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Chapter 7 Running

  • Soon, we reach the tarmac, and Mikael stops a container truck. After a few minutes of discussing it with the driver, he returns.
  • "Go to the embassy," he tells the girls as we help them in the truck and close the container once they are all in, but leaves space enough for air.
  • Mikael grabs my arm and takes me to the passenger seat.
  • "Get in, but don't go with them," he says; I glance at him stupefied. I still needed to make sure the girls were all safe before I could leave.
  • " If you are spotted, they will take you back to Mario. Have you forgotten he's a politician now?" he reminds me, and I nod. He's right; if I reach the government, he will know about it.
  • "But how about the girls?" I ask, concerned.
  • "They will take them back to their countries. Mario won't get involved in this; he wants to be governor so badly," he tells me, opening the door.
  • "And one thing, keep the bracelet safe for me. It's imperative to my Clan," he whispers. Clan, what was that?
  • "Then why did you take it? Why would you give them if it's as important as you say?" I ask curiously. His eyes darken, and I gasp.
  • "I was going to give it back to the rightful owner once I got what I wanted from Tai," he growls as he closes the door. Mikael might have helped, but I don't trust him. My eyes dart to the beautiful bracelet in my bag, and I sigh.
  • " How will you find me?" I ask, raising my gaze to him, but he is gone like the wind. The driver looks oblivious to whatever is going on and drives.
  • Soon, more vehicles appeared on the road as we approached the city, and the driver stopped.
  • "Get off," He orders.
  • I do that quickly and run into the woods, knowing Mario's people won't find me.
  • The sun is coming out now. I keep heading North to the airport.
  • I have been running for what feels like forever, and my fucking legs hurt.
  • Almost there, I put my hood over my head and held my backbag with essentials tighter,
  • Mikael said I needed a plane ticket to Crescent Stone City, where they would not find it.
  • Reaching a town near the airport, I find a pawnshop and sell my jewelry to the owner. It is quite a lot of money, actually, but I could get more considering the worth of the jewelry.
  • I go to the airport and buy a ticket to Crescent Stone City. However, the only available time is in three hours. Luck isn't on my side when I notice members from Mario's cartel, no doubt looking for me. I need to hide.
  • I crouch and hide in my seat. However, I can't hide long before they find me, so I slowly go to another space.
  • I check my time and sigh in disappointment. As I walk to find a place to hide, I hit a wall and fall on my ass.
  • " Watch where you're going, sweetheart," a deep, sexy voice says. I look up to meet the most handsome man I've ever met.
  • He is a very tall man with tan skin and broad shoulders. However, his green eyes have captivated me. They are looking at me intently. My breath jolts. He extends his hand towards me, and I take it slowly, snapping out of the daze. Tingles rush through my arm, and a warm sensation enters my body. The man's handsome face shows no emotions. Am I the only one who feels that static?
  • He helps me to my feet, and I apologize,
  • " I'm sorry for bumping into you," I say, my voice unrecognizable to my ears.
  • "Clearly," he points at his broken laptop. It must have fallen out of his hands when I bumped into him.
  • "I am... sorry," I hesitate, not knowing what to say. I bet there were essential things on it. He looks at his wristwatch and walks past me like I am invisible,
  • "Jeremy!" he yells.
  • I keep watching the man as he walks, still in awe of him. He turns into a secluded area. I noticed he left a white handkerchief on the floor. I pick it up and inspect it. It has two letters sewed into it: N.W. Deciding to take it to him, I follow where he disappeared.
  • He went into a private airfield. It is calm and nicer, and impressive private planes are not far away. I go through the gate. However, when I take another step, someone grabs my hand, and my heart sinks to my stomach. For a moment, time stops. They found me.
  • " What are you doing here? It is a private area!" an annoying female voice sneered. I finally lifted my gaze and realized it was a staff member who had grabbed me.
  • The tall woman in a short, pretty dress looks at me disgusted, and I feel self-conscious about my appearance. She probably thinks I'm homeless with my baggy clothes.
  • " You shouldn't be here!" she is pushing me, but I don't budge, my gaze trying to find that man I bumped into.
  • " I'm looking for someone who came in here," I say calmly. She snorts.
  • " You know someone in this area. I doubt that. Now leave," she orders.
  • "What's going on?" someone asks. I turn my neck to look at the boy who spoke. He looks no older than seventeen years old. He's tall with sharp features, and his black hair is arranged neatly in corn rows. He looks like a younger version of the man I bumped into.
  • The boy's blue eyes fall on me, and a smile appears on his handsome face. I can't help but smile, too. His smile is contagious.
  • " Hello, pretty lady," he says. The woman who is holding me, smiles and bows.
  • " Sir,"
  • However, the boy ignores him and looks at me.
  • " Unhand her," he orders. The rude lady obliges immediately and bows again. She is acting so strange.
  • " I'm sorry, Mr Wulfric. I didn't know you knew her," the woman says. The boy opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt.
  • " Yes, he knows me! " I chirp. They both look confused, and the woman raises her perfect eyebrow.
  • " What is your relationship with him?" she asks, not believing me.
  • " I'm his sister-in-law," I say casually. The boy coughs, but I give him begging eyes.
  • " You are Mr. Wulfric's wife?" she asks hesitantly, looking at the boy. I nod with a confident smile. The boy backs me,
  • " Yes, she's my sister-in-law," he says. The woman looks mortified and bows to me.
  • " Forgive me, ma'am. I didn't know. Please don't fire me," she begs me. I sigh and nod my head.
  • " It's alright. Mistakes happen; go back to your post," I order, and she hurries away.
  • "Sister-in-law?" an amused voice says.
  • " I'm sorry about that. I'm just hiding from some people and wanted to sit here until my boarding time," I explain. He nods and suddenly holds my hand,
  • " Follow me," he says.
  • " No, I can sit here," I point, but he shakes his head and walks.
  • " Where are we going?" I ask.
  • " To your husband," he answers calmly.
  • " No, he's not really my husband!"
  • The boy ignores me, holding my hand tighter so I don't escape.
  • "Nik!" he calls fondly as we approach one of the larger planes. My heart is palpitating in my chest, and I'm sweating. The man I met earlier turns to us. For a moment, he looks disarmed when he sees me.
  • He ignores me and looks at the boy.
  • "Jeremy, you're late. I've been waiting for over ten minutes," he says, his voice monotone. So the boy's name is Jeremy. It suits him.
  • "Be glad I'm late. Look who I found," Jeremy grins.
  • "The woman who destroyed my laptop?" Nik says with a slight glare.
  • " No, I found your wife," He announces, amused. "Brother, you should have told us that you secretly tied the knot,"