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Chapter 8 Promise For Wednesday Night

  • Hannah Morale's reply caught her by surprise. She took a moment to regain her senses, and when she did, she realised the gravity of the situation, and it didn't help that Serenity wore a smug expression on her face. But it didn't last, and her expression was back to stoic. Hannah Morales loved dominating, she loved being a mistress, and that was the reason why she spent more time in the club than she did at her apartment. It gave her a sense of purpose. It made her feel in control of her life after everything she'd been through in the past, and to spew out nonsense simply because she was in the presence of a woman - a literal goddess, was utterly insensible.
  • Hannah's clients of the past were nothing compared to Serenity. While she had fun with them, she never felt any attraction for them. Before, during and after their session. She was yet to have a session with Serenity and the blonde was already making her nuts.
  • Serenity Gils on her part knew Hannah was older than her, but she wasn't sure about the age difference and that only made her more attracted to her. She felt lust for this woman and it was killing her.
  • Hannah quickly recovered from that second of weakness and she was back to herself. Her expression was stoic, her countenance cold.
  • "Mistress. You refer to me as Mistress" Hannah spoke and slowly, Serenity pulled back from her. The older woman seized the opportunity to get on her feet. She began to walk - no, escape toward the door.
  • "While I'd loved to get you on your knees right now, I have a business to run" that was a lie, and Serenity saw right through it.
  • "I'll be here Wednesday. Same room. You should be waiting for me naked and on your knees" Hannah ordered, and the sly smirk the blonde gave her made her a gazillion times hotter, and Hannah a dripping mess.
  • And then, Hannah was out the door. She held onto the doorknob whilst she tried to calm her pounding heart.
  • But why Wednesday? Why not now? Hannah wondered. The young girl got her bothered. It should be enough for Hannah to punish her until she got a taste of how she made her feel.
  • But Hannah chickened out. Whatever she felt for Serenity Gils was too gigantic for her to deal with.
  • And she didn't want to deal with it.
  • Wait! Maybe she wanted to deal with it.
  • Ah, fuck it! "She's already messing with your head. She's a red flag" Hannah Morales spoke to herself.
  • 'But I look so sexy in red' the horny and nasty side of her contradicted.
  • Oh, Hannah! You're doomed' was the final thought that settled in her mind as she walked away.
  • Hannah Morales knew she'd talked herself out of coming on Wednesday. That sense and need to be cautious about her heart would not let her enjoy all the wonderful time she would have with Serenity.
  • Minutes passed, during which Hannah used every second to regain her thoughts and only then did she walk back into her all-black-painted office.
  • The first thing she did when she sat in her reclined seat, was look in the direction where Serenity Gils sat a few minutes ago. When she found the spot empty, she felt sad, yet happy at the same time. Sad because she would have loved to see her face, and happy because she knew Serenity had gone home and will not be using any of the rooms with another girl.
  • 'But then again, she could have gone home with a girl' the negative side of Hannah interrupted and just when she was about to drown further in her thoughts, her office door flew open to reveal her best friend.
  • "Where have you been, Hannah? I got your message but it was vague"
  • The older woman thought hard. Should she tell her best friend that she'd taken a trip to her room? The room she'd sworn to close indefinitely? She knew that it would get Rachel excited and bombard her with questions she'd have no answer for. And will Rachel's reaction be the same once she found out that Hannah had been to her room with a girl who so happens to be younger than her? Rachel would have a hard time processing that. Hell, Hannah herself had a hard time gobbling the fact that she was attracted to someone younger than her.
  • "I could ask you the same question. I take it you enjoyed your session" Hannah decided against telling her best friend where she'd been, and swayed the questions to her.
  • It was a while before either of them spoke up.
  • "Well, I have to be on my way now. I have a ten a.m. meeting tomorrow with some clients from Oregon. You can go back to whatever you were doing" Hannah winked and picked up her bag as she spoke.
  • Rachel dismissed her remarks. "Oh, tell me how it goes over lunch tomorrow. It's on me"
  • Hannah rounded the huge mahogany desk and took her best friend in a hug, and as she pulled back, Rachel spoke.
  • "Although, I'm disappointed you chose to close your room indefinitely. Look at all these people paying hefty sums of money just to be in that room" Rachel pouted.
  • Giving her a sly smile, Hannah spoke. "They're paying to be with mistress. Not me. It's different"
  • "It's the same goddam thing. You are mistress" Rachel spoke a little too loudly, and something in her words stung Hannah.
  • Those people were here for mistress. The confident woman who rewarded them after being good. Not that woman who still feared being touched by a man when she was not in her attire.
  • So no. It's not the same thing.
  • Deciding to ignore Rachel's remarks, she forced a smile on her lips then gave a light tap on her friend's shoulders and exited her office.
  • Then, Hannah Morales was in her Toyota Camry, resting her head on the steering wheel for a good thirty seconds before turning on the ignition and driving off. She lived thirty minutes away from the club, so in less than no time, she was pulling up to her parking lot.
  • She stepped out of her car and took a deep breath. She was back in her cold lonely house. Hannah Morales forced a smile on her face. She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be at the club, and neither did she want to be at Rachel's condo unit. Oddly enough, the only place she wanted to be was somewhere housing a certain tall hot androgynous blonde who got her excited with just her mere cologne.
  • And that will be at the club. On Wednesday. And Hannah Morales was really looking forward to it.
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