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Chapter 4 Her Other Side

  • “Any news on Paulo? I asked Armando
  • “ I did send some men to get him but he is not within the axis of this house” Armando said
  • “ And his apartment?
  • “Not there”
  • “ I see. Then he’s either hiding away or trying to run away. Either of these two if definitely taking place in his girlfriend’s apartment”
  • “ And why would he hide there?
  • “Cause he’s stupid. Yes, he’s good at coding and decoding passwords but when it comes to stuffs like this, he’s got no brain to think”
  • “ So we’re heading to his girlfriend’s apartment?
  • “Yes but let me drop these inside. Meanwhile get some men and get the car ready to haunt Paulo down”
  • “Yes boss. Right away boss”
  • “You’re so dead Paulo”
  • I finally joined my men in the car and we left for Paulo's hideout, his girlfriend’s house, Emma. We arrived at Emma’s house. I stood aside and asked my men to go search the house. Paulo and Emma were taken unawares. They had packed up their stuffs to leave the next day.
  • Armando dragged Paulo and Emma along while the other guys grabbed their luggage and followed Armando and met with me. Paulo and Emma joined our car and we stopped at an alley.
  • We got out and Armando made Paulo and Emma kneel before me. Paulo showed no remorse and never apologized.
  • I pulled out my revolver and pointed it at Paulo. Humans understand the language of fun than other languages. I could clearly see the fear in Paulo’s eyes.
  • “I need just a reason not to shoot you” I said to Paulo
  • “Don’t shoot him please” Emma pleaded with me.
  • “Why not? I asked
  • “He did this to help me out so please don’t shoot him”
  • “Then I should shoot you instead” I quickly pointed the gun at Emma who fretted..
  • “Please don’t shoot. Don’t kill me” Emma pleaded with her eyes closed
  • “You robbed the gang Paulo. Why? If you needed some money why didn’t you approach me and talk to me about it? You took some money from my safe, money kept for an important project. You sure do have a death wish which I can grant you. Why ain’t you saying anything? I said to Paulo.
  • “What do you want me to say? Beg you? No way. I rather die than beg a beast like you”
  • “Be.. beast? Me? Good grief. He called me beast. Wanna see how beasts behave? You stole from me and without being remorseful, you called me a beast? No injury on your body will hurt you but let’s see how you’ll feel watching your lover die” I pointed my gun again at Emma leaving Paulo scared.
  • “Don’t shoot her! Paulo yelled
  • “You’re yelling? Well… I don’t like taking a long time. Let’s do this quickly and leave. Good bye Paulo and pretty lady” I pulled the trigger and shot Emma on her shoulder.
  • Paulo screamed and I quickly turned and shot Paulo on his knees and his left shoulder. Paulo fell and groaned in pains. I walked to Emma and pulled her hair.
  • “Paulo… how does it feel? Nice right? Give me the stuff” I said to Armando.
  • “Is that cocaine? Don’t use it on her please”
  • “Calm down. It’s just chloroform” I applied some on a handkerchief which I used on Emma making her unconscious. “Get the girl and let’s leave” I said to Armando
  • “And where do you think you are taking her to? Paulo asked, groaning in pains.
  • “Don’t worry, I promise you, she’ll be in heaven. Unfortunately, you two won’t meet because I’m sending you to hell. Tell the devil that Serena Riccardo the mafia Lord sent you” I said and fired the last shot at him. I had shot him few inches away from his heart.
  • I had no intention of killing Paulo and Emma. Just wanted to put them in pains and make them suffer. I had my men watch him until he became unconscious. They grabbed him and drove to the hospital. They dropped him and Emma at the hospital door and reported back to me. I was able to receive the money Paulo had stolen from me.
  • I had gone to visit a friend at some neighborhood and I decided to take a walk down the neighborhood and came to an alley and stopped when I heard a weird noise. I heard voices, sounded like one was being held captive. I decided to take a close and prolly see if someone’s life is in danger.
  • I could barely see anything as it was pretty dark. I hid away and listened to their conversation. Seems like someone stole from the other who supposedly is the boss. I felt they might be a gang from their conversation and the threats given to the other and I feared for his life as his boss intends to shoot him.
  • I heard gun shots and quickly covered my mouth with my hand and took a deep breath. Another shot was fired and then I saw two people leave the alley, a lady and a man. She turned and said something to someone and I was able to see her face clearly as she was out in the light. I was shocked when I realized that the lady whom I had seemingly saved her life at the mall was the perpetrator of such evil. She actually killed someone. She left with the man who had carried a young lady on his shoulder and dumped her in the car trunk, who I think is probably dead. They got into the car and drove off.
  • Few minutes later two other guys came out of alley carrying a body of a guy who I could swear to is dead. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. I witnessed a murder take place. I quickly left and returned to my friend's house and bid him goodbye. I got into my car and drove home. I quickly rushed into my room and shut the door. My body was practically shaking in fear, as if it was winter season. I was so speechless and for a moment I stared into the air, pretty lost in thoughts.
  • I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. Then I had a flashback about the incident that took place at the alley. A knock came at my door twice which I didn't hear. My door flung open and Claudia walked in and touched my shoulder, startling me. She saw how terrified I was and held my hand.
  • "Are you okay? Claudia asked
  • " Ye..yes...ju..just.. exhausted" I stuttered.
  • " Are you sure? Cause you look like one who just saw a ghost"
  • " That would have been better"
  • " For real?
  • "Yeah. I'm so tired. I need to take a nice shower and get some rest"
  • " Okay, buy Eldo called to know if you got home safe and to know why you left the way you did"
  • " Uh...I remembered that I had an important file I forgot to attend to and I'll be needing it for tomorrow's meeting, so I hurried back home to take care of it"
  • " Okay, but he said you went for a walk alone, without him, and came back looking terrified. Did something happen?
  • "Pfft..not at all. I'm okay. I'm fine. Now run along. I have to have my bath and do some important work"
  • " Fine then. Goodnight"
  • " Goodnight" I exhaled the moment Claudia left my room. " Thank goodness she's gone"
  • I left for the bathroom and had my bath.
  • The next morning, I had my breakfast and returned back to my room. I walked in and shut the door and quickly recalled her mentioning her name last night, Serena Riccardo. I grabbed my phone and quickly searched for her name on one of the search engines and her name appeared. I let out a scream when I scrolled down and realized who she was. What have I gotten myself into?
  • She's a bloody Mafia, most dreaded and heartless mafia, a being without a soul, a demon. The way she was described showed that she was more cruel than the devil. Now I know why she had a gun and was able to murder two people last night and felt no remorse or whatsoever, and I already had an encounter with a beast like her.
  • I sat on my bed and read through the articles about her. She uses gun to get contracts and win cases, breaks the law and bends the law to suit her. Everyone is so scared of her. Once she's double crossed, she shows no mercy. She kills and disposes bodies wherever she feels like, buries people alive, destroy houses or take over lands to build her casinos, night clubs, hotels, tax evasion, a lot of crimes and she has never gone in for any. Isn't she devil? No one can ever arrest and detain her. No judge can convict her. She's so powerful. She's not a politician but she weighs more power than they do. Everyone feared her but I hate her.
  • I just realized that after reading those articles on her, I wasn't scared of her, rather, I was disgusted by what she did and I hated her, her being, her existence, her everything. I wished never to come across a demon like her again cause I might loose my cool and take the gun from her and shoot her. People like her shouldn't exust and don't deserve to live.
  • I dropped my phone and left for the bathroom. I and my bath and got ready for work. I placed the files in my bag and left for the car. I got in and drove off. I couldn't stop thinking about Serena. Apart from Rosa, no other woman has had an effect on me, and now Serena, I felt so disappointed when I found out who she was. Honestly, after meeting her at the mall that day, I hoped to meet her again and know if she was okay and wasn't being bothered by the guy who wanted to shoot her. But right now, I hate myself for interfering in her matter. I wished that guy actually shot her, she deserves to die