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Chapter 33 Happy day

  • Christmas bonus I gave everyone. This Christmas was the busiest one weve ever had since I joined the company years ago. When Beth called me, she said she'd travelled home. Her parents made her go home and spend the Christmas. 
  • She said she didnt like going home for Christmas not because she didnt love her parents and brothers but that there would be a full house and shed have to be in the kitchen cooking for a family of almost 20 people, children inclusive. Beth was the only chef in the family; they'd probably leave all the cooking to her. 
  • Shes lucky. At least she gets to spend the Christmas with her family, unlike me whos just lying on my bed, staring at my laptop, watching a movie. I climbed out of bed when I got tired of lying there. I made my way to the bathroom, took my bath, put on some nice clothes and went downstairs to make brunch because I had practically wasted my morning watching movies.
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