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Chapter 5

  • Adams totally forgot about the main reason he came to the hospital in the first place, at this point his flu wasn't even important anymore. He had hurriedly left the Doctor's office and was now outside, standing beside his car.
  • "A...Alicia is pregnant, Alicia was carrying my child." He kept on repeating, while struggling to breath at the same time. He placed his hand on his chest, then he bent down a little as he tried to catch his breath.
  • Everything started coming to him in waves, he then remembered what happened the night he gave her the divorce papers. When he walked into the house, he was surprised to see her waiting for him with a huge smile on her face and it was visible that she was excited about something, but he didn't seem to care then and was only concerned about getting rid of her.
  • He remembered how she had wanted to tell him something and was even holding a paper, but he rudely waved her off and presented the divorce papers to her instead. Even after all the things he said to her, she had still tried to tell him, but he didn't even listen to her.
  • "Alicia." He muttered as hot tears rolled down his cheeks, he couldn't bare to keep standing, he slowly dropped to his knees, crying bitterly.
  • Most people passing by the parking lot gave him weird looks, it's rare to see a man dressed in an expensive suit and driving an obviously expensive car crying like a baby in public.
  • "What have I done? What have I done?" He cried even harder.
  • All these while he's been so cold and rude to her, he had sworn to always be there for her and defend her at all times, but he had let his parents insult her and treat her like dirt because she couldn't give him a child and they had thought she was barren. He knew how much she loved her job as an author, he was so well informed about her passion for writing and when her career had started going downhill, he was supposed to be there for her and support her, but he didn't do anything of such and rather insulted her, he mocked her and called her a failure.
  • "Oh God!" He screamed in pain as he angrily hit his hands on the floor.
  • The one who has failed wasn't Alicia but him, he's failed woefully as a husband.
  • "I'm so sorry Alicia, I'm so sorry." He cried.
  • He stayed that way for sometime as he reflect on all his actions, feeling so terrible and guilty. He managed to pull himself together and that was when he stood up, now he has only one thought in mind and that was to find his ex-wife Alicia and seek for her forgiveness for everything he's done to her.
  • He hurriedly fetched his phone from his pocket and tried calling her, but her number was unreachable, he tried countless of times but it was all to no avail.
  • He got into his car and drove off, everything in his head was now Alicia and ways on how to locate her.
  • Adams drove straight home, when he arrived, his parents were already there waiting for him.
  • "Adams." His mother called in excitement as she rushed to him, she was so concerned about telling him about the wedding plans that she didn't even notice how red his eyes were from all that crying and his face puffy.
  • "Everything for the wedding is almost ready, Helen will also be here soon."
  • Adams heaved a deep breath. "There won't be any wedding mother." He stated, his mother gasps in shock and even his father rushed to meet them.
  • "W...what? Why are you saying that now Adams?" His father asked.
  • "I don't want to get remarried Dad, that's it!"
  • "You should have a specific reason for not wanting to get married Adams, weren't you the one who was excited about this wedding taking place before, I mean think about everything, what will people say, I already told all my friends about your wedding, think about Helen and her parents, this will be a disaster."
  • "Well I don't care about any of that mother, and I certainly don't care if this will be a disaster or not, or care about what people will say or not say. I'm not getting remarried and that's final!" He snapped before leaving for his room.
  • His parents shared a worried look, they couldn't understand what was happening. Adams wanted this marriage, so why the change of heart.
  • Meanwhile, when Adams went to his room, he immediately placed a call through to his best friend who was also his manager at work and he picked up almost immediately.
  • "Hey Adams, what's up?"
  • "Mike, I really need you to do something really quickly for me."
  • "Err...sure, what's it?"
  • "Alicia, I need to locate her, use any means possible in getting me her whereabouts and I need you to report to me immediately."
  • "Are you being serious Adams? Why are you suddenly looking for Alicia when you were the one who divorced her. I'm still really mad at you for what you did to her because she doesn't deserve any of that."
  • "Now's not the time to judge me Mike, just do as you're told!" Adams snapped, then he hung up.
  • Mike was his best friend, so he was well informed about everything that's happened, he was never in support of how Adams and his parents had treated Alicia, he even tried warning Adams about divorcing her but Adams never listened and now he's paying a huge price for his actions. What he did to Alicia will forever hunt him and his guilt will forever eat him up, not until he finds her and pleads for her forgiveness.
  • Hours went by before Mike finally called, when his phone rang, Adams hurriedly picked it up, not even bothering to check who the caller is.
  • "Mike." He called, and he could hear Mike clear his throat loudly from the other end.
  • "I've got some information Adams and you certainly won't like what I have to tell you."
  • Adams felt his heart sink deep into his stomach when Mike said those words, and it took a lot to urge him to continue.
  • "Alicia is no longer in Seattle Adams, she's left the country, there's no way to locate her. She's gone Adams, gone."
  • "What!?"