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Chapter 2 In His Hell

  • He was standing so close to me that this hot breath was fanning my face, chilling me with his proximity.
  • My abduction, auction, and now his changed personality came as such a surprise to me that I couldn't wrap my head around it. My eyes were still moving around his face, trying to accept his realty.
  • "I think you are not comfortable here. Let's go home, which is going to be a cage for you, for the rest of your life" his words were laced with a kind of calmness that sent shivers down my spine.
  • My heart pounded in my chest, my eyes widened, and I shook my head vigorously, but it had no effect on him.
  • He took a step back, and in a swift move, he grabbed my wrist In his tight hold, his fingers making an iron grip, and started pulling me with him, overpowering my strength. Digging my feet to the floor, I tried my best not to say away from his strength.
  • "I won't go anywhere with you" I protested, trying to make myself free from his deadly grip.
  • His head snapped at me sharply, his eyes shooting fireballs at me.
  • "Behave, or I won't hesitate to collar you and lead you out on a leash" he threatened me, chilling my every soul and draining the color of my face.
  • Every word from him is like a dagger to my heart. I can't believe him.
  • I am feeling ashamed of myself for having a crush on him. I didn't know that he was such a cheap person.
  • He kept on dragging me without a care, and I was already able to match his big steps. He let me through the hall, where I could see several men enjoying themselves with girls and drinks, and I am sure they are the same who must have seen the exhibition of my life. Tears welled up in my eyes as my ears rang with their cheers every time someone put a higher bid on me, reminding me of the humiliation I faced today.
  • As much as I wanted to cry, I decided not to because this would only make me weak. Now that I have found the real culprit behind the death of my brother, I should be taking revenge on him. But the first thing I need to do is get free from his clutches. I have to think of something really quick before it gets too late.
  • Never in my nightmare, did I think that my life would it take such a dark turn, and still I am not sure what we have done wrong.
  • He pushed me inside the car before following my suit and ordering the driver to take us home. I thought of jumping out of the car, but before I could put my plan into action, he pressed the child lock.
  • "Let me go!" I shouted out of frustration and thrashed around, but he remained unaffected by my pleas.
  • How could he be so cold and inconsiderate?
  • I can't believe he is the same person who could not see even a single cut on my skin.
  • Feeling desperate, I considered breaking the window, but his strong grip on my jaw stopped me. He turned my head forcefully, his eyes blazing with raw anger and passion locked onto mine, unbothered by the tears that were filling them.
  • "You can't escape now!" He growled in anger, "Accept your fate, you are mine"
  • My eyes widened when suddenly he slammed his on mine, and the tears that I was holding back spilled from the corner of my eyes as I squeezed them tightly.
  • I didn't want my first kiss to be like this. I had wished for something beautiful, not this nightmare.
  • Yes, I always dreamed of him, but not in a situation like this. As much as I wanted him earlier, now all I want is for him to let me go.
  • His lips were warm and soft, but they felt harsh against mine. Every touch of his lips against mine was a dark reminder that he is a murderer and the reason behind creating havoc in my life.
  • He bit my lower lip, but I kept my lips pressed tightly together. I wasn't giving in!
  • He pulled back, his thumb caressing the spot that he had just bitten. He pressed it, and I hissed in pain.
  • "Soon" he murmured against my lips, his eyes not leaving them even for a second.
  • His eyes were clearly indicating his intentions. No self-control worked at that moment, and tears streamed down my face, but his heart remained cold and unmoved by my pain.
  • He was determined to take revenge for the crime I never committed. I wiped my tears from the back of my palm because they were of no use. I need strength to fight him. I can't wasted my energy.
  • The car came to halt in front of a massive house that appeared to belong to the man who had just destroyed my beautiful life.
  • He didn't waste any time getting out of the car and walked around to open the door on my side. He extended his hand to me for support. My gaze trailed up to his, in a complete rage, my eyes still red from all the crying.
  • "Consider this the first and last time I will ever treat you so well!!"
  • The shift in his tone drew my attention and brought my brows together. When I didn't move, he just tooky palm in his and yanked me out of the car roughly, without caring that he could hurt me this way, which he actually did.
  • The thought that he murdered my brother with the same hands that are currently holding my palm, made me sick in my stomach.
  • "Welcome to my hell, Nara"
  • The way he called my full name made me shudder, but I shrugged off the feeling immediately.
  • I wanted to know why he murdered my brother and why he was so determined to ruin my life. But before I could ask him, he grabbed me and pulled me away, not allowing me to say anything other than follow him like a puppet on strings.
  • As we walked in, I was taken aback by the beauty of his mansion. We are rich as well, but not as much as he is!
  • He seems like a billionaire! I never visited his house, so I was unaware of his wealth or his profession.
  • I would have appreciated the beauty of his home if I had come here under different circumstances. Right now, the beautiful walls of his room appear to me to be a cage made by the blood and tears of innocents. The beautiful walls were suffocating me, engulfing me in their darkness.
  • I just wanted to kill him, exact my vengeance, and flee to a place where I could live peacefully with my parents.
  • When a woman emerged from the kitchen, my attention was drawn to her. I was surprised to see her because I assumed he lived alone. Her gaze was drawn to me, and she was surprised to see me. Her eyes then shifted to our hands, and she became even more perplexed.
  • "OUT!"
  • Ansell roared at the woman, and I flinched. Her gaze was drawn to him as well, as she had no anticipated the sudden outburst. The way he yelled was so fierce, it was as if he were possessed by some inner beast.
  • "I want this house empty in five minutes" he commanded, his words leaving no room for protest. "I intend to spend the night with her alone. I don't want a single soul around "
  • When he mentioned the night being spent alone, I gulped and shuddered.
  • Instead of moving, the woman looked up into my eyes, and I begged her no to leave me alone, telling her that I am being forced here and that I am not sure what this beast would do to me if she left me alone. I refuse to let her go at any cost! She understood my predicament and didn't move from her place.
  • "I said, GET OUT!"
  • The sheer force of his command compelled the woman to hastily retreat into the kitchen, leaving me alone with him, a captive to his whims, a pawn in his dark game.
  • As he roared, his grip on my wrist became so tight that I thought he would snap it in half. But he doesn't appear to mind. He intends to have only wanted to inflict more pain on me.
  • He has brought me here to make my life a living hell.
  • But why?
  • The question was coming to my head again and again.
  • I have never done anything to him other than observe him from a distance. I don't even know about his family.
  • The lady who appears to be the housekeeper then came out with two more people, and the three of them rushed out of the house as if they would be killed if they stayed for more than a second.
  • My body turned around, and my gaze followed them out, but he didn't wait for me and began dragging me somewhere I didn't know. The fear that had taken root within me was overpowering.
  • I was terrified!
  • Terrified for my dignity...
  • My life is already a mess, and I can't let him rob me of my innocence as well.
  • I know I am determined to exact my vengeance on him, but how could I fight him if he used his strength against me?
  • Before I could protest or say anything, he pushed me, and I found myself in a room where everything was gray. When my ears heard a clicking sound, my eyes stopped moving around the room. My head snapped in his direction, and I discovered that he had just looked the door, his eyes lustfully moving down my body.
  • I felt as I were nothing more than a slab of meant in his eyes, an object to satisfy his desires, and he did not attempt to conceal his attentions.
  • "Let's resume where we left off?" The sharpness behind his words was impossible to ignore, sending a cold shiver down my spine.
  • His gaze returned to my face, stopping me in my tracks, and his next words caught my breath in my throat because I could sense the harshness behind them.
  • "Strip"