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Chapter 11 His Sinister Desire

  • I refused to bend to his sadistic desires, or surrender Myself to his twisted whims, so I skipped the Idea of sitting in the position of a submissive when he entered the room because it would only boost his ego and he would think that I would actually do whatever he wanted.
  • No, I was determined not give him that satisfaction. He may want to break me, to crush my spirit under the weight of his dominance, but I was not going to crumble in front of him.
  • I made a split-second decision, my mind racing as I could a different approach. As the door began to swing open, I propelled myself onto the bed, swiftly pulled the duvet over my body, and closed my eyes tightly, pretending that I had slept so that he could leave me.
  • My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest that I had just seen a ghost, but the situation is not different because Ansell is no less than a ghost himself. Under the cover of the duvet, my chest heaved with each laboured breath. I prayed fervently that the rise and fall of my breathing would appear natural.
  • As the tapping sound of his boot against the floor reached my ear, my breath caught in my throat. The air surrounding me became thick because of his presence. I felt as if I were suffocating, caught in the vacuum of his dominance.
  • Back in the day, I thought that I would search for escape and not have to face him again, but fate is not on my side these days.
  • When he walked around, I tried to keep my body as still as possible. With the fear of being caught, I couldn't even gulp down the bulge in my throat, which was making it difficult for me to breathe. My eyelashes were trembling, and I was trying my best to keep them still.
  • The thing that I feared the most was that he would keep his promise if he came to know that I am wide awake. Luck could never be in my side every time.
  • Suddenly the bed in front of my face dipped, and my body became as still as a stone.
  • In an instant, the mattress before me dipped, causing my body to stiffen like a statue. My senses were on high alert, processing every slight movement and change in the atmosphere. With my eyes closed, I could picture him on his knees, his arms resting on the bed, his face coming closer to mine.
  • The exhale that escaped his lips was slow and deliberate, the warmth of his breath ghosting over my face. But, a wave of revulsion washed over me as I caught a whiff of alcohol on his breath.
  • The realisation that he was significantly intoxicated sent a fresh surge of fear coursing through my veins. It was as if an icy hand had clamped around my heart, making it race even faster within my Chest.
  • I wasn't sure what he was going to do with me in his intoxicated state.
  • I couldn't believe that he had started drinking as well because he was the one who always stopped my brother from drinking and smoking.
  • His real persona was difficult to digest, given how charmingly he played his role. His facade was so compelling that it made it hard to think anything negative about him.
  • Abruptly, I felt the touch of his finger on my temple, tracing a path down to my jaw. My body tenses at his touch, and my heart raced as struggled to keep my pretense intact.
  • "Stop pretending. I know you're awake" his voice sounded hoarse and Laden with the weight of alcohol's effects.
  • The smell of the alcohol was getting too much for me, and I simply wanted to get away from him, but I couldn't. I have to stay at my place if I want to save my dignity.
  • The internal struggle was real, each moment feeling like an eternity as I battled to keep up the facade, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with each passing second.
  • Suddenly he spoke again, but it was so low that I couldn't get it. But his next words were loud and clear enough for my ears to catch them, resonating with a chilling intensity.
  • "You are very beautiful"
  • His finger, which was earlier on my jaw, started crawling over my cheek, and he moved the hair strand from my face and tucked it behind my ear, giving him a clear view my face.
  • "I could stare at your glass skin, touch your cotton soft body, and treat you like a doll my whole life " he whispered against my lips before chuckling.
  • "How much I wanted you to be my side for every minute of my life. I would have showered you with an abundance of love and everything that you could as for...." His voice trailed off before he added,"only if the situation was different"
  • His words were making me even more confused. Why is he talking as if he loves me?
  • "But now I hate you so much that even your innocent beauty seems evil to me. All I yearn for is to utterly shatter you, destroy you, ruin you, and break you" Each word came out of his tightly clenched teeth.
  • "I want to hear your painful screams in place of place of sweet moans. I want to give so many cuts to your body that you remember them for the rest of your life. I want to give nothing but tears to your beautiful eyes. This is exactly what I want now and I will surely give it to you. You will beg my mercy but I won't show any"
  • I wanted to open my eyes and fight him, but I restrained myself. In his half-conscious state, he was blabbering continuosly right in front of my face.
  • But he stopped all of sudden, and there was a change in the air. It became thick with unspoken tension. I wasn't feeling good when he was saying cruel things about me, but now that he is silent, I am scared even more. But soon he broke his silence.
  • "Okay, if you are not going to stop your little and useless drama, i am willing to take you in sleepy state"
  • His words jolted me, and I fought the urge to open my eyes. His hand moved toward the duvet, triggering my instinct to snap my eyes open. A surge of anxiety surged through me as his laughter erupted, a chilling sound that seemed to pierce the air. It seems as if all of that was just a part of his plan to force me to give up my act.
  • My instinct have been right about his position, he was sitting exactly how I imagine but suddenly he stood up and climbed up on the bed.
  • The duvet was swiftly pulled away, revealing my body to his gaze. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his shirt, and a horrified scream escaped my lips.
  • "Blood!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with shock and terror.
  • The sight before me was both horrifying and surreal, sending a wave of panic crashing over me.
  • His shirt was covered in blood stains, especially on his chest. Looking at him, it was clear that he had just returned from murdering someone.
  • "Blood!" My vision blurted and my heart raced, overwhelmed by fear and revulsion. The sight of blood pushed me to the edge, making it possible to keep my eyes open.
  • His words cut through the haze of my distress. "Why make such a fuss? Your brother was deep into the mafia. Blood must have been a regular sight for you"
  • My brother was involved in the Mafia?
  • I am not sure why or how he is talking so negatively about my brother when he himself is everything that he defines about himself.
  • "Please, just stay away. Don't touch me with those bloodied hands" I pleaded, my voice quivering as I frantically tried to inch away.
  • But he refused to listen to me. Rather than backing up, he drew me under him and hovered above me. His blood-splattered shirt was right in front of my eyes. I felt like puking as soon as the smell of blood hit my senses.
  • I am not sure whose blood this is or how he can be so at ease in it!
  • He must be killing people daily.
  • How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with this beast?
  • Despite my pleadings and requests, his hand move down and rested on the collar of my frock, ready to rip it off my body.
  • My chest heaved up and down. I couldn't even bring myself to touch his hand, fearing it might be tainted with the same blood.
  • Just as I thought that he is going to make me bare, something flicked in his eyes and suddenly he sat back taking me by surprise. Before I could process his next step he grabbed my thigh, flipped me on my stomach, and pulled my body to his lap. The Suddenness of the action left me stunned, my mind struggling to comprehend the change.
  • "I heard that behind my back you were sneaking around, looking for the escapade"
  • My head lifted up as soon as I heard him. I was right someone is keeping an eye on me all the time.
  • My thoughts were cut short when his palm rested against my back before he whispered.
  • "Now" his voice took on a chilling edge," prepare yourself for the consequences".