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Chapter 2 Are You Pregnant?

  • It had been a month since the incident that night, and Laura was doing her usual activities. Working from morning to night and doing her other activities. But all that turned into worries when she felt something strange about her body. Laura always felt dizzy and nauseous continuously for several days.
  • There was no other choice; Laura had to check it with the pregnancy test she had just bought. A sigh could be heard from Laura, who was in front of the bathroom, doubt creeping up on her. Laura was afraid that her worries would really happen.
  • "Okay, you have to check. It's not necessarily that you're pregnant," Laura said to herself.
  • "But if you're really pregnant, what if Jack wants to take responsibility or not?" She continued biting the tip of her nail.
  • Laura shook her head, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts that were ringing in her head. She stepped heavily into the bathroom, her eyes staring at the pregnancy test in her hand. After a few minutes of convincing herself, she finally dared to check whether she was pregnant or not with the device.
  • As the minutes passed, there was no sign of Laura getting out of there. Until a scream shook the whole house.
  • "Arghh!" The scream must have come from the woman in the bathroom.
  • Brak...
  • "Laura! What's wrong with you, baby?" Monica-Laura's aunt opened the door roughly, a worried look on her face.
  • "No! No way!" In the bathroom, Laura stared at the pregnancy test she had just used. Tears were already building up in her eyes, a tinge of sadness and regret enveloping Laura. The device in her hand showed two blue lines, indicating that Laura was pregnant.
  • "Honey, please come out. What's wrong with you? What's impossible?" Monica panicked even more, banging on the bathroom door and shouting loudly.
  • Check...
  • Monica was shocked to see her niece looking like a mess with puffy eyes and a reddened nose. Suddenly, Monica immediately hugged Laura tightly.
  • "Honey, tell me about it. What's wrong with you?"
  • Laura just stayed where she was, her eyes blankly looking forward without wanting to look at her aunt. Helpless, Laura accidentally dropped the tool she was holding. At that moment, Monica realized it and crouched down to pick it up.
  • Monica's eyes bulged when she saw the object, and her tears could no longer be held back. Just imagine that she was also a woman and also felt Laura's sadness. Moreover, Monica knew that Laura's father was very strict with Laura; she couldn't blame her niece. Even Monica was as devastated as Laura when she saw that.
  • "Laura! Look at me, what is this? It's not yours, right? You wouldn't do that, would you? Answer Laura!" Monica continued to ask Laura.
  • Laura froze in her tracks, unable to answer. Laura had disappointed her parents, who had warned her to keep her virginity before marriage. But Laura broke all her promises to her father; she had even lost her virginity at the beginning of her relationship with Jack.
  • "Answer, Laura!" snapped Monica, who was already angry. Of course, she didn't want her family to do something like that.
  • Laura, who had been looking down in silence, finally looked up at her aunt. "Yes, aunty, it's mine; I'm pregnant! I've broken my promise to dad," she replied in a high tone, but it still ended with a sad cry.
  • Monica immediately dropped the object; she did not expect her dear niece to have fallen that deep. Monica felt like a failure as an aunt; what she thought more about was what would happen if Adnan-Lauda's father found out.
  • "Laura, who is responsible for all this?"
  • "Jack, auntie."
  • "Jack is your boss?"
  • "Yes, Aunty, he's Laura's boyfriend. But you can relax; Jack said he will take responsibility if Laura gets pregnant." Laura wiped her tears roughly, trying to pull the corners of her lips even though she had to.
  • "And you believe that?"
  • Laura lowered her head again; she wasn't sure about that either. All Laura wanted to do now was meet with Jack and hold him accountable for what happened. Laura quickly got up from where she was, grabbing her bag and cell phone.
  • "Where are you going, Laura?"
  • "I'm going to see Jack; I want to ask him to take responsibility," Laura replied, smiling slightly as if to let him know that she was fine.
  • "But Laura, you--" Before Monica could continue, Laura had already disappeared from her sight.
  • ***
  • On a hot day, Laura sat on a park bench near her house complex. She was waiting for her lover's arrival because Laura had contacted him earlier to meet him now.
  • All Laura did was stay silent while observing the beautiful flowers lined up in front of her; her mind was busy thinking about Jack's reaction to this news.
  • "Will Jack take responsibility?" Laura asked no one in particular.
  • "Hi honey, Have you been long? Sorry about the traffic jam."
  • Laura turned to look at someone who had just arrived; finally, the person she was waiting for came. The man in the gray suit sat next to Laura, gently stroking the top of her head with affection.
  • Jack began to notice the change in Laura's demeanor; today, the woman's appearance is practically a mess. He turned Laura's body to face him, his eyes fixed on her hazel eyes.
  • "What's wrong with you, hm? Something wrong? You're not usually this quiet."
  • "I'm pregnant." Those were the only two words Laura could say.
  • There was a shocked look on Jack's face. He shook his head vigorously. "No way, Laura, you didn't take those pills?" He asked intimidatingly.
  • Laura only remembered after the hot scene that night that the next morning she forgot to take the pill. Laura cursed her own stupidity. "I'm not lying, Jack. I'm pregnant!" she squealed with tears in her eyes. Laura reached into her bag, retrieving an object she had been wearing.
  • Jack was shocked when he looked at the object in her hand, his eyes heating up. Not because he wanted to cry but because his emotions were reignited, he growled angrily, squeezing the object in his hand tightly. His jaw hardened with a piercing glare at Laura.
  • Jack threw the object in a random direction, turning his face away to hold back his emotions. "Just drop it," he said lightly.
  • It stunned Laura; she couldn't believe Jack could say such a cruel thing so easily. Laura cried even more, pulling Jack roughly by the arm to face her. Laura's teary eyes met Jack's piercing gaze.
  • "You're crazy! I wouldn't do such a low thing, Jack," Laura snapped, not accepting Jack's decision.
  • Jack's jaw hardened even more, as this was the first time Laura had raised her volume when dealing with him. He threw Laura's hand away and stood up from his seat.
  • "Don't be a saint, Laura! You've been tainted for a long time."
  • Jack's words hit her so hard that Laura looked down silently, holding the tightness in her chest. Those words were so painful to Laura, as if thousands of daggers were stabbing her simultaneously. Jack, the person she loved the most, had said the most painful thing. Even though what Jack said was a fact,
  • Seeing Laura's silence, Jack spoke up again. "I don't want to know, Laura. Either abort the baby or we're done here!" he said with emphasis as he lifted Laura's chin.
  • "You're evil, Jack! Where was your promise? You said you'd take responsibility. Then what is this? Do you really love me?" Laura began to hysterically hold Jack back from leaving.
  • "I love you, Laura, but I'm not ready to get married. I haven't solved my office problems yet, and my mom and dad will be furious if they find out about all this. I'm not ready," Jack explained weakly; that was the real reason from his heart.