Chapter 60
- I was so excited when Mr Russo had informed me that Bianca was going to return today. Yes, the boss himself had told me. I'm sure the man was probably going to fire me from work the moment Bianca got back. I had the nerve to always go to his office, demanding to know when Bianca was gonna return from wherever he said she was. That was even what made it harder for me. I had no idea where she was! The first time I had stepped into his office to make an enquiry about Bianca was the fifth day after he returned from the conference, and I was still unable to reach her phone. I remember reaching out to her parents the day before, to know if she was okay, but was shocked to hear that Bianca hadn't been home for days. According to them, Mr Russo had reached out to them just once, to let them know she had misplaced her phone. But after that, he never answered their numerous calls or replied their many text messages. That was definitely when I had started suspecting something fishy. It was unlike me, because on a normal day, I wouldn't have mustered as much courage as it had taken me to walk up to Mr Russo's office the next day, and demand to know where he had taken my friend. I guess Bianca was making me go out of my way to do things I'd normally never do. In a way, I loved it. Mr Russo seemed to have been suprised at my guts, but I really didn't care. I just wanted to know if my only friend was safe. I may sound so normal now, but only God knows how scared and worried I had been for Bianca. The fact that I hadn't an idea of what was actually going on, only plagued me the more.
- During those weeks when I'd go crazy with the excessive work Ricardo would make me do, I would go for lunch, hoping that Bianca would suddenly appear at the table and threaten to bite Ricardo's head of his neck. Yeah, Ricardo ended up being my boss as speculated, and it hasn't been such a wonderful experience. He hardly spoke to me or made jest of me like he used to do. He had actually stopped doing so for a while, ever since Bianca had showed up at the Fernando's residence. But then, the great amount of work he made me do, only showed me that was his new way of bullying me. Sometimes, I would be so busy that I wouldn't be able to go out for lunch, but he'd suprise me by returning to the office and dropping my lunch on my desk. I guess that was what made me more confused. These days, I couldn't say for sure if he hated me or not. Why did he suddenly start bringing me lunch? It was more annoying because the more lunch he brought, the more work he assigned to me. Shit was crazy! Worse still, I was no longer in my former office, where I could interact with other workers, so I was always lonely. With the promotion, Ricardo was assigned a new office and as his assistant, I was made to move into the smaller office attached to his.