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Chapter 7

  • It was silence on the trip from the hotel to his place. I continue to stare out the window, trying to take in the vista of New York City on this beautiful, sunny day.
  • Giovanni breaks the silence near the halfway point of the trip by saying, "You'll meet my son later."
  • I look his way as a result of that.
  • “He had intended to go to the wedding but was prevented from doing so by a school trip.” He claims.
  • I grimaced. Son? That surprises me. I was unaware that Giovanni had one. From what Vicki told me about Giovanni, I recall that neither she nor my parents or his mother mentioned having a son. That is very unusual to me.
  • “ I requested that your parents and my mother not tell you.” He added, as if he knew what was going through my head, "I wanted to be one to tell you.”
  • Why didn't they inform me about something this crucial? Instead, I started by asking, "Is he back now?"
  • Giovanni nods. “ Yes, and he is extremely pleased to meet you”.
  • Due to the fact that I will be residing with them, I made the decision to delve far deeper.
  • "What's his name?" I enquired.
  • “Alexander."
  • I smiled. Alexander It's a beautiful name.“ Alexander, it's a lovely name.”
  • I've always felt a strong bond with kids. I volunteer at the orphanage my parents support because of this.
  • Giovanni didn't appear to be someone who gets anxious easily, so I was surprised to see how tense he appeared when I turned to look at him.
  • “ I'm hoping you'll treat him well. “ Even the way he stated it completely doesn't seem like him, and it demonstrates how devoted he is to his son.
  • Since we've started talking about families, I made the audacious decision to approach Alexander's mother. “ How about his mother? "
  • She is not present. Sh...e” he stammers. “ She suffered an accident while carrying Alex, and she hasn't been feeling well ever since.”
  • My chest sags. The boy's lack of a mother must have saddened him.
  • I considered asking him more, but I refrained when I saw his countenance suddenly turn icy.
  • I had wondered what might have triggered the unexpected mood shift. Alexander's mother must have been a touchy subject.
  • We travelled further until we arrived at his house, which was really a mansion. The view was breath-taking. I couldn't stop gazing at the castle-like estate as we pulled up to the house and entered the foyer. Contrary to my assumptions, his home is lovely and doesn't have a sterile, lifeless vibe. I got out of the car after the driver opened the door.
  • I'm compelled to reside here, whether I like it or not.
  • As Giovanni stepped closer to the door and opened his arms a young child ran toward him and when Giovanni catches him, he lifts him up and the child gives him a tight hug and the former began spinning him while they both laugh aloud.
  • I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Because I could never have imagine seeing Giovanni Reeves laughing with a young child who appears to be Giovanni Reeves' entire universe. And anyone who saw this could testify to it.
  • As soon as Giovanni sees the boy, his icy demeanour and cutthroat disposition abruptly change. I rub my eyes checking to see if I was seeing clearly.
  • Giovanni put the boy down, who I believe to be Alexander and watched as the later turns to face me. I give him a close inspection of the boy. He appears to be between six and seven years old based on what I can make out. His emerald eyes and black hair went perfectly together. He had the cutest smile ever when he grinned at me, in my opinion.
  • It appears that the family has an excellent gene.
  • Alexander approaches me and hands me a piece of paper with the words "welcome home" written on it. I don't recall moving my lips, but they naturally curled into a smile. I turned my attention from the to the boy who appears to be ecstatic and is beaming broadly.
  • “ Welcome to our house” Alexander says, His gracious welcome makes my heart feel like it will burst.
  • "Thank you, Alex," I give him a kiss on the cheek causing him to flush, giving me a huge smile in return. “ Did you write all of this yourself?.” He nods "I love it," I genuinely say and hug him as his tiny hands wraps around my waist.
  • I pulled away and tousled his hair and he grins as I did so. After the warm welcome, we all proceeded to walk into the house and I was left stunned.
  • The view from the living room was lovely. Floor to ceiling windows were present. The fireplace and the wall both convey grandeur. Despite being pricey, it did exudes warmth.
  • "Your house is lovely.” I compliment.
  • “ All praise is due to my mother.” Giovanni said in response.
  • Alexander suddenly showed up by his side. I smiled at him before returning my gaze to his father. "I think I'm going to take a rest for a while.” I was in dying need of a long bath, one to ease my tense muscles. I looked back at Alexander and smiled again “Then maybe the little man here can show me around the house later."
  • “ Wow, really? Alexander asked with an exciting gilt. I nod as I catch Giovanni grinning, his eyes shifting from me to Alexander.
  • He shifted his gaze away from me when he caught my eyes, clearing his throat "Well then, let me take you to your room," He says and I complied, giving Alex one last smile before leaving.