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Chapter 4 You The Odd Man Out

  • The room that l was dragged in just had a bed and a tiny square window with metal bars. Another empty bed was on top of mine. Weak and exhausted, l just collapsed down on the bed.
  • The door soon creaked open . l quickly turned my eyes towards it with my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't want to be dragged anywhere else. Just as l was waiting , a girl quickly entered and closed the door behind her rapidly as if she didn't want to get caught . She was hiding something under her apron.
  • She breathed out when her eyes met mine. " You the new slave , right ?", She asked while ruffling under her apron. Not interested, l just ignored her. "Huh! It's fine if you don't want to talk", She shrugged her shoulders then got a crumble piece of bread and a slice of cheese. "We not allowed to bring food in here but I managed to sneak this in , figured you will be hungry", She murmured a bit faster then handed it to me.
  • "Am not hungry", l croaked. "Oh .... ", she looked disappointed for a second but then she boldly plopped down on the bed l was laying on. " More for me then", She took a big bite before she looked up at me. "The name is Rhea", She said those words muffled by the food. " Are you a human ?", I simply inquired and she snorted instantly spitting some pieces of food on the bed.
  • "If l was a she wolf, l wouldn't be living down here", She kicked an imaginary bucket with her foot in disgust at the room. " Shifters stay in the upper floors in big beautiful rooms", she looked displeased by her current situation but she smiled nonetheless. " Rumors are everywhere that a slave who had a miscarriage has been brought , most of us were kidnapped while still virgins",Her words made tears to brim in my red swollen eyes.
  • Right l had miscarriage but I wasn't that old. I was forcefully married to Jack at a very young age. I didn't love him at first but Amanda my best friend kept telling me that the baby is he alk wanted. "Why am I here then?", I asked in a croaky voice. I wasn't a virgin , then why l was brought by their boss.
  • "Other slaves are asking themselves that too", She murmured then stood up. "It's so strange and you the only one", She continued. My lower lip tingled at that. I just wanted to cry again. I was the odd man out. " That's all for now, we are up early , nothing is easy here , if you do want to be fed , you do have to do everything they instruct you", she sneered out. I still didn't respond her at that.
  • "Have a good night", She started climbing upstairs to her bed. " Wait", l called out lastly. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. " Where.. can l wash myself ... I stink", l stuttered with tears brimming again in my eyes. "Huh! That can't happen right now", She shrugged her shoulders then climbed the tiny ladder leading to her bed. "Okay , am Zoey anyway", I said understanding the situation.
  • " Okay good night Zoey, l wanna sleep early", I heard her jump into her mattress and the bed shook from the wall. I stayed still as rock before l felt my vision blur as the tears dribbled down. I just didn't know how my fate changed so quickly. Living in a situation like this was something I had never imagined. I now had no one in my life. I was a slave now. I glanced towards the door and wanted to bolt out but l knew it that it was a waste of time to even think about it.
  • I had no where to run to. Helpless and puzzled , I turned towards the pillow then laid back down on the hard mattress. Through out the next minutes, l cried and cried while recalling every moment l had with Amanda. At the end she decided to betray me.
  • ***
  • The bed sheet was snatched from my body making me shudder. " Wake up , wake up Zoey ", She screamed way to loud for my liking. My eyes took so long to open and notice it was already morning. I didn't even remember falling asleep. With no word said ,I sat up on the bed . I was feeling dizzy and my stomach pain was lingering.
  • "Am warning you Zoey", She started when l failed to sit up. "If you don't get up before else does , nothing will go well for you , you the one who said that you want to shower ,we can only use the bathroom when other slaves are asleep",she said and at that l forced myself up. "Unfortunately I currently have no cloth",She went on.
  • "It's fine", l said in a low voice as l stood up. I didn't only have stomach pain but also every muscle in my body twitched in pain . The bones in my back cracked and a faint pang hammered inside of me. I was so hungry.
  • " Why did you end up here?", I asked curious. " Ask less questions if you want to bathe", She responded before opening up the door. I walked behind her quickly trying to keep up. " Let me explain quickly so that you don't get into trouble", She said as we walked in the stone hallway. "Am listening", l said in a soft voice.
  • "We do works that maids can't do , it's all unexplainable but just know that if you want peace do whatever anyone instructs you",She mumbled. "What is the work that maids can't do?", I asked in curiosity. "We sweep , scrub , clean trenches and mop in every room...", She explained then paused.
  • Before l could say anything, fear covered up her face. "Beta Henry is coming , he is here for you", She said in a frightened voice. "Zoey Martinez", l heard a deep voice behind me. "I haven't bathed", l said almost on verge of tears. "Sorry", That's all she said before she walked away from me.