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Chapter 4

  • It took a few days for Adams and Alicia's divorce to finally be finalized, and Alicia had to wait until the divorce was finalized before she could leave Adams home.
  • On the day that she was finally leaving, the joy Adams felt knew no bound, he was supposed to go to work that day, but he didn't, and it was all because he wanted to watch her leave, the woman he considers a disgrace and shame.
  • As Alicia struggled to bring down her suitcase, Adams was just standing at the door watching her every move, he was impatient to see her leave his home and kept on clicking his tongue in discomfort due to the time she was taking in bringing her suitcase down.
  • "Can you just hurry already!" He snapped. "How long will it take for you to finally get yourself out of here!?" He questioned with an eye roll.
  • Alicia heaved a deep breath, it wasn't like her suitcase was that heavy, but the little act alone seems to have tired her out. She waited a while to catch her breath before finally bringing it down.
  • She slowly dragged her suitcase out, when she got to where Adams stood, she paused to look at him, to stare at the same man she fell in love with, her heart was in so much pain and all she wants to do at this moment was cry, but no, she's promised herself not to shed a single drop of tears on this day.
  • "If you're done staring you can get your barren lowlife self out of my house!" Adams voice jolted her out of her thoughts.
  • Alicia shook her head, her eyes holding nothing but pain and disappointment. For the few days that she stayed here while the divorce was getting finalized, Adams didn't say a single word to her and treated her like she wasn't even in the house, but then his parents visited one day and his mother didn't fail to hide her joy that they were finally getting divorced. She made sure to shower her with so much insults, while calling her barren and a failure, only that this time, Alicia didn't fold her hand and take in everything, she stood up for herself, after all, she'll be divorcing her precious son, so there's no need to give her any respect when she doesn't even deserve it.
  • "Get going already Alicia!" Adams snapped. "You're wasting time and I hate it." He added.
  • "I truly never expected this from you Adams, but mark my words. I will prove it to you that I'm not the weak woman you think of me to be, I'm not weak and I'm going to be successful. The career you keep mocking me about, I'll excel in it and one day, you'll be on your knees begging me to forgive you!" She said with gritted teeth, glaring at him with so much hate in her eyes.
  • Adams couldn't help but laugh at her words. "We'll see about that Alicia, I wish you a good life, and sorry to any unfortunate man who will eventually choose to pick up the trash I've thrown away." He fired.
  • "No, sorry to you and the unfortunate woman that'll choose to be with a man like you." She retorted, staring deep in his eyes.
  • Adams face was red with anger, he couldn't even stand her presence anymore. "Get lost!" He barked.
  • Alicia didn't bother to say anything else to him, she just grabbed her suitcase and left, not bothering to take one last look at the place she once considered her home.
  • That same day, she decides to leave the country, she wanted to be so far from Adams and everybody, she didn't want to continue living in a place that's only brought her so much pain and heartache, she's going to leave Seattle and start her life afresh in another country. She used part of the money she's been saving to create travel documents and left the country for London.
  • She made a promise to herself never to return until she was successful, the child in her womb only fueled her determination to work hard until she was successful, just so she can give her baby the better life her baby deserves and also prove to her ex-husband and his family that she can be successful without their help.
  • All this she vowed to achieve no matter how long it takes.
  • ****
  • A month later....
  • It's been a month since Adams and Alicia's divorce and a month since Alicia left without a trace. Adams didn't bother trying to keep tabs on her or anything because to him, he's living his best life without Alicia in his life.
  • His parents didn't want to waste anytime in getting him a new bride, they already found a lady who was perfect in their eyes and they've even started making the wedding preparations for Adams and his new bride who they had full confidence in her fertility.
  • But a few days to their wedding, Adams caught a terrible flu and had no other option than to visit the hospital to get checked and given proper treatment. The hospital he went to was the same hospital Alicia had visited a month ago since that's more like a family hospital, it's the hospital everyone in his family gets treated.
  • He's already made an appointment with the Doctor, so when he arrived, he simply made his way to her office. He got to her office and knocked on the door, few minutes later, he was ushered in.
  • "Welcome Mr Adams." The Doctor greeted with a bright smile on her face.
  • "Good day Doc." Adams replied while taking a sit.
  • "How are you feeling?" The Doctor asked.
  • "Sick." Adams replied, he instantly covered his mouth with his handkerchief and coughed into it.
  • "So sorry Mr Adams, I assure you that you'll be fine since you'll be well taken care of." The Doctor said, and Adams nodded in reply.
  • She was about asking him more questions when Alicia crossed her mind.
  • "Pardon my manners Mr Adams, I forgot to ask about your wife Mrs Alicia."
  • Adams was about correcting the Doctor and telling her of his divorce, but she beat him to it.
  • "And yes, how's the baby too? Hope she's taking good care of herself and being extra careful with things?"
  • Adams frowned deeply. "What? What are you talking about Doctor?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.
  • He was surprised to hear her ask of a baby when he knew his ex-wife wasn't even pregnant.
  • "You didn't know?" The Doctor asked in surprise.
  • "Know what?" Adams asked, his heart already beating so fast.
  • "Mrs Alicia came to me a month ago to take a pregnancy test and it was confirmed that she was 2 months pregnant. She was so excited that day, I've never seen that kind of happiness before and she was going to tell you about it, so....I'm quite surprised at your reaction to my question."
  • Adams couldn't believe his ears, it felt like he was in a dream or maybe he must have heard wrong.
  • "I...I...I don't get it Doctor, what are you saying? I'm certain that you must be mistaken, Alicia? Pregnant?"
  • "Yes Mr Adams." The Doctor confirmed. "I know what I'm talking about and I'm not mistaken because I took the test myself."
  • "Your wife Alicia is pregnant."
  • "She's carrying your child!"
  • At this moment, it felt like a bucket of ice has been poured on Adams, he sat there frozen, the Doctor's words repeatedly ringing in his ears.
  • "No....this can't be possible."
  • "It isn't possible!"