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Chapter 5 Mikael

  • It had been two weeks later, after the branding, but I was still in pain from the wound. A nurse cleaned it once a day, and it hurt like hell. I cried so much.
  • Mario seldom showed his face to me. When he did, he would bring me jewelry or flowers, but I threw them away. The last he came, he scratched it in a fury and pushed me against the floor.
  • The nurse had just left after cleaning my wound. I was lying on the bed, my upper torso bare. There is a soft knock on the door, but I don't bother to answer it. The door opens, and Troy walks in.
  • " Ava, how do you feel?" he asks, but a tear rolls down my face, and he wipes it away from his thumb. He sits on the edge of the bed, and a smile appears on his lips.
  • " Ava, you are getting out this Friday,' Troy says, and I raise my eyes to meet his.
  • " W- what?"
  • he nods bravely and explains the plan to me, but I don't listen. I can't believe I'm getting out.
  • " I'll be seeing Mama," I whisper happily. However, Troy frowns and shakes his head.
  • "You can't see her," Troy says in a sympathetic tone.
  • Why can't I see my mother after being separated from her for four years? She's the only one who can keep me safe from Mario, her, and Leo.
  • " Why?"
  • " It's too dangerous. Once you leave, Marion will hunt you down and will wage war against anyone who aids you. We can't have Sela in danger," he finishes, and I nod in understanding.
  • The following days were uneventful for me, but Mario had women in a cottage and was keeping them for Tai. According to Troy, Tao wanted them to be used in China.
  • I was focused on healing so that nothing would hold me back when I escaped.
  • Friday was finally here, and I smiled. I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV, trying to kill off time, when I hear cars pull in. I go to stand by the window to see who has come.
  • Mario appears in my sight of the vision, wearing a suit. He looks good.
  • Three cars stop, and first, a tall man with ashen skin and red eyes walks out. After exchanging greetings with Mario, a tall and pretty woman walks out. I cringe when she locks lips with Mario. Tai is the one to separate them. The man with pale skin is arguing with Tai and the woman.
  • " I got it for you. Now tell me where she is," he screams in a hot accent. Tai smiles like the devil, enjoying his despair. The man takes menacing steps at him and chokes Tai.
  • " I can fucking end you right now."
  • "Mikael, calm the fuck down!" shouts the woman. Mikael throws Tai to the ground, reaches into his pocket, and gets a piece of jewelry. He gives it to Mario.
  • " I took that from my clan, and now Princess Aurora and her guards want my head. Come on, tell me where she is," Mikael sounds desperate.
  • "All in due time, my friend," Answers Mario. Confused about their conversation, I close the window and watch TV. However, I can't focus on anything else. I keep thinking about Mario's intense argument with that guy, Mikael. What is that all about?
  • I go to the window again, listening to their private conversation, but I make no sense of it.
  • "Cora... Call Alberto. Tell him we have the witch's bracelet." the witch's bracelet?
  • As if feeling my gaze on them, Mario looks at me for a long time, and I don't avoid contact.
  • It's almost 7 pm, and I'm sitting in front of the vanity table, brushing my hair when the door opens,
  • " Why aren't you ready for the party?" asks Marion, looking at the cream-white cocktail dress and nude heels on the bed.
  • " Not going," I answer, not bothering to look at him.
  • "Mi Chiquita, listen to me; I better find you ready when I come back," he orders and turns to leave, but something catches my eye—a silver gun in his belt.
  • " Mario, who killed my father?" I ask. He stops in his tracks but doesn't look at me. I know that gun; it was the one used to kill my father and Uncle. I will never forget it; it is unique and has some violet paint stains.
  • I remember vividly, hiding in the corner as we were attacked, two men came where my father and uncle were in the salon. First, they shot my uncle many times in the chest and then did the same to my father.
  • Before I could react, my mother closed my mouth, carefully taking me upstairs to their room."
  • flashback
  • "Mama," I cried. My mother shook her head, telling me to be strong.
  • "We are getting out of here, my brave girl. Some bad people are after us and will take you as payback, but it's okay. I won't let them," she assured me, packing money, jewelry, and documents in a large bag. I was crying, but she was strong. The door opened, and one of the guards walked in; he was covered in blood.
  • " Ma'am, it's time to leave. Our men are already waiting on the back roads,"
  • We left quietly, but we could still hear gunshots. After my father died,
  • It took months for us to pick up again; our new home was just as big as our old one, but it was so strange and depressing not having my father and uncle. Most of our relatives had died that night.
  • Three months later, Mom married Leo to empower us and keep me safe. Leon was in the same business and had a fearful reputation. Mom continued my father's illegal business and grew it. She rose to the top and made a name for herself. I was finally adjusting to my new routine when I was kidnapped.
  • " Mario, did you have my father killed? " I ask, my voice trembling. Mario is as still as a statue. His gaze fixated on me, and I choked up a sob, confirming my suspicions.
  • " why?" I whisper. He suddenly looks amused, and his lips curl into a cruel smirk as he answers,
  • " You,"
  • " Me?"
  • " Yes, Aviana. He refused to give you to me, even though I told him I loved you," he says. Mario was genuinely crazy, indeed. He killed so many because my father refused to give me to him. I clench my fist and glare at him. " Also, we had a business misconception."
  • Tears roll down my face. I'm suddenly numb.
  • " Shhh, don't cry. I hate seeing you this upset," he whispers, walking to me. I smack him across the face, and the impact of my slap makes him stagger. He touches his stinging cheek, and a smile appears on his lips.
  • " You want to play? Let us!"
  • He rips my shirt and throws me on the bed. He pulls down my skirt, making me scream in pain from the brand. I kick and thrash, but he manages to pin my arms over my head with one hand while he uses the other to remove his pants.
  • "Fuck, I like it when we fight," he says, and penetrates me. I stop moving as all the strength to fight him leaves me. He screams in frustration when I don't move but continues his brutal assault.
  • " I love you so much, baby," he whispers, kissing and pumping into me. The door suddenly opens, and Mario rolls off me, glaring at the intruder.
  • " Get out, Mikael" He orders, but Mikael ignores him and walks in.
  • "Where is she? I kept my end of the deal, and now I'm marked for death," growls Mikael; his eyes find me a moment, and he frowns.
  • "Tai's connection has the information you want; we'll contact him and arrange a meeting with him in a few weeks," snaps Mario.
  • " So, you all lied to me. You are only interested in your deal with the KILL, and I did your baiting. That bitch Cora, I'll deal with her," he sneers, his eyes flashing a dangerous color, and I thought I saw fangs, but I'm probably just hallucinating. I've been through so much to trust myself. However, I'm not hallucinating when I see Mikael lift Mario off the floor like he weighs nothing and throws him against the wall; Mario now looks scared and shocked.
  • " O—okay, okay, fine. I'll call him right now, and we can arrange a meeting tomorrow; you can stay here," Mario says agitatedly, trying to reason with him. It is the first time I've seen him so scared.
  • " Tomorrow by sunset, I should have what I need, or I'll drink from everyone on this estate, starting with this pretty little thing in your bed," he says with a sly smirk. I move away from him as he approaches the bed, shaking in fear.
  • " Don't touch her!" shouts Mario. However, Mikael extends his slender fingers and tips my chin while looking at Mario. His touch is cold, and a shiver goes down my body.
  • " I've touched her. What are you going to do?" Mikael asks.
  • " Mikael," Mario warns. Mikael smiles, a tight-lipped one, and steps back, his gaze still on me.
  • " I'll be downstairs; you should freshen up. The guests are waiting for their host," Mikael says and leaves the room swiftly. Mario's gaze goes to me, and he rushes to the bathroom. Mikael is back as soon as the door closes. I almost scream but don't.
  • " Good girl," he says.
  • As handsome as Mikael is, he's terrifying and creepy. He crouches down and puts something in my hand.
  • " I know your plan, and I want to help you, Aviana Tasaro," his voice is low, calm, but confident. Did he know Troy? How does he know the plan?
  • " When I touched you, I used a trick to learn your plan. Don't bother trying to understand; you won't, sweetheart," he says. And just like that, I stop trying to understand what is happening.
  • " T- Troy,"
  • " He won't be able to get you out without my help. Now, let me," he says, and I nod.
  • " However, I have a favor to ask of you,"
  • " What is it?"
  • " That dagger I put in your hands, use it to avenge all the scars he gave you and everything he did to your family. When you do, reach his pocket, and get a bracelet from there. Keep it safe for me,"
  • I nod, and he seems impressed by the immediate answer. I just want my chance to hurt Mario as badly as he hurt me.