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Chapter 6 Leaving

  • Coming out of the shower, Mario approaches me, smiling and trying to kiss me, but I push him with all my strength. He looks shocked and marches towards me, smacking me across the face.
  • "Don't ever-" Before he can finish a sentence, I raise my dagger in the air and bring it forcefully down his neck. Mario gasps as blood pours from my cut. I don't remove the dagger; I slide it down.
  • "Bitch," He hisses, blood splattering from his mouth. I sit on the edge of the bed, enjoying as he thrashes on the ground, trying to get help, but it's futile; he's getting weak.
  • A sense of comfort washes over me, knowing that he is suffering. It is not nearly enough. This bastard deserves excellent suffering.
  • I get up from the edge and wallop him across his face. Anger bubbles in me, and I hit and kicked him over and over again. He groans and begs me to stop in a weak voice, but all I feel is pain.
  • " Stop," he says in a weak voice.
  • I need to escape; if his men find him like this, they'll surely kill me.
  • I grab a bag and pack all my jewelry since I need the safe's code, which I don't have.
  • I grab some cash from his wallet, put on jeans and a tank, and throw on a hoodie.
  • Mario is still grunting in pain and covered in his blood.
  • "You deserve this, you bastard," I sneer, checking his pockets for the bracelet. I find it. It's a pretty one with different creatures; I only recognize a dragon and a wolf. The others are strange. It has encryption on it, too.
  • Getting one of Mario's phones, I dial Troy's number.
  • "Boss,"
  • "It's me, come to my room. Mario is dead, I think,"
  • In less than five minutes, he's here. Troy frowns, looking at his boss, but I only smirk.
  • "Are you alright?"
  • "Yes," I hug him. "We have to leave this place," He pulls away and cups my face.
  • "I can't leave. I need to keep you safe, and the only way to do that is for me to stay here,"
  • Tears well in my eyes, and I shake my head. I can't survive out there on my own.
  • "I'm not strong enough," I cry.
  • "You are a tenacious woman, Ava, that's why I know you will leave,"
  • He kisses my forehead and looks into my eyes.
  • "You will be okay, say it,"
  • "I... I... will be okay," he says, making me repeat the words until I believe them: I shall live and have a beautiful life. I will survive.
  • "But where do I go?" I ask. Troy gave me a compass and a map and showed me secret routes out of the Estate. I hope to remember all this information.
  • "Okay, let go, you two," Mikael has appeared at the door. He scowls, looks at Mario, and hits him with his leg.
  • "You didn't kill him, human," He hisses.
  • I glance at Troy, who nods, and I follow Mikael to the balcony.
  • "Ava, you'll go to Crescent City; you'll be safe there," Mikael informs me.
  • "Where is that? I don't know anyone there,"
  • "Even better! It's the last place on earth the Cartel will look, and it is not your average city," he winks, and I roll my eyes.
  • The boys helped me climb down carefully without a hassle, and then Troy. I didn't see Mikael climb down, but he just appeared in front of me as if he teleported.
  • "How did you get down so fast,"
  • "Just like my city, I'm not average, Mario's woman,"
  • "I'm not that monster's woman!" I refute.
  • "Whose woman are you, then? Don't tell me you want me," he amusedly says. I groan and go to Troy, who is looking around the area—my gaze darts to the cottage.
  • "Where is my bracelet?" Mikael asks,
  • "I didn't get it," I lie. Mikael is beside me in a flash, smiling creepily at me.
  • "Don't lie to me." The way his eyes change scares me, so I remove it and give it to him.
  • "Good girl,"
  • "You owe me," I remind.
  • "Ask away,"
  • "I want to help those girls in the cottage escape," The girls in that cottage have been through enough torture and needed their freedom, too.
  • Mikael rolls his eyes, assessing the cottage.
  • "Ah, weakling human," He exhales. He can not refuse me.
  • "Why are you helping us," I ask. Mikael doesn't look like the type to do things out of the kindness of his heart.
  • "I hate Mario," He answers, going to the cottage. That makes sense.
  • "Clear," Troy whispers, taking out two guards and getting their guns.
  • "Stay here," Troy says and runs to the area around Mikael. I scream as a man's body lands at my feet. I run to them and sigh. Troy again finds a place for me to hide while they care for the guards.
  • After a few minutes, the boys return and break down the cottage door.
  • I go inside, and my heart clutches at the sight of the girls; they are holding each other and crying.
  • "It's okay, we are here to help," I tell them with a smile. They don't trust me.
  • "let's go," Comes Troy's voice. The girls look hesitant.
  • Mikael pulls out a gun, scaring them.
  • "We are fucking trying to help! Now, get the fuck up," He orders, the girls whimper and stand up, coming behind me.
  • "Enough, Mikael, you're scaring them," I say.
  • We leave the Estate after dodging patrolling men. It's a good thing Mikael and Troy are here to guide us. In an hour, Troy returns before they can notice he is missing.
  • I give him a long hug before letting him go.
  • "I'll find you okay. Do you care for yourself for now," he says, cupping my cheeks.
  • "You too, T," I sniff, tears filling my eyes.
  • "Enough with the sentiments," Mikael groans, pulling us apart.
  • Slowly, I follow behind Mikael while the girls follow me. I glance back at Troy and wave. He smiles sadly before turning to walk back.
  • See you soon, my friend.