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Chapter 2 The Funeral Ceremony

  • Amelia Carter is extremely pleased to know that the woman is accepting her demands without causing any problems.
  • "The wedding will take place in the next few days, Miss Walker, let's wait for the other members of the Carter family to arrive in town and we will conclude this."
  • "Can I know why? Among so many women in this town, why am I the chosen one?"
  • "I don't have to give you reasons, I always get what I want, Miss Walker. Fragile women without love for life, like you, are easier to control. When my family arrives for the wedding, you will agree with all the stories told by me. Do not dare to challenge me, Miss Walker, you will not like the suffering I can cause you."
  • "I will do everything as you wish, I will not disappoint."
  • Katherine was accepting her fate with the image of her mother in her head, she has no idea why Harry is forcing her to do that, but she will do everything to save the only person she loves from the clutches of that man she once loved. Amelia's motivations were not clear. Several stylists were called to the mansion so that Katherine could try on her wedding dress, none of it made sense to her, she kept waiting to meet her mysterious fiancé. The next day, the Carter family is all present at the mansion. Amelia takes Katherine to them to make the introductions.
  • "This is Katherine Walker, she and Ethan have been in a relationship for a long time, and with everything that is happening, they will get married and she will be buried with Ethan. "Amelia's words scare Katherine for a moment, but the family of her unknown fiancé occupies her attention.
  • "I am Naomy Carter, Ethan's mother, nice to meet you, Miss Walker. "She says with a slight smile on her face, extending her hand to Katherine who reciprocates.
  • "The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Carter."
  • "This is my husband Henry Taylor, Ethan's stepfather. "She says pointing to her husband, who extends his hand to Katherine.
  • "Pleasure, Mr. Taylor."
  • The other members of the family are introduced to her. Everyone is still incredulous about what happened to Ethan and the family matriarch will convince them that it was one of Ethan's wishes to marry Katherine. She behaved in the best possible way in their presence, being the perfect bride. As Ethan's condition was delicate, Amelia scheduled the wedding for 2 days later. The wedding will take place in the family club's ballroom and the high society has already been informed, the ceremony will be closed to only a few guests chosen by the Matriarch. During the two days that followed, Katherine continued to fulfill her role, doing everything Amelia ordered, she became a true doll at the mercy of those people, everyone decided things for her. On the day of the wedding, she still did not know her fiancé, she is in the dressing room with her white wedding dress, tight at the bust and flared skirt with a huge train, Amelia enters the dressing room, with her usual charm and approaches her.
  • "You will smile at the altar, you are a beautiful bride. "She says, placing a small crown accompanied by the veil on Katherine's head, who gives her a graceless smile. "During the ceremony and reception, you will not question anything and will always stay close to me, so that I can answer all the questions directed at you, do you understand?"
  • "Yes, I understand, Mrs. Carter."
  • "Perfect, you will be a great wife, with all this obedience. They will come to get you for the ceremony soon. Finish getting ready. "She says, leaving the dressing room.
  • Katherine looks at herself in the mirror and scenes from her first wedding pass through her mind, she was radiant on that occasion, she lets tears flow as she remembers her father walking her down the aisle. Now about to marry again, to a total stranger, she does not have her family present, she continues to stare at herself, her eyes are empty, as if her soul had left her body and her heart is so heavy, with the immense pain she carries at that moment, she feels like she is walking not to her wedding ceremony, but to her funeral ceremony, as her life is ending right there at that exact moment. She is taken out of her thoughts full of pain and suffering when there is a knock on the door and Henry calls her.
  • "Miss Walker, are you ready? I will accompany you to the altar."
  • "Of course, let's get this over with."
  • As she reaches the entrance of the hall, she sees the altar and the wedding march begins to play and Henry begins to lead her down the long red carpet, Katherine does not understand all of this, especially because she does not see the groom at the altar and constantly questions the bizarre situation she is being forced to participate in, her eyes stop being empty when she sees in the midst of those people Harry accompanied by a beautiful, red"haired woman, her heart fills with hatred, while her eyes burn with that sight. All the high society present there are surprised by that wedding and especially by the presence of the entire Carter family there. At the altar, Katherine stands in her place, alone without her groom, she smiles awkwardly and all they hand her is a contract that she must sign, which she does without questioning. She can only think about how sick those people are, a wedding without a groom, she feels humiliated at that moment. Amelia approaches and with her cynicism, she hugs her."
  • "Welcome to the family, now you are one of us, Katherine. "Katherine is consumed by anger, and all she does is be more cynical than the woman hugging her.
  • "Grandma, I was looking forward to this, finally I will become Mrs. Carter. "She says, giving a mocking smile and receiving a disapproving look from Amelia.
  • The other relatives approach to congratulate her. The guests were directed to the next hall for the reception, after long minutes with her husband's family, they also go to the reception, during the party, she receives congratulations from everyone and when Harry approaches holding hands with the beautiful woman accompanying him, Katherine squeezes her hands, containing her anger and frustration.
  • "Mrs. Amélia Carter, congratulations on the marriage of young Ethan. Let me greet the newest Mrs. Carter. "He approaches and gives Katherine a hug, speaking in her ear. "Don't ruin this, mom is doing great, you look beautiful. Behave yourself and everything will be fine."
  • "Mr. Dawson, thank you for being here, please introduce your companion."
  • "Of course, Mrs. Amélia, this is Isabella Brown, my fiancée."
  • Isabella is from high society, her family has a lot of money and several businesses, her green eyes stand out, her red hair, her smile is charming, and she has a stunning body, with well"defined curves and 1.75 meters tall. Upon hearing those words, Katherine's heart breaks even more, her ex"husband is already engaged to another.
  • "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Carter. "She says, extending her hand to Amélia, who gently shakes it. "Congratulations on the wedding, Mrs. Katherine, you are a beautiful bride. "She says with a smile, but without offering her hand.
  • "Thank you very much! If you'll excuse me, I will greet the other guests. "She leaves forgetting Amélia's order to stay by her side the whole time. But that scene with Harry makes her nauseous.
  • People continue to enjoy the reception of that wedding, while wondering about the absence of the groom. Amélia goes to Katherine.
  • "There is an outfit in the dressing room, go there and change, Peter will take you to your husband. "Peter is Amélia's trusted man, he takes care of everything for her.
  • Katherine leaves in silence and goes to the dressing room, she puts on the white suit that was reserved for her and leaves the dressing room, Peter is already waiting for her outside. When he arrives at the hospital, she becomes apprehensive, he takes her to a room and makes her enter, while he waits outside, she watches the nurse next to the bed move away to give her space, when she sees the man who seems lifeless, her heart races and she panics, she falls to the ground unconscious, the nurse opens the door to ask for help and it is Peter who helps her, putting her in the armchair, while the nurse wakes her up, she slowly comes back to her senses.
  • "Who is this man? "She asks with a trembling voice, spilling the water from the glass that Peter handed her because her hands are shaking so much.
  • "He is Mr. Carter, Ethan Carter, your husband. You will keep him company, as Mrs. Amélia ordered. Calm down and take care of your husband."
  • Katherine sighs with relief in a way, knowing that at least her husband can't give her orders or touch her. Since he is lying there almost lifeless. Her desire, still, is to escape from all of that, but Harry's harsh threats to her about her mother make her endure it all. Peter and the nurse leave her alone in the room. She walks to the bed of the man who is her husband and watches him, she sits in the armchair next to the bed and lowers her head, she stays all the time with her gaze fixed on the floor, all she does is let out her pain and anger with her tears, her crying is heavy and her sobs are loud. Ethan slowly opens his eyes and that crying that invades his ears makes him look at the woman sitting beside him, he is irritated by that scene, he hates weakness and sentimentality, he tries to speak, but no sound comes out of his mouth.