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Chapter 437

  • Even before her eyes were opened, a smile spread across Angelina’s face. For some reason, she was happy and had a feeling that today would be a good day. She reached for the side of her bed and wasn’t surprised to find it empty. Daniel was a busy man and always woke before her.
  • She simply got off the bed and went into the bathroom where she brushed and took her bath before going in search of him. However, the moment Angelina opened the door, she was shocked to see Samson lying down beside the entrance and a scream almost left her mouth had she not quickly cupped it with her hand. What the hell was the lion doing here?
  • Angelina couldn’t forget the last time she encountered the lion, it had scared the hell out of her, and that had been the day she fought with Daniel. Angelina always felt this animal was kind of intelligent, after all, why would it come to get vengeance for its master Daniel?
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