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Chapter 9 Please Me To Get The Privilege

  • After getting ready for the day, he started talking and talking about his shoes, clothes watches, handkerchiefs, and even cologne for a super long fifteen minutes.
  • He told me loads about how he likes them, what matches with what, and what he prefers. But honestly, I couldn't keep track of half the stuff he said. My brain was too busy thinking about how I could escape from this golden cage.
  • I don't want to stay here at any cost, and I just wish to fly away from his clutches before he returns.
  • I will hide in a place where he will never be able to find me. I need to find the truth about my brother's death and tell my parents about myself.
  • Yes my parents!
  • My phone!
  • I should inform them. They must be getting worried.
  • "What happened? Are you even there?" His words cut my thoughts.
  • "Ansell" I gulped and blinked, "I mean, sir" " I changed my words before he could get angry at me unnecessarily and do something which u wouldn't like: "I want my phone, I want to talk to my parents ".
  • "Why?" He turned his attention to me.
  • "They must be worried. I swear I will not say anything unnecessarily. I will just inform them that I am fine so that they don't worry about me" He was looking at me without blinking as I was blabbering continuosly.
  • "You have to earn that" he shrugged, breaking my hopes "You haven't done anything impressive to get the special privilege of using the phone"
  • How mean!
  • "Um. Sir" I stammered, adjusting my words quickly, "You know, my mother always makes your favourite dishes whenever you visit. Can you imagine how she must feel right now? She's already going through so much after losing her own son, and I know she must be really worried about me" u tried to use an emotional angle, hoping it would make him think twice.
  • The only thing that I knew about his family was that he didn't have a mother. He lost her when he was small so whenever he came over, our mother made sure that he felt at home.
  • But instead of melting even a little, he just looked away and kept staring straight ahead. For a brief moment, I thought I saw a glimpse of sympathy in his eyes, but it vanished almost as quickly as it appeared.
  • "I don't care" h responded with a cold shrug "You have to earn my trust to get any privilege ".
  • He broke all my hopes. Still, I tried my luck for the last time, desperately wanting to talk to my parents. I know he must have my phone, and the only way to get it is by making him happy.
  • "What do I need to do get my phone back?" I asked.
  • His eyes moved down my body once, and I got to know his intentions.
  • "You are late" he murmured "for now, I am getting late. I will tell you about it tonight. Make me happy and have the privilege of talking to your parents "
  • His words boomed in the chest, placing a deep weight on my heart.
  • "Follow me" he ordered before walking ahead.
  • My head hung low all my hopes shattered and I followed him like a puppet, just the way he wanted.
  • I know he was doing all this to break me but I am not going to shatter this easily, at least not till I have fought till my death. I have full faith in my brother, he could never do something like that.
  • As we walked out in the hall he ordered me to sit on the dining table while he went to the room where he kept his sister last night. The image of him trying her to the bed was still hauntingly fresh in my maid, and just thinking about it made my heart ache.
  • I felt disgusted when Ansell touched me. I can't even imagine what she is going through. It was a gut-wrenching thought that made me sick to my stomach.
  • I was still rooted to my place, unable to move when Ansell turned around. His sharp, penetrating gaze bore into me, and I felt an instinctive need to move. My body felt drained of energy like I had been running on empty for far too long. I walked ahead and grabbed a seat.
  • The delicious aroma of food filled my senses as a woman decorated the table. My eyes lifted up and I found the same woman from the last night. Her movements paused for a moment as her gaze locked onto the scars adorning my neck. There was a flicker of sympathy in her eyes, and her expression contorted slightly as if she could almost feel the pain that those scars represented.
  • I couldn't help but feel a strange connection with her, she seems like a human with a good heart. A hope which might help me out of this hell.
  • Her eyes flicked up to the room in which Ansell has just entered and once she was sure that the door was locked she said in hushed tone.
  • "I am sorry, I couldn't do anything to save you" she looked down.
  • It's alright, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault" I told her "he is a mons..."
  • "I am what?" I flinched when I heard his voice from behind.
  • The lady abruptly turned on her heels and made her way to the kitchen. I am sure he must have asked gestured to her.
  • Embarrassment tinged my cheeks with red, and I found myself staring down at the table as he settled himself in front of me. His presence was suffocating, and I struggled to find the words to respond.
  • Curiously, he picked up a berry and popped it into mouth before raising an eyebrow at me.
  • "You were about to say something, weren't you?" His words felt like a trap, a dangerous game I didn't want to play.
  • I simply shook my head.
  • "What happened? Cat caught your tongue?"
  • His mocking tone sent a surge of frustration and anger through me but I kept myself under control reminding myself again and again that soon I would be fee.
  • "Nothing, I was just that you are a monsoon lover"
  • I lied but he didn't seem to buy it. Amusement was dancing in his eyes. He knew exactly what I had intended to say, and it was as if he revealed in making me utter those words aloud, right in front of him, to satisfy his twisted sense of sadism.
  • "You don't even know how to lie" he remarked with a mocking grin.
  • "And you remember how I used to effortlessly cath all your little find"
  • At the moment he was talking as if nothing has happened between us last night and in the morning, as if it was not him who was about to take away my dignity.
  • "I will let it go now as I am getting really late for the meeting. Eat something" he said as he started having his breakfast.
  • Through I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning and the food was looking tempting enough to eat but I couldn't lift my hands to eat to in front of him.
  • "Believe me, you're going to need all the energy you can get tonight" he remarked casually, his words sending a chilling undertone through the room. He gulped his drink and continued, "I know you'll try to put up fight which is good for me as well as it only turns me on"
  • I looked away. I know exactly what he was talking about.
  • "And also I don't want to fuck a dead body"
  • His words sent a shiver down my spine and my goosebumps rose on my skin.
  • How could he be so blunt when he knows we have servants around?
  • Doesn't the have shame?
  • "EAT!"
  • His command thundered through the room, causing not only me but even the cutlery on the table to jump at its place in response to his forced outburst.
  • Hesitantly, my trembling hands reached for the spoon, and I took my first bite in twenty-four agonizing hours.
  • The taste was almost lost on me as my sense remained captivated by his gaze fixed on me. His made me uncomfortable and I chewed slowly.
  • It was as if, despite food in his mouth, he was devouring me with his eyes alone.
  • I can't even imagine what scenarios must be playing in his head and. I don't want to imagine either.
  • I lost half of the appetite and the remaining was gone because of his intense gaze. All I was doing was praying internationally for him to finish his food as soon as possible so that I can at least breathe.
  • "Grace" suddenly he called out and the wowan came running out of the kitchen.
  • "Yes sir, do you need something?" She asked.
  • "I want you to teach her cooking and everything about my favourite dishes" he announced with his mouth full, his gaze never leaving me as he issued his instructions. "From now on, she will be responsible for preparing my meals"
  • I could hear a small meowing voice that came from the lady. I am sure she wanted to say something but couldn't.
  • "Don't worry your job is safe" he said as if he understood the reason behind her uneasiness "As long as" he emphasized, lifting his gaze to lock into hers, "You remember your boundaries and refrain from indulging in unnecessary conversations"
  • The weight of his gaze felt like an iron clamp, sending a shiver coursing down my spine. It held a warning, threatening to shatter her existence if she dared to defy his command.
  • "Sure, sir" she said, bowing in front of him.
  • And in a flash of a second, he stood up, turned around, and walked out, leaving my gaze to follow his retreating figure.