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Chapter 7 First Counselling

  • "Welcome to my office. Please do have a seat my dear"
  • "Nice office. Nice firm, I must confess. Everything looks so great "
  • "Really? Thank you for the lovely compliments. Please sit. Care for a cup of coffee?
  • "Yes I do. Thank you for the offer"
  • "Okay. One minute...Miriam...two cups of coffee. Type missy?
  • "I think I'll have espresso"
  • "Okay. Two cups of espresso. Please be quick. Good. So, where were we?
  • "Nowhere actually..."
  • "Okay. Uhmmm....why are you wearing dark shades and a nose mask? Are you really okay? Domestic violence"
  • "What? No way. He will never do that. I just love wearing dark shades"
  • "Okay. Let's start with the session. Let's start with you telling me your story"
  • "My story?
  • "Yes. Tell me your story and how you want me to help you out. I'm listening"
  • "Oh right. Well... it's about my marriage. It's crumbling and will soon disappear this year and I'll loose it all"
  • "Disappear? How?
  • "It's quite complicated. More like a story. The truth is...I really love him but ...he doesn't wanna look at me or even touch me"
  • "Say what?
  • "Ma'am... coffee..." Miriam said while she approached Josephine
  • "Sure. Drop it and you may leave" Josephine said pointing at the table.
  • "Yes ma'am. Anything else? Miriam asked Josephine
  • "No. I'll call you in when I need something" Josephine replied
  • "Yes ma'am. I'll leave then" Miriam said and left
  • "Please have a cup of coffee Miss...." Josephine said to Arianna.
  • "Sure. Thanks." She takes a sip "hmm...quite nice. I like it"
  • "Thank you. So let's continue. You said something about him not touching you. Why?
  • "Yes. We're such a lovely couple envied by all but then we ain't living like a real couple"
  • "Is this a trailer of a movie? Girl...calm down and tell me everything I need to know. Okay?
  • "Yes. I'm just pretty scared. I'm quite uncomfortable revealing...."
  • "Don't be. I promise you... anything you say here, remains with me, just between the two of us. No one's gonna know. Trust me" Josephine smiled at her
  • "Yeah. Okay. The truth is....I met my husband and I fell for him. Our marriage was arranged by our families. I liked him since dad always said cool stuffs about him. Then...I finally met this handsome gentle man with a soft touch and my heart was captured. I fell for him right away. I really love him so much. I thought he loved me too...but... He doesn't. He only had hatred for me. I found out on our wedding night when he told me that he hates me. Guess what.... it's five years since we married and we don't even live like a couple. We are more like strangers. Don't speak to each other. It's putting me down. I still love him. I need your help"
  • "Wow! Quite sad. So tell me, when last did you two make out?
  • "We're you listening at all? first last time. I'm... I'm...still a virgin"
  • "You're what? You gotta be kidding me"
  • "No I'm not kidding you. He has never touched me. Never"
  • "And you're okay with it? That's the sweetness of marriage. You've got to fix your marriage real quick. It's about falling apart"
  • "Yeah I know. That's why I'm here"
  • "So...have you tried winning his heart ?
  • "Yeah. I tried real hard. Making his favourite dishes, paying him surprise visits at the office and tried to initiate funny conversations with him seems like neither of these are bringing us closer. In fact, it seems like he already caught on the idea behind it all, that I'm tryna make him fall for me. I'm really frustrated"
  • "Okay. You've tried your best to win his heart. Since winning his heart wasn't a success, we should do it the other way"
  • "What way?
  • "Aim for his soul"
  • "What? Aim for his soul? How? Kill him?
  • "C'mon. You're really funny. You failed to capture his hearts by using the right method but you can change the method and aim for his soul by taking him to another realm of life in the bedroom"
  • "Okay. What are you trying to say?
  • "Goodness...are you pretending not to understand or you're just dumb?
  • "Quite rude and harsh you know"
  • "My apologies. Now listen to me. What I'm about to disclose to you is the secret to a sweet marriage. You know men need three things in their lives. Food, true love and sex. If a man gets a lady who's a great cook, loves him and good in me... he'll never let go"
  • "For real? So, you're saying to capture my husband's soul, I have to make out with him? That's nice but it won't be possible. Trust me. He dislikes me and won't come close to me. We only hold hands during family events or when we attend parties. He won't do that. So it's not possible"
  • "And who said it's impossible? It's very possible, trust me. No guy can stand series of seduction and seeing his wife nakedness. No man"
  • "So...I should try seducing him and go naked...? No way. He'll murder me if I do so"
  • "Then...what if we make it look like he's at fault all the time for doing so. Like make it seem like he walked in on you while you are naked. I can swear... he'll definitely freeze and then... he'll get lost in your body"
  • "Wow! Sounds interesting. That's nice. I'm so in. Ready for anything. Just tell me the stuffs I have to do"
  • "That's the spirit. I like this spirit. Time to go 100% sexy and hot before him. Even if he doesn't fall In love with will be impossible for him not to get attracted to your body. No way. Trust me... he'll coming begging to have you in bed"
  • "I can't wait for that day Josephine"
  • "Same here. I just want you to have and enjoy a happy marriage"
  • "That's so kind of you. Nice coffee. I enjoyed everything. The warm reception, the coffee, the mind blowing advice from you and everything. It's so much fun hanging out with you. I just hope we could do this more often"
  • "Yes we can. Just give me a call and I'll be right there"
  • "Thanks. " Arianna smiled "I'll leave then. I have lots of stuffs to take care of"
  • "Sure. Don't think too much. Just put everything I said into practice, step by step"
  • "Yes I will . Take care then. It's such an honour meeting you"
  • "The pleasure is all mine. Take care missy...
  • "Mrs... I'll leave then"
  • Arianna left the office and shut the door behind her. She exhaled while she leaned against the door with her eyes close. This seems rather like a suicide mission which may Claim her life or things she holds dear. She left for her car, got in and shut the door.
  • "Gavin Hughs... I'm coming for you. I promise you.... you're gonna go crazy over me, really crazy"