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Chapter 9

  • Two of the warriors clamped my hands together and chained them, while the others watched in anger. There was no trace of pity or mercy in their eyes or expression. Instead, it exuded resentment and fury. My parents were in tears, as they held each others. Dad trying to console mom was really painful to watch.
  • If anyone had ever told me a day like this would come, I would have called the person a blunt liar.
  • "Walk faster!" I heard one of the warriors yell at me with a hot slap that made my cheek burn in sharp pain. I tried soothing the pain with a palm-rub, but my hands were clasped together, making it impossible to do so and provoking the pain to hurt intensely.
  • They pulled me like a slave, and I was swung into the empty cart so hard that my head hit hard on the wall of it, which was built with hard wood. I felt numb as more pain coursed through my body, causing it to shiver. I started to cry, but lost all strength as the door of the cart was shut, leaving me in the dark and quiet surroundings, except for the clanking of the chain binding my wrist. Everywhere was distant and cold. I felt what it meant to be hated and rejected.
  • The pack that once treated me nice and lovely for being the child of one of the best pack hunters doesn't recognize me anymore. In their eyes, I could see nothing but raw hatred.
  • My parents seemed to be confused at the moment. They could only sit back and watch all this happen to me.
  • It is wasn't in their power to save me from this misery. And it was just so clear that I saved the vampire so the truth can't be hidden.
  • If only the villagers hadn't seen him leap into my room and leave treated with the bleeding all stopped.
  • There was really no lie my parent could tell to change the fact that I saved him, especially when the poison antidote was missing.
  • Slowly, I sat up, crying so hard as my lips quivered at the heavy thumping in my chest; my head wouldn't stop pounding and causing my eyes to hurt me intensely, especially with the hot tears searing their way down my cheeks.
  • My head leaned against the cart's wall, as the cart moved through the rough and rocky ground that caused my butt to hurt, while my head aches the more.
  • The past came taunting me once more, causing me to whimper in agony. I can't imagine how In the blink of an eye, the future I planned for myself came shattering right in front of me. Just when I thought it was going in a better direction.
  • Having a nice and caring parent, finding my mate as Torian, and having him show me attention and love was what I thought. He had also promised to take me to the Royal Pack house to see his parents, the Alpha and Luna, to introduce me as his Luna. He promised to love and protect me forever.
  • I can vividly remember those words from Torian's lips. He said it that night when I visited him, before the sex. Right before he had his way into me, he promised me a lot, and I had no choice but to give him my body, which he devoured pleasurably.
  • How would I know he is was just lying to get his way and boast among his friends.
  • Now, I am heading to the Royal Pack house, not like his Luna, but just like a slave who would be rejected by her mate. The most hurtful part was that I was passing through all this for a vampire man who was already out of my life; out of the pack, far away from me. He would never come back to see me. He would forget I ever existed and find his mate who would love him happily with him.
  • I was so dumb as to not think of this until it was too late.
  • Finally, the cart stopped, and my heart grew so heavy that I struggled to breathe. Every part of me trembled at the thought of what I would be facing inside there.
  • Just then, the door of the cart was opened, and I turned my gaze it, only to see those hateful glares of the warriors who seemed to resent me so deeply as if I had wronged them in the past.
  • "What are you waiting for, you cheap whore?" One of them growled, with contempt and disgust vivid in his tone and the way he stared at me.
  • "I'm not a whore!" I mumbled in irritation at his words as I crawled out with struggle since my hands were shackled, but someone gripped my hair that moment and yanked me out in such a way that I found myself falling heavily to the ground with my hair strained in a painful way that made me cry out.
  • "Shut your mouth!" His voice rumbled into my ears, and every part of me melted as I realized from the tone that it was Torian who pulled me that way.
  • "Torian!!!" I shrieked, and he pulled me up with a grip on my hair to look into his face, which had a disdainful expression.
  • "I keep hating you each time I remember our past and the fact that I am your mate. You disgust me!" He spat, and I quivered at the strain, searing my head at his pull on my hair.
  • "Please…. Please, st…op" my voice cracked and trembled, but he seemed to hate me more as his grip tightened, soaring my pain.
  • "Torian, stop staining your hands by touching her filthy body, please," someone chipped in, and I cornered my eyeballs to see his new girlfriend standing at the side with her hands folded as she scowled at me.
  • "I can't wait to reject her!" He gritted and tugged me away so hard that I landed on my butt on the rough ground, sending a sharp pain through me. I cried out again, coughing and panting as sweat covered my body and face, but no one cared about me. The guards pulled me roughly into the building while Torian's new mate laughed scornfully at me.
  • We got to the door of the Royal Palace, and my blood ran cold as I heard the angry voices inside. I wished the ground would open and swallow me so I wouldn't meet the torture and death coming, but instead of the ground swallowing me, the door was opened by one of the guards, and now I was faced with the deadly glares from everyone in there.
  • For the first time, I saw the Alpha, and it made my heart stop right inside my chest. He was such a huge and muscular man, with a scar on his face and tattoos on both heavy and rocky arms. I couldn't deny the striking resemblance with Torian.
  • His stare at me was so dangerous that I lost my ability to breath.
  • There were only three people sitting while the others were warriors standing: the Alpha, Luna, and the Beta without his mate.
  • At that moment, Torian also walked in with his girlfriend and they both took a chair beside the Alpha and Luna, sending their icy stares at me too.
  • "That's the bitch that saved the vampire!" Torian gritted, and I grimaced at him, wondering why he suddenly hated me so deeply. It was better if he only wanted me for sex; it was fine if he didn't like me for being nerdy and bookish, but what is it about this sudden resentment that makes him want my death?
  • "So it is all true?" I heard someone else growl from the side, and I turned to see that he was the Beta. From his scent, I knew who he was. It made me hate him, knowing he was the father of that lady who took Torian from me. I can't believe I still think of Torian when my life is at stake.
  • "She is the daughter of our best pack hunters, yet she decided to betray her pack! Hey, why did you do it?" The Luna asked with a deep frown.
  • "I don't know what happened, he...."
  • "She is an obsessed freak, mom!" Torian chipped in, and I flicked my teary eyes at him.
  • "Why did you rescue him?" The Alpha finally spoke out with the coldest voice I had ever heard in my life, and it chilled me to the core, especially at the trace of suspicion I noticed in his expression.
  • Just then, my parents and other pack hunters were ushered in, and they all took positions on the empty chairs there, facing me like strangers. Not even my parents acted like they had pity on me. I didn't equally expect any from them.
  • I had really done something so bad.
  • I turned at the Luna whose face was a bit calm.
  • "I thought he wasn't harmful. It was just out of pity; nothing else. " I cried, and the Alpha let out a brief chuckle, adjusting his robe. I saw the Beta also giggle evilly, and his daughter equally had a lopsided smile, which all made fear grip me.
  • "Call in the witch," the Alpha ordered, and my brows furrowed sharply at his statement as I peered at him confusedly.
  • "Why? Why call in a witch? " I asked immediately, and I saw the smirk on the Beta's face.
  • "You are scared the Alpha will find out the truth about why you saved that vampire, right?" Torian's new mate spoke out to me, and I darted my gaze to her, squinting my eyes as I tried to understand what she was talking about.