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Chapter 270

  • Cindy had a show this night and unlike the last time, Aziz was not in the formal suit. He was wearing normal clothes this time and had to blend with the crowd.
  • The show was in the club and while the others were backstage, Elijah’s duty was to look around and observe the people in attendance. If any one of them showed suspicious behavior or possessed a weird item with them, presumably a gun, he was to report back, incapacitate or neutralize them, depending on the time left and circumstance.
  • Sometimes Elijah’s face was a blessing and a curse at the same time because with his cool, calm, and collected demeanor, most of the women here took it that he was looking for a good time. More than once, they distracted him from the job and he pretended to go along with the flow just so they wouldn’t suspect him. But in the end, he dumped them all.
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