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Chapter 72

  • *Jason*
  • I drove as fast as I could, honking and overtaking the cars in front of me. Steve is a psycho, and I don't know what he may do to Lucia. I don't care if he does anything to Bruno, but Lucia must not get hurt. “Get out of my way, you mother fucker,” I cursed a blue Bugatti who refused to take the other lane.
  • The venue for the wedding was a hotel. I had my men research it to make sure it was safe for the wedding, and I was surprised when I heard that Bruno owned the hotel. That guy was rich. I don't have to worry about Lucia not being given enough. Thinking about her being with another man made my chest ache, but there was nothing I could do. I have already let her go, and I will save her from any plan Steve has.
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