Chapter 129 Book 3: Twenty
- Michael entered the bedroom to hear the sound of running water, the bathroom door was opened and so was the glass, he could see Sasha scrubbing her body as if to scrub off tonight’s incident. He stood beside the door watching her, he wanted to go to her and wrap her in his arms, he wanted to kiss her hair and tell her that everything was going to be okay and that she didn’t need to hurt her skin to wipe away anything. He wanted to tell her that no policeman or woman is going to take her to jail while he is alive, he wanted to comfort her and say that he would do anything to protect her, anything to keep her safe. He wanted to say so many things but at the end he walked into the walk-in closet, fetched out his pajamas and left the room.
- He made his way to the guest’s room, took a shower, changed into his pajamas and walked down the stairs to his study where he poured himself a glass of Robert Mondavi. He sat on his chair and closed his eyes, series of sighs left his lips and all from the depth of his soul but none calmed him like he wanted. He wasn’t calm, he must admit that he is afraid, how is he settle this issue? How can he remove all proofs from her side?
- He knows the cops would be back and he has to have something ready, but what? They didn’t question her tonight because they were told by Gary that she was in shock but that doesn’t mean they won’t be back another day. Craig is alive, that he knows, what he has to wait for now is the day that he would wake up to press his charges. Is he going to sue Sasha? Will the cops take his words for it that she shut him without evidence? Gary took the gun and since it’s with him, there was no way the cops will find it, that’s a guarantee but what about Craig’s speech? He is the victim and it’s a must the cops will stand with him.