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Chapter 8 The Club

  • Nina and Ezra stepped into the club known as 'the wolf's club'. The insides were illuminated with dim lights of red, blue and purple. Calm music played as opposed to what she had expected from a club. Well, there were only a few people dancing. Most people sat in corners drinking, involving in little chats, wildly making out, and not caring a bit that they were in public. It was more of a brothel than a club. Anyway that was nothing new in the world of werewolves.
  • "Why did you bring me here?" Nina asked out of curiosity.
  • "This is where I like to spend my time, and clear my head." He greeted the people that recognized him, as the others were too lost in their carnal pleasure.
  • "Do you... You know get involved in..."
  • Ezra chuckled. "Of course. That is why I come here." He watched her reaction, and he noticed her frown. Perhaps she was displeased by the knowledge. "You don't like me doing that?"
  • "You can do whatever you like, Alpha." She responded dryly.
  • "When you see me with a woman, doing 'whatever I like', I hope you will not complain." He then took her to the VIP section, which happened to be empty. "And yes, women will come to me here. You know I didn't tell a lot of people that I am married, no one knows you. Besides some people here are humans."
  • Was he trying to make her jealous?
  • The VIP section was enclosed with velvet curtains, but with a section to see what was going on outside of it. It was also elevated, so they had to climb a few stairs. Ezra began to climb, and Nina followed. This was one very crazy husband she had married.
  • "Do you drink?" Ezra asked her once they were seated.
  • "Yes." She could almost see the entire club from up there, and it had a more beautiful glow. It was as if the people outside couldn't see them.
  • "We like to have fun in this pack. I don't know how it is in yours, but you better get used to the new way." Soon a bartender came, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses on a silver tray. She guessed that they must have communicated through the mind link.
  • "Where is your phone?" Ezra then asked her. Since he met her, he never saw her on her phone.
  • "My parents took it. They think I might reveal the pack secret and give evidences with it. Pathetic."
  • Ezra laughed. "That is indeed pathetic."
  • The bartender placed the tray in front of them, before quietly. Ezra popped the bottle and poured some in her glass before filling his own.
  • "Would you mind telling me about Alpha Jake? The mate that rejected you. Why are you afraid of him?"
  • Nina just downed the whole glass of wine as he asked the question, and she poured herself more.
  • "You will have to drink this a little more slowly. You might get too intoxicated."
  • "I plan to get very intoxicated actually. Maybe escape reality for a few hours." She took a gulp of the wine again.
  • "Do you intend answering the question I asked?"
  • "If you had noticed, I hate talking about him."
  • "I know. But you could be in danger with this man around. Do you have any idea what he wants with you? He didn't just come to our pack for nothing. That was a threat. I already sent out some of my men to spy on him, but they haven't gotten anything reasonable. So please open up." She was surprised at the desperation he used to ask. Did he want to protect her that bad? Or was something else involved?
  • "I am not scared of him per say. I am only afraid of what he did to me. Seeing him makes me remember. We are not humans that could just suffer through heart break with no pains. I liked him, I fell for him. Maybe it was the mate bond working, but I knew that I was so much attached to him. He rejected me after he found out about my parents debts, and how they were trying to push us both into marriage. But it broke me. The physical pain was unbearable. I couldn't eat or drink for days, maybe even weeks. I almost died of starvation and thirst. I lost my ability to heal fast like normal werewolves, I could no longer hear or smell far. I lost my speed and strength. Then my parents hated me more than they already did."
  • Ezra was surprised at her outburst. He had heard stories about rejected mates, and he knew that it hurt badly. It was something no werewolf would like to experience, but seeing her tell him about it, the emotions in her voice, the sadness in her eyes... He felt his own wolf stir, wanting to protect her from all of those, even though she wasn't his mate.
  • "I am sorry that happened to you, Nina. And if he tries to hurt you again, I will come for him."
  • "Why? Not like you really care for my safety. I am just the wife you got at random."
  • "You belong to the Midnight howlers pack now, and we protect our own."
  • Nina suddenly lauged. Then she downed her glass again. She reached for the bottle, but Ezra withheld it. "That's enough wine for today. I haven't even drank much, and you have almost finished everything."
  • "Order another."
  • Just then, two girls in lingeries began to climb up their section. Nina saw them, and she turned to Ezra. "It seems your girls are here."
  • Ezra was taken aback by the calmness in which she said it, and she used the opportunity to seize the bottle from him. "This is a good wine. I would need some in the pack house."
  • The first girl walked inside, and went to stand in the back of Ezra, while the other one stayed at the entrance, displaying herself.
  • Ezra's first instinct was to send them away, but he wanted to see Nina's reaction. How far would she let him go before she spoke up. Why was he even bothered by that?
  • The girl behind him ran her palms sensually along his shoulders, then his back, before going to his front.
  • "I didn't know you were here, Alpha. I would have come earlier." She whispered in his ear, but to his surprise, Nina turned away from him, drinking her wine and gazing at the erotic scenery facing them. She didn't seem a bit bothered by his actions, and that riled him up to bit.
  • The other girl came to join them, standing at his front. He was going to send them away, when she spoke; "Is she your new play thing, Alpha?"
  • Nina abruptly turned to them. Was she the one being referred to as a play thing?
  • "The both of you, leave!" She ordered, making them turn to her in surprise. They then turned to Ezra, questions in their eyes.
  • "You heard her."
  • They then scurried away, but staring at Nina with a murderous gaze.
  • "They don't know that you are the Luna." He reminded her.
  • "I am not. I will only become the Luna after the Luna ceremony. I am just your wife, and perhaps your play thing too." She then stood up, and began to walk out of the VIP boot.
  • "Where are you going?"
  • "To get more wine." She answered passively.
  • "Do you have any money?"
  • "You will pay."
  • Ezra was taken aback for a moment, but then he smirked. She was very interesting.
  • "Come back here. I have ordered one for you."
  • She abruptly turned back and went to her seat. "I suppose I should thank you. Thank you." She sounded a little drowsy.
  • "You are getting drunk already."
  • "I know. That is the whole point."
  • "Did I make you that jealous that you are willing to drink yourself to death?"
  • She laughed heartily, as if he said something very funny. Then she abruptly stopped laughing. "You think I am jealous, Alpha?" She paused, watching him. "You can fuck every girl you see, I don't care. My heart is too broken for that. I only sent them away because they called me your play thing. Even if you have fucked them right here, I still wouldn't care."
  • Ezra couldn't deny that he felt a pang in his heart at her words. He also felt bad that she was so hurt. Not by his actions, but she was hurt.
  • The bartender came to her with the wine Ezra ordered. She took it from him, and he took his leave.
  • "You know that you are going to have a serious hang over after this right?" He said as he watched her, a little worried. He was just going to let her drink a little more.
  • Nina popped the bottle, and she began to drink. After a few gulps, Ezra took it from her.
  • "That is enough." He declared with finality. "Do you wish to leave?" He then asked.
  • She shook her head. "No. I want to drink. And perhaps find someone to Fuck me."
  • "Okay. That is it. We are leaving." He stood up, and carried her over his shoulders, and she giggled. Yes, she was already knocked out.
  • "Slap my ass like you did last night."
  • Ezra opened his mouth to say something, but no word came out. This was not the turn he had expected. He quickly mind linked Axel to make sure his mother was not in the house.
  • Nina stretched and grabbed the wine bottle. Before Ezra could take it from her, she already poured some on his hair, and the liquid flowed down his face. She giggled.
  • "You should slap my ass now. I am being a bad girl. And my pussy will feel it more now that I have no panties on."
  • He hurriedly walked her out of the club, and to his car. He placed her in the back seat. He couldn't believe how turned on he was from just her talking, and rubbing herself on him. And she fucking refused to shut up.
  • "Did I make you hard Alpha?"
  • Fuck!