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Chapter 37

  • Lilly’s birthday party went great, starting from lunch until well after dinner in the evening. Drinks and food flowed freely as both adults and children enjoyed themselves tremendously. Chan was indeed happy she was a part of the celebration.
  • Of course, as with any party, the people who helped out would always be tired by the end of the day, and this rang true for Chan. She and her sisters had been at Sam’s house at nine that morning and had helped out ever since. It was well after dinner; Lilly had blown out her seven candles and had opened all of her presents. The cake had been cut and shared, and now all there was for Chan to do was go home.
  • Her dear friends, Alex and Ruby, and their respective partners had left straight after dinner, as they had an early start tomorrow. Alex, her husband Jayden, and their baby boy Andy were flying back to America, while Ruby and her fiancé Alec were returning to England. Chan hugged her friends goodbye, while Dara and Soriya sadly kissed Andy, promising the toddler they’d see him again at Ruby and Alec’s wedding.
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