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Chapter 3 Betrayal

  • Laura shook her head, not understanding Jack's train of thought. "What about me? Do you think about my life in the future? My mom already knows everything; I beg you to take responsibility," Laura replied with uncontrollable crying.
  • "I don't care; that's your business, as I told you; just abort it. Besides, it's not necessarily my child, is it? I have to go now; I have a lot to do." After saying that, Jack quickly left, leaving Laura, who was still crying uncontrollably in the garden.
  • "What do you mean, Jack?"
  • "Please stop!"
  • There was no reply from Jack; the man left without caring about Laura's current state. Today was the beginning of the destruction of a woman who was deeply downcast; she was too stupid to trust a man. Laura's legs relaxed as she sat down on the green grass of the park. Soon, raindrops fell from the sky, as if the sky knew that someone was crying alone.
  • "You're bad, Jack! What should I do?" Laura cried under the rain, feeling the tightness in her chest alone. Regret, fear, and self-loathing—the rain became a silent witness to the destruction of Laura Stefhanie's life.
  • Rice has become porridge, and regret will not make things go back to the way they were.
  • The woman who had just felt regret was now walking on the side of the road. Laura stepped without knowing the direction. Thinking of her parents, who might have to endure the shame of her actions, Laura was too consumed by Jack's nonsense.
  • 'Dad. I'm sorry,' Laura said silently.
  • Tinn...
  • "Laura!"
  • Laura heard someone familiar shouting, and she stopped her steps. She turned her head toward the car that had just stopped. The owner of the car got out, a woman around Laura's age.
  • "Hey! What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" The woman suddenly hugged Laura, who looked very messy.
  • "Flo, I... I..."
  • "What? Talk to me. Did something hurt you? I'm your best friend; just tell me."
  • "I'm pregnant, Flo. Jack doesn't want to take responsibility." Laura cried again, hugging her friend Floren tightly.
  • Floren was rooted to the spot, shaking her head in disbelief at what her best friend was saying. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Don't joke, Laura!" she screeched excitedly.
  • "I'm not kidding, Flo," Laura replied softly.
  • Floren just froze, not responding anymore. She hugged Laura back, as if feeling what Laura was feeling. Floren had been friends with Laura since childhood, so whatever her best friend was suffering, Flo must have felt it too.
  • "Never mind; everything will be fine. If necessary, I'll burn down Jack's house after this; let him die," Flo said passionately, trying to calm Laura down.
  • Drrrrttt...
  • Not long after, Laura's cell phone rang. Both of them broke the warm embrace. Laura immediately swiped the green icon when she saw her father's name on the screen. Laura took a deep breath before putting the phone in her ear.
  • "H-halo, papa. What's wrong?"
  • [Go home now!]
  • Tuttt...
  • Laura was surprised when her father abruptly disconnected the line; his tone was also uncharacteristic. It sounded cold and perhaps emotional.
  • "Why, who's calling? Could it be Jack? Or the wrong number?" Floren, with her curious spirit, answered various questions.
  • Laura sighed in disgust. Her best friend was so chatty and excited. Laura shook her head softly and said, "Dad called and told me to go home."
  • "Alright, let's go home!"
  • "But I'm scared, Flo."
  • Floren smiled, wrapping her arms around Laura's shoulders. Pushing her best friend into the car. "Don't be afraid; I'm coming with you. If Uncle Adnan gets angry, I'll deal with him," she boasted.
  • Laura's brows furrowed together, fixing Flo with an unusual gaze. "Do you really dare?" asked Laura.
  • Flo smiled and showed her teeth, shaking her head lightly as she scratched the back of her neck, which was not itchy. There was no way Flo would dare to fight Adnan, who was very savage when angry. Meanwhile, Laura unconsciously raised the corners of her lips, even though her heart was anxious thinking about her father's reaction if he knew everything.
  • Ten minutes through the streets, they finally arrived at Laura's house. Flo actually went inside with Laura; she couldn't let her best friend face her father alone.
  • Plakk...
  • Having just opened the door, Laura was greeted with a hard slap from her father. Adnan looked at her angrily, his jaw hardening.
  • "Is this what I taught you, Laura? Do you want to disgrace your family? Where's your promise?" Adnan snapped in an excited breath. Adnan was a hard man, especially for his son.
  • The snapping made Laura's guts shrink, and her tears fell again with a heartbreaking cry. She looked at Monica, who was crying too, as if to say that Adnan already knew everything. Flo herself was shocked by what she saw; Adnan's anger was frightening. Flo didn't even dare to get close.
  • "Daddy, I'm sorry." Laura looked down deeply; she didn't have the courage to look at her father.
  • "Sorry, you say? If all your business partners knew, what would they say? You are a disgrace, Laura!" Adnan spoke again firmly, no longer able to filter his words.
  • "Why are you thinking about business instead of your daughter? Laura's not entirely wrong!" Flo, who felt sorry for Laura, finally had the courage to speak up.
  • "Shut up! You must be the one who made Laura brave like this!"
  • "Papa enough! It's my fault. Flo had nothing to do with it!" Laura lifted her chin, squealing in disapproval.
  • "Shut up, Laura! Tell me. Who got you pregnant?"Adnan snapped sternly.
  • Laura froze in place, her eyes looking at Monica and Flo in turn. They both just nodded, signaling for Laura to tell the truth. Laura closed her eyes tightly. "P-my boyfriend, papa," she replied softly.
  • "Who?!"
  • "Laura's boss at work."
  • Shortly after saying that, Laura felt her hand being pulled forcefully. Who else could it be if not Adnan, who had no idea where he was taking her? Adnan forcefully pushed Laura into the car without saying a word, while Laura could only surrender and obey. Laura didn't have much guts to rebel.
  • Monica and Flo, who were worried about Laura, followed Adnan in Flo's car.
  • "Flo! Where are you taking Laura? I'm worried," Monica asked frantically.
  • "Don't worry, just sit still. Let me focus on chasing Adnan's uncle, okay?"
  • Back to Adnan, who had stopped in front of a towering building with the name Gantara Group emblazoned on it. Adnan immediately got out, forcibly pulling Laura back inside.
  • "Papa! Why did you bring me here?"
  • "You said your boss got you pregnant, and now I want to meet with him. To hold you accountable for your sin," Adnan replied emphatically, continuing to drag Laura like a pet. Not caring about all the pairs of eyes watching them in wonder.
  • Laura was silent, speechless. Choosing to cry silently, somehow, when her father said that, her heart ached. But Laura didn't care; all she could think about was what would happen if her father went berserk when Jack refused to take responsibility.
  • "Tell me where your boss is." Adnan asked the receptionist.
  • "I'm sorry, is there an appointment?"
  • "I don't need an appointment! Tell me quickly! Or I'll make sure this company is destroyed!" Adnan couldn't control his temper, making all the employees around them the center of attention.
  • "In the room over there, sir."
  • Without saying a word, Adnan led his daughter into the room. Laura, on the other hand, kept praying that Jack wouldn't be there. Laura didn't want the commotion to happen again.
  • Brakk...