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Chapter 9 Coward

  • A coward.
  • That was the word that could best describe forty-year-old Hannah Morales. A scaredy pants who vehemently avoided going to her work site for fear that she may run into a certain blonde. A blonde who for the past few days, has lived rent-free in her thoughts. A blonde who served as a muse for every unholy thought she's had.
  • Hannah Morales avoided going to the club. She's had Mavery- her assistant fill her in on everything that happened during her absence. And every time, her heart sank when she didn't hear the young girl talk about Serenity. Of course, she hadn't expected Mavery to mention her name, no. She wouldn't possibly know everyone who visited the club by name. Maybe a description. That was all she hoped to hear. But nothing came up.
  • Like tonight. She'd just gotten off the phone with Mavery. She listened to the young girl fill her in on all the uninteresting details when in reality, she wanted to know if anyone matching the description of Serenity ask after her.
  • Maybe Serenity wasn't interested in her. Maybe the time spent in the red room was all she needed to confirm that she wasn't interested in the older woman, or in that lifestyle. Then, why was she at the club?
  • Hannah Morales sighed. She was letting herself overthink things and it was making her lose her senses.
  • "Whatever has got you deep in thought, I want to know" the voice of a man in his mid-forties broke through Hannah's thoughts as he pulled out a chair and sat opposite her. He flashed her a pearl-white smile that made her instantly relax.
  • "Don't you answer that. There's only one thing that keeps you deep in thought" he joked. Hannah Morales chuckled at his joke. He couldn't be further from the truth, but he didn't have to know that.
  • "It's so good to see Max, how have you been?" the older woman changed the topic. She wanted to get this meeting over with and get back home. Or to the club.
  • Maxwell Rasharkin and Hannah go way back to when she first opened the club. For the first year or so, he was her submissive - until he wasn't. He was the only person asides from Rachel who knew about her past. He didn't know every detail like Rachel, but from his time with Hannah in the red room, he'd come to draw his conclusions, and Hannah never corrected if he was right or wrong.
  • Hannah Morales never thought she'd be friends, talk less of business partners with one of her submissives. But that happened years ago. Almost as if it never happened.
  • "I've been alright. You know, struggling to get your carefree best friend to go on at least one date with me"
  • Ah! A detail Hannah keeps forgetting. Maxwell was head over heels in love with Rachel.
  • "I reserve my comments on that" she joked and his laughter filled the room.
  • "As usual. So, I asked you for dinner to talk about business. I have an old friend who just moved to Dartmouth. He and his wife are looking to open a coffee shop around the corner. They need someone to help them analyse the business venture, identify the risk associated with it- basically everything you do"
  • Hannah digested the information. It was a piece of cake, something she could do within two days. She's had to analyse risk ventures for bigger businesses. Moreso, Dartmouth could use more coffee shops, so she already knew it would be a lucrative investment.
  • "Alright. I'll look into it" Hannah replied.
  • Maxwell nodded. "Sweet. I'll mail you the business plan they have so far and when you have something, I can set up a meeting with them"
  • The older woman nodded. Their business meeting came to an end when the waiter brought forth the menu. Hannah wasn’t up for eating so she settled for a glass of wine.
  • Maxwell and Hannah engaged in a light banter. Catching up on their lives and making plans for lunch dates and dinner dates they both knew they wouldn't keep. The only time they would come together was either to discuss business and that was it. They understood that about their friendship.
  • Hannah Morales called it a night after her second glass of wine. She still had to drive home and she didn't want to risk being pulled over.
  • But when she got into her Toyota Camry, she found herself taking to a different route that didn't lead to her house, but rather, a shortcut to the club.
  • Something about Maxwell's parting words to her urged her to the club. 'You deserve happiness after everything you've been through'. He wouldn't know per se everything she's had to endure in life, but he was
  • right, she deserved happiness.
  • Of course, it wasn't that her happiness was the club, but rather, a certain blonde who Hannah made plans with, but chickened out. Again, she wouldn't know if Serenity was her happiness. However, she wouldn't know. Not until she spent time with the blonde.
  • But from the fear encounters Hannah has had with Serenity, she knew, in her heart of hearts, that she might be her happiness.
  • And that reality scared Hannah to her very core. Not only was Serenity younger than her, but she managed to revive feelings Hannah thought were dormant in her.
  • She knew that having Serenity in the red room wouldn't be just another experience. It would be more than that. And it was that fact that killed Hannah. She was torn between having things stay neutral between them or more - whatever more meant.
  • Again, Hannah Morales was overthinking and already evaluated the outcome of events before they even happened. That was how much control Serenity Gils had over her thoughts.
  • She was seated in her office, looking at the spot where Serenity sat a few days back. It wasn't vacant.
  • Hannah sighed and leaned back in her seat.
  • 'Oh, Hannah! Why are you letting someone young enough to be your daughter fuck with your reasoning?'
  • A light knock on the door brought her back to reality. Mavery walked in with a file in her hand.
  • "These came in. New clients"
  • Hannah Morales took the stack of files and dumbed them on her desk. The last thing she wanted was to review client's folders.
  • "I'll review them tomorrow" Hannah dismissed Mavery, but the younger girl didn't move an inch.
  • "Yes, Mavery?" Hannah tilted her head.
  • "I didn't know what to do mistress. She claimed to have an appointment with you in one of the rooms, but her name didn't show up in the database, and I remembered you said you were closing your room indefinitely" Mavery sputtered, making it difficult for Hannah to comprehend what she was saying.
  • "Breath" she added. "Now, explain more calmly now. Who is she? What's her name"
  • "She refused to tell me, Miss. However, she claimed her appointment with you is private. I was even more confused because she had the card to your room" she explained.
  • It dawned on Hannah. It was Serenity. She's been at the club. But why didn't Mavery mention that detail when she called?
  • "I see"
  • "She's been coming here every day for the past week and refused to leave until closing hours..."
  • "Why didn't you come to me?"
  • "I wasn't sure what to do, Mistress, and it didn't occur to me to call you since your room is closed and you weren't taking any clients"
  • Hannah Morales let out a sigh. She had a point. She was getting irritated and it was unfair to let out her frustrations on Mavery.
  • "Alright, thank you Mavery. You did the right thing. I'll take it from here" Hannah spoke and the young girl nodded.
  • "I was informed by Bosy that she's here" Mavery spoke. Hannah Morales gesticulated with her hand, ordering the young girl to leave.
  • "I'll sort it out, thank you"
  • It wasn't until the door was closed that Hannah Morales let out a sigh and she took time to process Mavary's words.
  • Serenity Gils was here for her. Has been here every night for the past day.
  • She was still interested in her, and in this lifestyle. That gave a jolt of courage that shot through Hannah's body.
  • She quickly made her way to her drawer and pulled out another room card, making her way to the red room.
  • Ten seconds. That was how long it took her to get to the room because she sprinted, not giving a damn that she came off as crazy.
  • She pressed the card on the door and once it opened, she came face to face with a miserable looking blonde, who stopped pacing back and forth when she spotted Hannah.
  • She looked tired with bags under her eyes. Hannah Morales wondered if she was the cause.
  • "Where the hell have you been? Where the fuck did you disappear to? You asked me to be here on Wednesday just to bail on me and you haven't been to the club since then!" the blonde exclaimed. Her frustration was valid.
  • "Fucking answer me! Where the hell have you been" Serenity Gils took three large strides, and then her face was inches away from Hannah's.
  • However, this right here was something Hannah Morales had zero tolerance for... Having someone talk to her like he did, brought back memories Hannah fought to keep buried.
  • "I understand your upset, however, I do not allow anyone take that tone with me. You have two options, Serenity. Get naked and get on your knees, or hand me over my card and leave" the older woman spoke firmly. As soon as those words left Hannah's lips, she regretted it.
  • Serenity Gils was strong-willed and hard-headed. Getting bossed around wasn't something she'd adhere to. Regardless, Hannah Morales wasn't about to let anyone, not even the hot blonde she was insanely attracted to, make her feel fear.
  • ------