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Chapter 31 Sworn Enemies

  • Aires POV
  • The earth shook beneath my feet and I staggered, no, it wasn't the earth that was shaking, it was my earth, my stomach churned painfully and I felt like throwing up, the image of Henry and Daisy kissing and giggling kept replaying in my head, I felt betrayed by the both of them, Henry was my friend and he knows how I feel about Daisy, yet, he chose to stab me, my heart was broken into million pieces, screaming in pain, I punched the wall and heard Celine screamed for me to stop it but I ignored her, punching it harder, I felt my arm vibrate, I welcomed the pain that shot up, why does it seem like no one loves me, first, my real parents gave up on me when I was just a baby, they left me to fend for myself, and then, my foster father has never shown me love, and now, the girl I am in love with is with my best friend, why? I punched the wall once more and was about to repeat the process when Celine suddenly grabbed my hand,
  • "Stop it Aires, you're bleeding already, don't do this to yourself"
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