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Chapter 10 Little Accident

  • Emery and Lila barely made it to the palace on time. Not knowing that the king and his concubine were also arriving, Emery did not bother changing into her royal robes because she was too tired to go through the ordeal of wearing extravagant dresses as well as the arranging of her hair.
  • Lila left her alone in her chambers so she could go back to her work before everyone would suspect her of her absence. However, there was one thing that she had forgotten to tell about Emery when Jadeite was pretending to be her. And that was the fact that Jadeite caused a huge wreck in the Inner Palace, claiming that she was supposed to be with the king.
  • When the sun had already set on the west, the king had arrived at the palace which was a surprise because they were supposed to be staying in the villa for three days. Just when he was about to escort Royal Concubine Hazel to the East Palace, he noticed the maidservants carrying wrecked chairs, tables, and ruined clothes.
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