, picks up the tray with coffee, French bread, and some grapes, which she already knows he likes, after so many days doing that, she walks to the bed and hands it to him. Ethan despises her and does everything to make her uncomfortable, he drinks the cold coffee and once again cannot control his anger and throws the whole tray on the floor. Katherine's weakness and lack of will and self"love irritate him and make him lose control, he cannot deal with his bipolar disorder near her and always lets his anger explode."
  • "For God's sake, you can't do anything right. This damn coffee is cold. So incompetent, so ridiculous, tell me once and for all, what are you good for? You can't do anything right. Fix all this now and bring me another coffee."
  • "I made it, you took too long in the shower, that's why it got cold."
  • "Shut up and do as I say,"he yells at her. The doctor enters the room and Katherine takes the opportunity to run away from there, as her patience is running out, while Ethan follows her with his eyes wanting to kill her.
  • "Mr. Carter, good morning. How are you today?"
  • "I'm fine,"he responds with his bad mood.
  • "Great, your recovery was excellent, tomorrow morning you can go home."
  • "Excellent, I can't wait to be in my house."
  • "Tomorrow morning I will come to discharge you. I will send someone to clean up this mess."
  • "No need, my companion will do it when she returns to the room."Ethan doesn't like to be contradicted, so he won't allow anyone else to clean up the mess. Amelia enters the room for her usual visit, she kisses her grandson and notices the mess.
  • "Ethan, what is this mess?"
  • "Leave it, Katherine will clean it up when she returns. I will go home tomorrow morning."
  • "What wonderful news, my grandson, I will take you to my mansion, you will be better taken care of there."
  • "I said I will go to my house, grandma, and so it will be."
  • Amelia opens the door and orders Peter to locate Katherine in the hospital. He finds her in the chapel and takes her back to Ethan's room, when she enters, they are silent and she feels Ethan's threatening gaze on her.
  • "Clean up this mess, Katherine, I told you to do it, so do it. Never dare to leave like this again, without fulfilling my order, I will destroy you."
  • Every day Katherine gives in more to depression, she sighs and does what he is ordering, while Ethan and Amelia watch her in silence, she holds back her tears because she knows it will only make the situation worse.
  • "Katherine, Ethan has been discharged, tomorrow you will go home,"she observes Amelia, but says nothing. When she finishes cleaning up, she approaches him.
  • "Do you need anything else?"Ethan stares at her and doesn't respond. She assumes he doesn't need anything and once again goes to leave the room.
  • "Katherine, sit down, your duty is to stay here and not wander around the hospital. "He says disdainfully.
  • His words make her stop at the door, she sighs, turns without looking at him and goes to the sofa and sits with her head down, Ethan shakes his head with his frustration with that woman. She spends the rest of the day serving Ethan, doing everything he asks, imagining how difficult her life will be in his house. The next morning, she fulfilled her duty and it didn't take long for Amélia to show up to take them home, she took Katherine's few things to Ethan's house, as he insisted on going to his mansion. Upon arriving there, Katherine observes all the time that huge house she will live in.
  • "Katherine, your things are in the guest room, I had them brought for you."
  • "Thank you, Mrs. Carter."
  • "Katherine, go up and pack your things, you will not live here and we will divorce. "Ethan looks at the maid. "You take her to the room to pack her things. "He orders the maid.
  • Amélia watches Ethan without understanding, while he turns his gaze to Katherine and that was the first time he saw her smile, because upon hearing those words that came out of his mouth, her heart felt happiness again, after so many days of suffering, she gave a big smile with a sparkle in her eyes, that reaction left Ethan curious and annoyed at the same time, for observing her happiness in getting rid of that marriage, he watches her as she follows the maid to pack her things.