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Chapter 4

  • A few hours later, when Chan returned to the house she and her sisters shared along Bay View Avenue, the dilapidated house they had inherited from their father, she headed into the shower immediately because she felt stuffy and was sweating like a pig. She hadn’t yet gotten used to the hot weather here in Australia, which was so different from New Zealand.
  • She took her time, letting the cool water sprinkle on her as she thought about Grandma Su’s words. The woman had been right. She needed to move on. Yes, most of her loved ones had passed on, but that didn’t mean she should stop living her life. Just look at her childhood friends Alexandra, Ruby, Nikkita, Isabella, and Georgie. They were enjoying their lives, traveling around the world and doing new things. She, unlike them, hadn’t yet experienced what the world had to offer. Now, more than ever, she wanted to experience, taste, and feel everything.
  • She finally got out, wrapped herself in a fluffy white towel, and came to stand in front of the mirror. There, she stared at herself.
  • She had to chuckle, wondering what Grandma Su saw in her that made her say she was beautiful. Her hair was a mixture of ash brown and dark blond. Her eyes were brown, like the color of chestnuts. Her nose, well, there was nothing special about it. Grandma Su had said it was a beautiful nose, and Chan wondered how it could be a beautiful nose when it wasn’t the type of nose the current fashion favored. It wasn’t tall, small, and thin like most celebrities aspired to have with surgery. No, hers was slightly on the plump side, though she must admit it was quite elegant and pleasant to look at.
  • She quit examining herself and got dressed quickly since she wanted to go to the Thursday night market along the beach. She’d missed out last week because Dara and Soriya had insisted on doing a grand dinner to celebrate Dara’s first paycheck. She must admit it had been pleasant, and she’d enjoyed it.
  • Because it was so hot today, she wore a short floral dress. She had her long hair down, unbrushed and still wet. It was her habit, since brushing while still wet usually broke the strands. And last but not least, she put on her makeup, light and neutral, and then headed out.
  • The sun was just about to set when she got to the market, and there were people everywhere. Soon, she lost herself in the enthusiastic, entertaining sight before her and simply enjoyed herself. Now and again, she lifted the camera and took photos.
  • She was hovering over some posters of anime in one of the stalls when a bunch of Japanese tourists rushed in. Chan knew she needed to get out because they sounded excited, pointing and marveling at the posters of manga and anime that had been translated to English as they recognized famous works of art by their favorite mangakas. She didn’t get out quickly enough and found herself being shoved, throwing her off-balance.
  • Oomph! She collided against a masculine body. Heat rushed to her face as she felt the strength of a man cushioning her with his body. Strong hands gently touched her, and instantly, a delicious sensation rushed through her. She sucked in her breath and felt just a little bit lightheaded.
  • Embarrassed at her own reactions to this stranger, she straightened up. She knew she was blushing and behaving like an idiot and so refused to look at him.
  • “Sorry,” she muttered under her breath and quickly rushed away.
  • She still felt his gaze hot on her, and in response, her hands trembled. What is wrong with me? she wondered. She took a deep breath and decided she needed something to do to get her mind off the man. She picked up her camera and started taking photos again. That was when she saw a crowd ahead of her, cheering and laughing excitedly that it was contagious.
  • “There are monkeys performing!” One of the boys ran past her, nearly throwing her off-balance. He was followed by a string of his friends. Luckily, she moved back just in time before they could bowl her over.
  • Chan chuckled at their enthusiasm and began to click the camera away as they ran, taking shots of them mid-action.
  • “Daddy! Daddy! I want to see!” a sweet little voice begged behind Chan.
  • Even this little girl was interested. And why not? It’d be entertaining.
  • Chan followed the boys to the crowd, and not long after, begged her way to the front where some of the boys positioned themselves. In what appeared to be the center of the stage, two monkeys wearing clown costumes were performing some cool tricks. It was hilarious and cute to say the least. Chan kept taking photo after photo.
  • Suddenly, she felt a small being pushing herself against her legs.
  • “I can’t see! I can’t see!” the little voice muttered.
  • Chan heard a male chuckle, which was followed by, “Lilly, sweetheart, be careful.” The voice was deep and resonant.
  • Not a moment later, the little girl named Lilly appeared beside her. She was a small thing, wearing a pink sundress and her dark hair tied with a pink ribbon. She was struggling to stay in her claimed position because the boys behind her were too excited about the monkeys doing some fantastic kung fu moves to stay still. Chan noted she was beginning to get a bit upset about the whole thing, and when she nearly fell forward, Chan caught her in time before she hit the concrete.
  • Chan pulled Lilly into her arms, her heart hammering in her chest. “Are you all right?” she asked.
  • The little girl tightened her grip on Chan. “I nearly fell,” she said, looking up, frightened.
  • Good Lord! The child was a pretty little thing, with rich black hair and dark-brown eyes. She was going to grow into a heartbreaker.
  • “Why don’t you stand there?” Chan said, positioning Lilly in front of her so the boys wouldn’t push her about.
  • “Thanks,” Lilly said, grinning.