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Chapter 44

  • *Lucia*
  • I excused myself to use the bathroom. It felt slightly uncomfortable walking around in the black heels I wore. I walked past other tables, my eyes in search of a waiter. I didn't know where the restroom was. Seeing one at the side who just finished giving out the glasses of wine on his tray, I approached him. He was quick to point the direction for me.
  • I took the side, not wanting to walk past the table and earn some attention. Some people were on the stage, dancing with the lights on them. Others cheered for them. I had not taken note of the fun that a lot of people were having as I had been too concentrated on getting out info from the old man. My eyes caught sight of a red-haired woman. She had her back towards me. Her red hair made her stand out in the crowd so much.
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