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Chapter 2

  • “Welcome, Mr Williams, it’s a pleasure to have you “ Pedro gave Williams a handshake as he laughed loudly
  • Capri came down looking all dolled and wearing a rather seductive dress
  • “Hi, Mr Williams, nice to meet you again” she bit her lips, looking at him seductively and stretching forth her hands for a handshake but he ignored her.
  • Feeling quite ashamed and disrespected, Capri sat down next to her dad.
  • “Emerald is always late” Capri said again as she giggled sheepishly.
  • Emerald finally came, looking pale as a ghost.
  • She went straight to the table without looking at anyone nor exchanging any formalities. She tried her best to avoid eye contacts
  • “Shall we eat?” Pedro giggled
  • Gary, the family chef, brought the delicacies for that afternoon.
  • Immediately he put the food down, Emerald started gobbling on it like some hungry pig.
  • This was one of her attempts to make Williams disgusted
  • All of a sudden she choked. ‘ shoot’
  • She coughed. Her father gave her a stern look
  • A cup of water was handed to her by Williams, she collected and emptied the cup without thinking twice
  • “Are you okay”
  • The voice came as a boomerang. Emerald dared not look up to the man asking her that question.
  • “Do you need more water?” He asked again
  • Emerald suddenly looked up and was met with a brown set of eyes, they had a little bit of concern in them but they were cold, it sent shivers down her spine.
  • She looked at this man, he exuded a regal air and looked dominating.
  • Emerald suddenly felt intimidated
  • Emerald slowly finished her food feeling ashamed of herself and praying for the ground to open and swallow her
  • “Mr Williams , how about we finalize the deal today, you can sign the papers now” Pedro suddenly spoke, urging Williams
  • “Let’s prepare for the wedding first, after the wedding we can finalize the deal” Williams countered with a cold voice
  • pedro laughed awkwardly
  • The lunch was an awkward one , nobody spoke to each other the entire time.
  • Capri who sat opposite Williams kept eyeing and giving him occasional glances.
  • ….
  • The meeting finally came to an end
  • Emerald who had planned to confront Williams immediately she comes across him stood there, with her family, outside their big door as they saw Williams off.
  • She felt like she had her tongue tied. The man she just met intimidated her with just his looks that she couldn’t say anything.
  • The rolls Royce cullinan drove off into the streets.
  • —————-
  • “She’s so naive” Williams muttered to himself
  • “Did you say something boss ?” Zach asked
  • “Focus on driving” Williams replied savagely
  • The meeting with Emeralds family was finally over. That was one heck of a meeting, not just for Emerald but for Williams too, as he couldn’t eat much.
  • Williams is the ceo of a big cuisine and snacks company. He’s a critic that everyone wants to associate with but he has one secret that nobody knows.
  • No one would ever believe that the almighty Williams has an eating disorder.
  • Willams stared at the streets as they drove home.
  • ————————
  • “What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?” Emerald walked up and down in her room.
  • “Geez, calm down girl, you’re making me feel dizzy with all your complains”. Maddie, Emeralds best friend said.
  • She was sitting in a corner of the room with her eyes glued to her phone.
  • It was the next day and Emerald’s best friend came to visit immediately she heard about the entire situation.
  • “Maddie, this is MARRIAGE!!, I can’t calm down. Do you know what if feels to be married off”
  • “To an handsome man?? No I don’t” Maddie replied jokingly
  • “Stop!, this is not a joke. Yes he’s handsome, even more handsome than I thought but that doesn’t mean…he’s a mean man Maddie, I heard he once fired a staff just because she put sugar in his tea”
  • Maddie walked up to her and held her on her shoulders.
  • “Your father has made the decision, you know how he is”
  • “ he made the worst decision this time around” Emerald said as she hugged Maddie
  • “I’ll only advice you to get to know this man”
  • “What?!” Emerald exclaimed
  • “Try and get to know the man you’re going to marry”
  • “No amount of time would be enough. We’re probably getting married in a few weeks or months. I don’t just want to marry Someone I don’t know”
  • “What if he’s not as bad as people say… you know…people carry false rumors”
  • Emerald rolled her eyes at Maddie and said
  • “ are you still my friend??”
  • “Of course Emme boo” Maddie replied giggling
  • “If he’s not as bad as people say, why does he want to forcefully marry someone who doesn’t want to marry him?. Who does that these days” Emerald whined.
  • “And to top it all, Capri is on my toes like some angry cat. She acts like I’m about to steal her husband”
  • Emerald felt exhausted, this wasn’t how she planned life.
  • Emerald was lost in her thought for a sec, she didn’t hear Maddie calling out her name
  • “Emerald Emme! Emerald!!!” Maddie called out multiple times
  • Just then Emerald realizes Maddie has been calling her name
  • “Yeah?” She answered
  • “ oh so you’re back to reality now ?” Maddie retorted
  • “let’s go out and clear your head. Let’s just go for lunch or go shopping or something”.
  • “You’re such a sweetheart Maddie my love” Emerald smiled cheekily
  • ————————-
  • “Williams!! You dare not marry her. She’s the second daughter, what happened to the first?” Evelyn, Williams stepmom yelled at the top of her voice
  • “You don’t tell me what to do” Williams coldly said
  • “But Williams… I was so happy when I heard you wanted to get married but to HER!?, not happening”
  • “And what gives you the right to think so” Williams was now facing her. His eyes were emotionless
  • “Williams baby…I.. you know, I know the first daughter very well. She’s a respectful girl, she’s charming, she’s beautiful, she’s everything you’d ever want in a woman”
  • “ you do you not know what I want in a woman,I will not condone this conversation. Now if you’d excuse me”. Williams walked out of the house
  • “Boss do you have anywhere in mind you wanna go ? Zach asked.
  • “Just drive” Williams responded
  • ————————-
  • “oh my God! Emme look at these plushies, they look so cute!!” Maddie squealed
  • “Let’s go to the other side, I think there are cuter ones there” Emerald said
  • They went to the other side of the mall and saw more plushies and both girls squealed like babies.
  • They decided to check different shelves and look for more cute things
  • Emerald just walked through the lane, she didn’t see anything of interest. Just when she was about to give up, she saw a blue turtle plushy. She raised her hands to get it but it was too high up
  • “I have never one day regretted being short until today. Curse my height “ Emerald muttered to herself
  • She tried to reach for it again, just then a man’s hand went above hers and took the toy.
  • “Hey, it’s mine, I saw it firs….” She looked at the man and was dumbstruck
  • ‘Mr Williams? What in the world…, wait what is he doing in a plushy section of a mall’