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Chapter 13

  • *.*.*.*
  • Writer's POV:
  • When Hosun told his friends about it all later that night, they were very surprised.
  • "Hmm, sounds fishy." Taeho scrunched his nose.
  • "I know right? But I don't have a choice. He is a man who keeps his word and so I'll just have to cope. At least, I'll be able to leave this house."
  • "Escape," Taeho said but was immediately poked by his brother.
  • "Don't say that. Hosun, don't. Just gain his trust. This whole thing is a test as well. Don't blow it." Seokjun advised and the younger nodded.
  • "You're right, Hyung. I'll not risk my life, trying to escape. I'll just be patient."
  • "Good."
  • Hosun was already nervous about the next day. He would have to stick with Yoonjin at all times, but most importantly, he had to be careful and not fuck things up.
  • ~~
  • "Seriously?" Namgyu asked with a raised brow, a smirk on his lips as he raised his glass to sip his wine.
  • After dinner, he and Yoonjin had settled in one of the several living rooms, to chat. Yoonjin then told him about what he'd proposed to Hosun.
  • "Mhm." Yoonjin hummed, sipping his wine.
  • "He's caught your eye, hunh." Namgyu continued.
  • "You can say that. You know I like challenges, Gyu. That boy is one. He has good looks and is very pretty, yet his mouth runs a lot. I'll see if I can solve that problem. It'll be fun having him around me. Plus, it's a win-win." Yoonjin shrugged.
  • "I get to enjoy his company, he gets gifts and more in return."
  • "So, you want to make him your sugar baby?" Namgyu smiled, amused.
  • Yoonjin cocked a brow.
  • "Mm. Sort of. He's my type of sugar baby, though he isn't one. I'll make him one."
  • "And he has no idea."
  • "He thinks he'll be nothing more than a personal assistant. But eventually, he'll realize. When he does, it'll be too late because he'll realize he loves how I treat him. The boy is greedy. A few expensive gifts and it's all good. He's the type that'll enjoy being spoiled." Yoonjin ended with a chuckle, sipping more of his alcohol.
  • "Truth in all you've said. But there's a problem. He said he isn't gay, right?"
  • "So? It's his company I want. No sexual favors or whatever. Hugs will be the limit."
  • Namgyu nodded.
  • "Can't wait to hear the details of this when it all begins." he chuckled.
  • "You'll get them," Yoonjin smirked.
  • *.*.*
  • The next morning, Hosun was awakened by a guard who barged noisily into his room. Given that they'd all been given some degree of freedom, they were each given a room, Seokjun remaining in the one first given to him.
  • "Mm, dude! What the fuck??" Hosun groaned in sleep.
  • "It's 6:30 AM. Get up and get clean. Breakfast with Mr. Min is at 7:30, then you both leave for work at 8:30."
  • Sunny groaned, suddenly regretting why he'd accepted all this. But then he thought of the money. He thought of what he would receive in exchange and that motivated him to stand.
  • The guard left and Hosun lazily went into the bathroom to freshen up.
  • *.*
  • "What's this?" Yoonjin asked with a frown when Hosun walked into the dining room with nothing but a pair of sandals, sweatpants, and a T-shirt, on.
  • "Good morning to you too." Hosun huffed and took a seat.
  • "You do know we're going to an office right?" Yoonjin said sternly.
  • "You do know these are what all the clothes in our closets up there, look like, right?"
  • Yoonjin sighed, he'd forgotten.
  • "Hm. We'll have to pass real quick and buy you the appropriate attire before heading to the office."
  • Hosun ignored him and immediately reached out for the bacon. Yoonjin shook his head at the younger.
  • ~
  • "Are you done?" Yoonjin asked, dropping his fork after savoring his breakfast.
  • "Yeah." Hosun wiped his greasy mouth.
  • Yoonjin stood.
  • "After you," he said with a stretched arm.
  • Hosun stood and was led by the CEO, out of the room and house.
  • A glossy and expensive black car in front of the house waited to take them away.
  • Chanyeol opened the door for them. Hosun was allowed in first and Yoonjin followed. Chanyeol then entered the passenger seat and the driver started the car, driving out of the huge property.
  • There was a tinted glass separating the front seats from the backseats in such a way that, whatever conversation held behind, couldn't be heard by the person in the driver and passenger seats.
  • "Hosun, there are a few rules you'll have to abide by if you want me to take care of your problems." Yoonjin started in a manner of fact, turning to look at the younger who also faced him.
  • "Rules?" the younger's brows furrowed.
  • "Yes."
  • Hosun hated rules. He hated submitting to whosoever. But did he have a choice at the moment? Not really, no.
  • "What are they?" he asked reluctantly. Yoonjin was pleased.
  • "One, you have to be accountable to me in everything you do."
  • Hosun flinched.
  • "Two, always ask for my permission."
  • "Controlling much."
  • "Three, don't talk when I am."
  • Hosun rolled his eyes and pretended to zip his lips.
  • "Four, never question my authority and orders. Five, don't make me mad. Like I've told you before, do as I say and everything will be fine. If you're a good boy, you'll get gifts and more. If not, you'll lose some of your freedom. Have I made myself clear?"
  • 'Good boy?? What the fuck did I get myself into?? Is this how he treats his assistants? Oh, boy.'
  • "Yeah," Hosun mumbled, very nonchalant.
  • "Good. Have any questions?" Yoonjin asked, fixing the silver watch on his wrist.
  • "Um, not really. None." Hosun cleared his throat.
  • "Fine."
  • The drive through the city streets was silent.
  • Hosun's eyes widened when the car pulled up in front of a Versace clothes shop.
  • "We'll get something simple and formal real quick, for you to put on." Yoonjin started, "If you behave today, after work, I'll take you shopping."
  • Hosun opened his mouth to say something but was speechless.
  • 'Is he going to buy me stuff right now?? In a Versace shop?? And more later?! Hell, yeah!'
  • The car door was opened by Chanyeol and both men stepped out. All three men then entered the shop.
  • "Mr. Min, what a pleasure. Good morning and welcome." the manager, a pretty mid-age lady, greeted.
  • "Good morning, Sana."
  • "Are you here to shop for yourself?"
  • "No." Yoonjin turned and put a hand against Hosun's lower back, making a step a little ahead.
  • "This is Hosun. I'm taking him to work with me today. Get him something simple but responsible."
  • "No suit, please," Hosun mumbled with a little frown and Yoonjin looked at him before looking at Sana again.
  • "You heard him," he said, rubbing the younger's back a little. "Show him different outfits and let him choose which he'll be comfortable in."
  • "Yes, Mr. Min. Please come with me, Hosun."
  • Sunny followed the woman.
  • *
  • After going through different outfits, Hosun settled for a fitting, black turtleneck tucked into his a pair of fitting black jeans, held in place by a purely leather and Versace belt. He completed this outfit with a pair of black boots.
  • When he appeared before the CEO, the first thing the man noticed was how thick and firm Hosun's thighs were in the tight jeans. He looked good. Yoonjin swallowed before looking up again.
  • "Is this okay? It's what I chose." Hosun said, turning around and showing his outfit.
  • 'Well, thanks to these jeans, I know he has a pretty fine ass too.'
  • "It's perfect," Yoonjin said monotonously before turning to Sana. "How much for everything?"
  • When Hosun heard the price of his outfit, he almost choked. It was five times his normal rent!
  • "That's– that's too much!" Hosun gasped, causing everyone to look at him.
  • "No, it's not, Hosun," Yoonjin replied casually before taking his credit card out and giving it to Sana.
  • Sana punched the numbers and returned the card to Yoonjin.
  • "See you next time, Mr. Min."
  • "Mm."
  • Hand once again on Hosun's back, Yoonjin led him out of the chic boutique.
  • 'Bitch, I'm wearing Versace!'
  • Hosun thought as he entered the car. Soon they drove off.
  • "Thank you, Mr. Min," Hosun said genuinely, for the first time.
  • 'Maybe he's not that bad after all.'
  • He thought to himself.
  • Yoonjin turned to him, expressionless.
  • "What for, Hosun?"
  • "For the clothes. Even though they cost more than my life." he chuckled and Yoonjin was stricken at how beautiful his smile was.
  • He'd seen Hosun do nothing but frown and seeing him smile made Yoonjin realize that he was even more handsome than he already thought the boy was.
  • "You're priceless in my opinion." the CEO said casually and Hosun found himself blushing just like that.
  • Yoonjin stared at him, expressionless as usual and making Hosun flinch and look away, now uncomfortable.
  • "Tell me Hosun." his deep voice started and Hosun turned.
  • "Yes?"
  • "Which fashion mark is your favorite?" he asked.
  • "Huh?"
  • "I didn't stutter."
  • "Uh, um... Chanel. And I like Gucci too. Buy mostly, Chanel. It's ridiculous because I can't afford any." Hosun mused.
  • Yoonjin nodded and stared out the window. Hosun shrugged and turned to look out his window.