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Chapter 8 His Private Life

  • Charles furrowed assessing Emily if she was crazy or if she was really serious.
  • Either way, he found her too misbehaved.
  • She was eagerly willing to live immediately with men!
  • Well, what did he expect from a club servant?
  • Charles felt a bit disappointed in her.
  • “Of course,” Before she changed her mind, Charles answered plainly.
  • “Let’s go.” He added didn’t want to prolong the conversation with her.
  • He just wants to deliver her to his brother and his mission is finished.
  • Without any idea of what was Charles's thinking, Emily kept giggling while she obediently followed him.
  • “Wait!” Suddenly, she said with glimmering eyes.
  • Charles stopped walking and turned around to see her.
  • ‘What now?’
  • His impatient look was too obvious as he was already complaining in his mind.
  • Emily quickly took her phone.
  • She ran toward him and took a swift selfie with Charles.
  • Charles was taken aback.
  • 'This girl is too playful!'
  • Quickly, he snatched her phone.
  • Emily looked at him with a pitiful look.
  • He looked irritated at her.
  • She blinked her eyes repeatedly and looked at him with a cute little puppy look.
  • “One more rule…” He stated in a deep tone displeased with her.
  • “You have to respect my privacy. You are not allowed to steal any photos of me, my belongings, my family, and my location. This wasn’t taught in school, Ms. Greyson but I hope you can use a simple common sense in dealing with this matter. Do you understand?” His voice was plain but was quite hurting her ego.
  • “But… I am your fan since you started…” She wanted to explain but Charles raised his delicate index finger in the air signaling her to stop talking.
  • “If you will live in my house, you need to respect my privacy. No ifs and buts. If you can’t…” Charle’s eyes deepened meeting her embarrassed eyes. “…you can forget about the contract,” Charles added in a very stern tone.
  • Emily was quickly taken aback.
  • Did she just lose her chance, she had not even started yet.
  • “Okay! I’m sorry.” She quickly apologized.
  • “I swear, I will not do it again.” She had to compromise otherwise she would have no place to stay and her father would definitely find her soon. “Now, can you give my phone back?” She blinked again cutely hoping Charles would see her natural beauty.
  • Maybe, he would consider her as his lover one day.
  • 'That’s an impossible illusion, Emily!'
  • Of course, Emily knew it but as an avid fan, it was her body and brain colliding together to attract him instinctively.
  • “Okay, but you need to delete that picture, first.” Charles compromised in one condition.
  • “Oh no! I can’t! It’s already my collection.” Emily said without reservation.
  • If he only knew that even her wallpaper is him and almost all pictures in her phone’s album are also him.
  • “Collection?” Charles frowned like he didn’t believe he was like a piece of antic that was made for collection.
  • Emily immediately felt, something was off with her words.
  • So, she felt terrible.
  • She could not add another embarrassment to another.
  • “I mean, since I am your fan, it was just normal that I have collections with your photos, right?” She tried her best to answer him without being misunderstood by him.
  • He was still frowning deeply like he didn’t understand any of a fan side.
  • Well, who could argue with him?
  • He’s the superstar and he could never understand those people who were screaming his name.
  • He was praised all his life so he could not relate to a fan like her.
  • “My darling superstar, it’s what a fan usually does! It’s normal!” She rolled her eyes taking her stand.
  • “What?!” Charles’ expression changed calling him, ‘my superstar’. He didn’t like it.
  • Emily looked at him innocently.
  • “Do not call me that again!” His tone was carrying a deadly warning. “I am not your darling superstar.” He was obviously controlling his raging temper but his annoyance was already slightly showing.
  • “Ms. Greyson, I had met a lot of women who praised me that much. You don’t need to exert so much effort to do so because no words can’t flatter me anymore. I just need you to focus only on your work. Focus on my brother! Clear?” His eyes were serious hinting at a deadly warning.
  • Emily felt she was just scolded by him.
  • “Are you… are you angry?” Emily could still not help adoring the man in front of her.
  • She was totally charmed by him.
  • How could someone be so handsome even if he was annoyed?
  • “Let’s go!” Charles was really annoyed by her.
  • Usually, he could control all his emotions but this girl was too annoying for him.
  • He quickly toast back her phone to her not wanting to have anything to do with the girl.
  • 'Is she that gullible?'
  • 'What a waste of beauty!'
  • He hated women who were so clingy and lack of common sense!
  • Charles went ahead not wanting to talk to her anymore.
  • If it weren’t for his brother, there was no way he would allow himself to associate with this kind of girl.
  • Emily just smiled behind him and quickly followed.
  • She smiled because Charles seemed to forget about the picture on her phone.
  • She would definitely put it as her new wallpaper!
  • Until this moment, she still couldn’t believe that Charles was with her and he offered her to live with him under one roof.
  • 'Oh, Gosh!'
  • Fate is siding with her now!
  • She had a reason to sign the contract immediately.
  • Surely, her father could not find her if she lived around the wall of the Adams.
  • No one would ever believe that she was staying with the Adams.
  • A poor girl like her was delusional!
  • People would certainly laugh at her if she announced this.
  • Maybe she would become a superstar on the internet too!
  • Charles’s fans would surely kill her.
  • Inside Charles’s car, he started to brief Emily.
  • When it comes to his brother, he takes things personally.
  • Subconsciously, it was his way of appeasing his guilt.
  • With her new job, she needed to quit her work in the bar.
  • Her eyes were looking at him attentively but her mind was going crazy.
  • She was overwhelmed by the opportunity.
  • It was somewhat spectacular!
  • It was her chance to look at him this closely.
  • What an uproar beauty.
  • Charles was really handsome!
  • Even the top-notch Hollywood models and actors would surely feel inferior to Charles.
  • For her, he was perfect in every aspect.
  • When they arrived, someone quickly opened her door.
  • She gave the man a friendly smile and said, “Thank you,”
  • The man was one of the trusted butlers in Adam’s mansion.
  • Charles quickly tossed him his keys and he walked away heading to the mansion.
  • Emily quickly followed with her head looking around, amazement filled her eyes.
  • “Good morning, young master.” The maids were lined up to greet him bowing their heads politely.
  • Emily was amazed again.
  • It was merely 1:30 am and they were still awake at this time?
  • Charles just raised his index finger then they all stood up straight.
  • “This is Ms. Emily Greyson. From now on, she will be your young master Warren’s new personal servant. I expect everyone to train and help her with everything she needs to know.” Charles’ tone was deep serious like a king giving a decree that couldn’t be void.
  • Emily was amazed by her darling superstar again.
  • So, this is what he is, in his mansion!
  • His overbearing demeanor and how he can be so serious were just adding to his strong appeal.
  • She was seriously dwelling on him and giggling until she swept to the people around.
  • They were all staring at her for a long time but she was engaged with her inner thoughts about her charming superstar.
  • Emily quickly felt embarrassed.
  • Feeling the burning cheeks, she smiled awkwardly.
  • “Ah…” She tried her best to compose herself amidst the embarrassment. “I… Please call me just Emi. I’m looking forward to working with you all.” Emily said at her friendliest as she nodded slightly to the maids.
  • Some smiled at her and some didn’t.
  • “That’s all.” Charles quickly abolished the meeting and greetings.
  • Everybody bowed in unison and left just like that.
  • Emily looked at them in disbelief.
  • They were awake at this time just to welcome her.
  • “Ms. Greyson, follow me.” Charles’ voice came again.
  • Emily was just about to sink everything into her system but Charles summoned her again.
  • His magnetic voice was like a dream.
  • Everything she saw was like a dream too.
  • Following Charles, Emily got to see and appreciate the classic European interior of the mansion well.
  • “Wow!” She murmured with eyes full of amusement.
  • 'Is this Charles’s palace?'
  • Who would have thought that she was going to step inside his home?
  • 'What an exciting feeling!'
  • Her stomach was full of butterflies.
  • Her eyes couldn't help but wander around his place until they landed on a large wall frame in the living room and if she was not mistaken, it was Charles’ family picture.
  • There were 2 boys in the picture and Charles’ features were stunning even if she was still a boy.
  • He was sitting next to her mother and the other boy was sitting next to her father.
  • Emily had a hint that he was Warren Adam who she had not met yet.
  • Then her eyes stopped at the beautiful woman and a handsome man.
  • They were both elegant.
  • ‘Hi, Mom!’
  • ‘Hi, Dad!’
  • Emily stopped and murmured silently.
  • She waved at them unconsciously.
  • Giggling inside, she could not believe to met Charles’s parents.
  • If his other fans knew, they would surely die of jealousy.
  • Indeed, she felt glad knowing that her superstar had a happy family.
  • “What are you doing?” Just when she was so indulged further with her thoughts, Charles’s annoyed voice came in.
  • She nervously turned quickly not to be caught but it was too late.
  • Charles’s expression was somewhat irritated.
  • She pretended to smile to quickly get rid of her awkward position but it just appeared worse.
  • She hated herself for this!
  • “I’m sorry. I can’t help but stare at your family picture.” These words slipped her mouth.
  • Charles frowned deeply.
  • He strode closer to her as his eyes were full of displeasure. “Ms. Greyson, are you really sure that you can do your job, well?” His eyes were doubtful looking at her pretty face.
  • Before she could answer, “Because what I can see is that you are full of distraction. Can I really rely on you? Because if not…” He paused and looked at her deeper. “…you can go home and forget about the…”
  • “No! I already signed the contract. I will do my best to serve your brother.” Emily quickly cut him.
  • She didn’t want to be thrown away outside just like that.
  • She didn’t want to lose this chance to be with him.
  • Emily wanted to know him more.
  • She was now inside his private life.
  • Among all his millions of fans, she had more advanced information about him than the others.
  • This thought made her heart giggle.
  • If she was that clever, she could sell his private information at a very high price.
  • That would surely make her rich!
  • “Then, don’t waste my time.” His annoyance was greatly present in his voice. His expression was dim but still maintained his elegance.
  • “Oh, sorry.” She was quickly snapped and followed him.
  • Charles’s walked with long strides. She ran afraid of being lost in a huge mansion.
  • Every corner of this place was so regal housing royal families.
  • Her eyes were restless going up in a classic wooden staircase stepping on a red carpet embellished of gold on the side.
  • Emily could only imagine that she was the princess and Charles was the prince walking together holding each other hands like a match made in heaven.
  • “We’re here.” Charles stopped in front of a door.
  • Trying her best to cool down from her ecstatic feeling, she gave him a cute smile.
  • Starting to see Charles’s private life, she couldn’t contain the joy and amusement she felt within.
  • Realizing she was even part of it now, she could not help but plastered smiles from time to time.
  • “Are you ready?” Charles’s eyes were still doubtful of her capacity to do her job.
  • She understood his stare and quickly nodded.
  • Not everyone was given this rare chance, she was just so lucky to have this job landed on her hand.
  • She swore to squeeze it and never let it go.
  • “This job is mine,” She muttered rest assuring the handsome man.
  • Upon hearing her answer, he smirked and then opened the door.
  • It was not locked from the inside.
  • It seemed the owner of the room was expecting her coming.
  • When the door opened, she seemed to feel something in the air was amiss.
  • Nervous suddenly wrapped over her, she tailed closely behind Charles.
  • Charles’ back was dominant.
  • Seeing this, she managed to feel safe with him.
  • “Brother, as promised…” Charles finally spoke. His tone stimulated something. “She’s here.” Then he turned to the side completely revealing Emily’s presence.