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Chapter 4

  • Sasha looked at her startled; she didn’t see that coming; she didn’t know what to say and just nodded, and the woman turned to her son, “you hurry up now so that you can go back to your meeting as you said.”
  • He nodded and walked out of the house; Sasha didn’t know whether to follow him or not but just decided to; she smiled and mouthed goodbye to her soon to be a mother in law who said to her, “let me have your car key, sweetie.”
  • Sasha frowned but didn’t think twice about it and just handed her the key before rushing out after her fiancé. She rushed outside to see him getting into his limousine, and she increased her running pace, she got to the car breathing heavily; when was the last time she ran? She couldn’t even remember.
  • She got into the car beside him, and the chauffeur closed the door after her; the limousine backseat was filled with strong, sexy male cologne, she sat on her portion, trying her best to keep to herself, but she couldn’t help stealing a glance from him. He was just sitting there, his eyes were closed, and his head rested on his headrest, his hands were resting on his thigh, he appeared peaceful, and she wondered if he wanted to stay like that till they get to his boutique? No small talks? She means, they are getting married in the next eight days, for Christ’s sake!
  • Well, no need to wait for him to start; she could always initiate the conversation; she licked her lips and turned to look at him with a determined look, “hi Michael,” the name felt so sour in her mouth, she had stopped herself from mentioning his name and hardly get in touch with anybody with the name. Two guys, she had rejected their advances because their name were Michael
  • The man sitting beside her didn’t hear her, or even if he did, he pretended he didn’t, his eyes were still closed, and she swallowed; he couldn’t possibly have fallen asleep right? She mean it’s not even up to three minutes he got into the car. “How have you been?” She tried again.
  • Still nothing, she sighed and looked out the window; what could be his problem now? She turned to look at him again and frowned; not accepting to be snubbed like that, she reached out her hand to touch him, and he showed the first visible reaction she could see; he flinched.
  • Maybe not expecting her to touch him, slowly he opened his eyes, and the crystal blue eyes were staring intently at her; she felt her heart miss a beat, and she swallowed. “Is there a problem?” He asked in this deep seductive voice she had ever heard; his voice was more like a whisper, and she actually forgot he asked her a question.
  • When she finally recovered, he was still staring at her with half-closed eyes which made him look sexy, she licked her lips while slowly grazed her teeth on the lower one, she heard him take a sharp intake of breath and when she looked at him again, his eyes were closed once more. She wanted to talk to him again but decided against it; it’s best if she stays on her own for now.
  • Thirty minutes later, they stopped in front of a shopping mall; the chauffeur got down and opened the door for them, he got out first, and she followed. They walked into the shop to receive a lot of greetings from the staff.
  • “Good evening Mr. Brown,” was raining everywhere, and he walked straight to a room while Sasha could do nothing but follow him. They got seated, and there was a table with tea cups and a jug waiting for them. He poured himself tea and sipped from it. She just sat there looking around the very spacious room like a fifteen year old.
  • A woman in her late thirties walked in, in quick steps; there was a younger girl behind her carrying a very big bag. “I’m so sorry Mr. Brown, I was just adding the finishing touches,” she smiled.
  • Michael nodded, and the woman turned to Sasha, “will you like to try it on now Miss?” She asked with a smile. Sasha nodded and walked into the changing room with her. She stared at herself in the full-length mirror, and her mouth dropped open in awe; she looked like an angelic bride. The gown was pure white, it was strapless but has lace sleeves that joined from the under arm. It showed out all her curves and then from the knee down, it looked like a freshly blossomed flower and tailed behind her.
  • She never expected to wear such a gown at her wedding; she turned immediately to walk out of the room; she couldn’t wait to see Michael’s expression. The woman grabbed her hand just as she reached the door “what are you doing?” She asked.
  • Sasha stared at her as if she had gone nuts, and the woman chuckled, “haven’t you heard of the saying that a groom is not to see the wedding gown until the day itself? If you show him everything now, how can he be surprised on the day?”
  • Sasha bit her lip; she was right, but that only happens if the groom loves the bride, the man out there wouldn’t even care if he see it now or on the day she wanted to say but decided against it; there is no need putting confusion into the woman’s mind ‘cause even she have not understood what was going on. She took off the gown and put on her original set of clothes.
  • She walked out of the room to see a surprise in his eyes when he saw her, but he immediately concealed it.
  • Was he expecting to see me in the gown? She wondered, but before she could even say a thing, he stood up and walked out of the room.
  • She followed him to the limousine and got in after him. The ride back was as silent as when they were coming.
  • She looked out the window, and when she noticed the road was not the way to the Brown’s villa, she turned to give him a questioning gaze which he didn’t notice or pretended not to.
  • She wanted to ask but told herself to forget it; where could he be taking her?
  • It’s not like he is going to kill me, she decided.
  • Minutes later, the limousine pulled over, and she looked out the window to see her house; she was shocked.
  • He dropped her off? But what about my car? She wanted to ask when she noticed her car pulling over in the driveway.
  • She looked at Michael, but he said nothing, believing she knows what to do.
  • She sighed and nodded, “thank you,” she muttered when the chauffeur opened the door for her. Guess that was the reason his mother took her key from her, knowing her son all too well.
  • Sasha got out, and the driver of her car got out too and walked up to her; he handed her the key and got in the limousine with the other chauffeur; she looked at the man in the backseat through the window but couldn’t make out his expression since the glass was tinted so dark.
  • She raised her hand to wave him goodbye, but the limousine had already started driving off before she could finish the action.
  • She stood there watching the leaving car, and the tiny voice came again, can you live like this Sasha? It’s not yet late to turn back, you know, but she shook her head and waved the voice away, it’s just a matter of time, and she would crack him, she thought and walked into her apartment.