Chapter 88
- The moment I stepped into the study after Nonno, I closed the door shut. What was I supposed to expect now? He sounded really angry. To be very honest, I couldn't remember when last Nonno spoke affectionately to me. He was either indifferent, or plainly angry. Lately, he had been indifferent. I guess this was the first time he was so mad at me again after several years. I looked at the man, expecting screams and threats, but was shocked to hear him say what he said next.
- "On your knees." The man stated so calmly. What?! I watched in shock as he walked to the seat behind my desk, and made himself comfortable. "I wouldn't repeat myself." Knowing better than to go against him, I went on my knees, feeling so humiliated in my current position. No one could really humiliate me this much. Not even my parents! To others, I was 'The Manuel Russo'. But to my Nonno and a certain stubborn lady, I was just Manuel or the 'infuriating bastard'. I was shocked that he wasn't saying anything else. I remained in my position and minutes turned into hours. My body was used to so much exercise, so I was able to endure for a while. But then, I couldn't keep going at some point. My eyes remained fixed on the ticking clock in the study. I looked up to see his head leaned back on the headrest of his seat, with his eyes closed. Don't tell me this man slept off on me.