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Chapter 7

  • /Samantha/
  • "You're exhausted." "I'll fetch the light," Henry remarked as he tossed the nearly finished ice creams into the bin. As he turned off the ceiling lights, I switched on the bedside light. I stood there watching him return to the bed and climb in beside me. He was stunning both on the inside and out. I'd been missing him terribly. He placed his arms around me and pulled me to his chest while I turned over so he could go in. We were both resting on our sides, bodies touching, on our sides facing each other. He was staring at me once more.
  • "What's the matter?" I inquired quietly. I could tell he wanted to tell me something because I knew him so well.
  • He moved his face closer to me and murmured, "About that bet earlier."
  • My heart began to race. I'd completely forgotten about the wager! Isn't it true that he didn't want me to kiss him? His warm, sweet breath was blowing across my face.
  • “Yeah?” Nervously, I croaked. I didn't know what I'd do if he kissed me. We never back out of a wager, and he came out on top fairly and squarely. If the outcome had been different, he would have kissed anybody I choose.
  • "I want to claim my trophy," he said quietly as he rolled forward slightly, trapping me to the bed with his chest crushed against mine.
  • "What the hell, Henry?" I exclaimed, but he was already leaning in closer. I became immobile; I had no idea what to do, so I did nothing.
  • His lips brushed against mine so lightly that I didn't even notice. He took a step back to give me another look. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" I whimpered as he whispered huskily, his voice sounded so sensual.
  • "Do you want to bet?" Still perplexed, I inquired. In the first place, why would he want to kiss me? He nodded, a sad expression on his face for some reason. "Umm.... okay,"
  • He brought his lips to mine as soon as the words left my mouth, kissing me lovingly and passionately. And, oh my God, that was wonderful. His warm lips pressed into mine, igniting my entire body. I opened my mouth, hungry for more, as he trailed his tongue down my bottom lip. I felt his tongue slide inside my mouth and softly touch it. I couldn't stop myself from moaning into his mouth because he tasted so good. This was the first time I'd ever been kissed like this. I'd kissed a couple guys before, but this was something altogether different.
  • I raised my arms and wrapped them around his neck, my hands tangled in his hair, attempting to draw him closer to me. My body began to tingle as he made a small moaning sound in the back of his throat. After pulling away, he kissed me along my jaw line and down my neck, making me gasp once more. He returned to my mouth, and I kissed him ferociously, as if I could eat his soul. His hand snaked up my leg to rest on my hip, then slid under my top to trail his fingertips across my stomach and sides. My entire body was vibrating with a burning yearning that I couldn't explain.
  • It finally dawned on me what I was doing as his fingers sank into my hip. Henry was the one! I was having an affair with Henry! He had his hand down my shirt! Henry, my best friend, was the one who called. I had no idea where I was headed. I didn't think I liked him like that, did I? I yanked my hands out of his hair with reluctance. I pressed them against his chest and gave him a gentle push.
  • He took a few steps back to gaze at me for a few seconds before taking a big breath and rising to his feet. "Samantha, please accept my apologies. "Please accept my heartfelt apologies." He moaned and covered his face with his hands. He appeared to be really upset. I stretched out to pull his hands away from his face with my hand. I didn't like it when he kept his feelings hidden from me; we talked about everything and there were no secrets between us. I needed to know what was going on.
  • "What was that, Henry?" What were you thinking when you did that? Not because it wasn't good... because it was... but... what?" I was perplexed and embarrassed as I stammered. I could feel the blush on my cheeks and silently wished that only the bedside light was turned on so that it wouldn't be too visible.
  • He inhaled deeply. "I'm not sure." That was a mistake on my part. I'm so sorry, please forgive me," he cried, his face contorted with dread.
  • What was up with his scared expression? Was I a lousy kisser, oh my God? Is it possible that I'm so unattractive to him that he's shocked that he's just kissed me? I was immediately concerned that this might jeopardize our friendship.
  • "Don't worry about it, Henry. But it shouldn't have happened in the first place, so let's just leave it at that. I mean, I don't want things between us to change, do you? I couldn't lose you, you're my closest friend in the entire world," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.
  • He drew me up close and let me cry on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and said, "I couldn't lose you either, Samantha Bear."
  • I took a step back to look at him, my best friend, my angel, the man I needed in my life for the rest of my life. "Let's just pretend this never happened," I made a suggestion.
  • He wiped my tears away and smiled a slight sad grin at me. "All right, Samantha Bear," I say. With his arm over the crook of my neck, he moved and settled down onto his back, pulling me close to his side. He leaned over and switched off the lamp.
  • I tried to relax myself by burying my face in his chest and inhaling his lovely scent. Hormones were coursing through my veins. A part of me wanted to seize him and kiss him again, to run my hands over his flawless body, to strip him naked and run my tongue over every inch of him. But the other part of me, the rational side, was asking me to close my eyes and go to sleep, and to forget about it in the morning. I finally dozed off to sleep in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, after what felt like an eternity of fighting my body's cravings.
  • The first thing I saw when I opened my drowsy eyes in the morning was him staring at me. He appeared to be exhausted. With my finger, I traced the black circle beneath his eye. "Did you have a restless night?" I inquired, attempting to ignore the part of me that wanted to climb on him and kiss him again. I had no idea what had happened to me, but instead of viewing Henry as my best buddy and the silly kid with whom I used to make mud pies, I could instantly see his attraction to other ladies.
  • He gave a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Not at all. "I was a tad concerned."
  • “Worried? I mocked, laughing wildly, "That movie scared you, didn't it?"
  • He tickled me and chuckled, making me squirm. "It didn't frighten me at all, Samantha Bear." He said, suddenly appearing sorrowful again, "You were the one whimpering and talking in your sleep all night."
  • "Whimpering and talking?" I inquired, perplexed. I remembered the dream I'd been having all night. It was about Henry; he'd claimed he couldn't be my buddy any more, then turned and ran away, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep up. I shook my head, attempting to clear my thoughts. What had I muttered in my sleep, anyway?
  • Henry gently moved my hair back from my face. "You insisted on stating everything was wrecked. "You continued calling for me and crying," he said quietly, his arm tightening around my waist. I couldn't say anything since I couldn't speak. "Have I damaged everything, Samantha?" Please tell me we can forget about what happened last night," he pleaded, his gaze fixed on me.
  • I tried to smile while nodding. I'd forget about it, I'd make myself forget about it. I couldn't let Henry go since I loved him so much. "Of sure, Henry, we can." Why don't you return to your sleep? "We can forego the run today and spend an additional hour in bed," I said, my head resting on his chest again. I noticed he had his eyes closed and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth when I heard him sigh contentedly.
  • The following few days were a touch tense. Henry didn't contact me much, didn't put his arm around my shoulder, and didn't grasp my hand in the way that he usually did. It was strange, and I really missed his interaction. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to offend anyone, so I just went with it.
  • By Friday, I couldn't stand it any longer; the lack of contact was beginning to wear me down. I was walking to class with Susan, and although I hadn't told her about what had happened between Henry and me, she had observed that we were acting strangely around each other. I noticed him approaching me with Jerry and moved in front of him, forcing him to come to a halt.