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Chapter 8 Trouble At The Company: Two

  • "What's going on?"
  • A tall, slender man asked, coming out from the car. As he walked, he adjusted his glasses. "Miss Morgan, can you explain the meaning of this? Why is there a crowd at the entrance of your company?"
  • The man's question brought the quiet crowd to life, and what followed, was a wave of harsh insults. "Who are you to ask questions?!"
  • "Yeah, are you so blind that you can't see what's going on in front of you?" A person sneered.
  • "We are protesting the injustice this company does!" Another explained, then added. "This company is a cheat!"
  • "Yes, so Miss Morgan if you will be so kind, explain to us why your company cheats people on their hard-earned money!"
  • Daniella was stomped, she had no idea what these people were talking about but they confirmed her guess.
  • One of her competitors was behind this and she was certain.
  • "Quiet!" Daniella spoke over the megaphone. "I will not stand and allow you all to spray dirty water on me. I might be a woman but I will fight you to death if you mess with me!"
  • "Forget about being a woman, I am also one so don't say trash." A woman coldly snorted, coming to stand in front of the crowd. "Last week, an old man died just because of your company cheating him out of his money! Don't try to deny it, we have proof, so tell us, why can your company stand after what happened!"
  • "Are you crazy?!" Flora yelled from behind. "Our company has never done such a thing as engaging in a fraudulent act as that! So, you take that back!"
  • "Liar!" The woman cried, pointing a finger accusingly at Daniella. "I am sure this isn't the first time this has happened, you have been so good at covering it up that's why you have the face to talk back at me. You should be ashamed of yourselves!"
  • "Shut up woman!" Daniella hollered through the megaphone. "If you don't leave this premises right now, you will have to deal with the police!"
  • "Fine!" A different woman stood behind the first woman, speaking. "We will wait till the cops arrive, then we will see to it that justice is served!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "You all won't get away with this, this time!"
  • "Everyone sits on the floor, they can't do anything when we aren't moving!" A man encouraged, sitting on the ground.
  • With his actions, the others followed suit. Then, a shocking image was presented before their eyes.
  • A crowd of about thirty to forty grown men and women, sat on the ground, not caring if it was dirty or not.
  • "Miss Morgan." The slender man from earlier, called softly, adjusting the glasses on his face. "I believe you have an explanation for all these. My boss is a busy person and all these happening is a waste of his precious time."
  • "I am sorry for the inconvenience assistant Micheal. I will explain properly when I have them out. " Daniella pleaded, "Tell your boss to be patient with me while I solve this, please. He is a businessman and he knows how cunning some competitors can be."
  • "I will try my best, but I will not assure you." The man walked back into the car, as he got close, the tinted glass window of the car's door was lowered slowly. "Ten minutes!" Micheal called out, standing a few feet from her.
  • "Call the cops, have them hurry." Daniella turned to her assistant.
  • "Yes ma'am," Flora replied, holding her phone to her ears.
  • "You won't leave?" Daniella asked the crowd, over the megaphone, and seeing they gave no reply, she continued. "Then just sit tight all of you, the police are on their way, and I assure you, my lawyer will be sending a letter to all of you."
  • "Send it!" The first woman spoke fiercely, "We are not afraid. I might as well tell you my name. It's Maggie, and I am that old man's neighbor."
  • "Neighbor?" Mia finally uttered but in disbelief. "You are nothing related to the old man other than his neighbor, what gives you the right to show your face here?!"
  • "For the sake of justice, blood ties are not needed!" Maggie spoke righteously. "If anyone else were in that old man's shoes, I would still do the same. Neighbor or not!"
  • "So you are a good samaritan?" Daniella laughed angrily. To think, this person causing a fuss on a day like this was nothing related to the person in question but a neighbor!
  • First, her boyfriend cheated on her with the neighbor, and now this old man who died, which she knew nothing of, and was sure didn't involve her, was here on the grounds of being his neighbor.
  • Did she offend a neighbor in the last life?!
  • "Call me whatever you want, it won't shake my resolve." Maggie was unmoved, making a face at them.
  • "You said you have proof?" Daniella questioned, coming closer to the woman. It took all in her power not to slap her. "Show it to us, or better yet, tell us how this old man died without our knowing or without the children of this old man coming to us instead of you, his neighbor."
  • "You want proof?" Maggie answered back, standing to her feet. "Fine, I will give you proof! Victor!" She called instead.
  • "Victor?" Mia taunted, "How is a man your proof?"
  • Mia's words sparked confusion and doubts in the hearts and faces of the crowd who supported her.
  • "Don't you have proof?"
  • "You asked us to come here to support you, don't tell us you lied to us?!"
  • "I am not going to prison because of anyone, make your words clear woman or I am leaving!"
  • "You said you wanted proof, this man, Victor has proof!" Maggie defended herself, pointing to the disheveled man approaching. "He was there when it all happened, and the old man's children sent him here in their stead."
  • "Fart!" A man in the crowd cussed, standing to his feet. "Is this the only proof you have? When we came here with you, you said you had solid proof! Where is it?!"
  • "He is a solid proof, believe me!" Maggie spoke with a red face, pushing Victor to the front. "Come on Victor, show them the proof!"
  • "F*ck!" A lady in the crowd swore, "I followed a stupid person!"
  • "Damn it!"
  • "Stop fussing over nothing, you haven't seen the proof yet, and you all are already shaken in your hearts, is this how fickle you all are??" Maggie rebuked the masses, urging Victor to speak. "Show them all let them all see with their eyes."
  • "You all calm down, what Maggie said is the truth." Victor started, glaring fiercely at Daniella and Mia. "This company is nothing but lies. It was built and run solely on it and I have proof of it!"
  • "You keep screaming you have proof yet we can't see sh*t!" Mia sneered, "Show us the proof you have and prove to everybody how much of a liar we are."
  • "Don't speak to me in that way Mia. What I say is nothing but the truth and you know it!" Victor snarled, "Just like how she cheated on me and got pregnant for another man!"
  • "Don't you dare bring my personal life into this matter!" Daniella roared, "What we ask of is the proof you said you have, not if I cheated or not, which I never did, so just tell us how much you were paid to cause this much drama and let this farce end."
  • "W—what nonsense are you saying?!" Victor stammered guilty with a blushing face.
  • "Ha!" Mia laughed, tutting. "I knew you were paid right from the start! What proof? You have nothing on you, all these was just to stall for time."
  • "What are they talking about Victor?" Maggie faced him, "Do you know them?"
  • "Of course he does, he was her ex-fiance," Mia said, pointing to Daniella. "He's just here because they broke up and he has no way to get money anymore so he is out for revenge!"
  • "Revenge?!" Maggie cried out, "Victor, what's going on?!"
  • "What's going on is that you all have fallen for a conspiracy but that's none of my business, the cops are here, and so is my lawyer, so get ready, I will see you all in court!" Daniella said with the megaphone.