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Chapter 3

  • After several minutes, that shower turned into a little rest area. It had been a long time since she had had that reflective moment.
  • His life had always been a back”and”forth, back”and”forth video of endless walking, aimlessly wandering in many directions.
  • ?
  • And more importantly, it was what for?
  • He rested his cheek on his right hand.
  • Life had given her the opportunity, one could study a good career. From there she had met Gabriel, they were a couple all the years she was in college, most thought it was those couples that would last a lifetime; she thought she would be together with Gabriel until they were both old.
  • But she was wrong.
  • Now she was in a desolate place, living with a stranger who had bought her cotton underwear. Tears began to fall down her cheeks.
  • She was only now beginning to realize that Gabriel did not love her, she said. Even that stranger had made more gestures to her than her boyfriend had in the six years of their relationship.
  • Sigh, the only person who cared about her, her grandmother, had not wanted to attend the wedding. She had always warned her from the beginning, that Gabriel was not the nice guy she thought he was and how right she was.
  • Surely she would be worried about her granddaughter. Despite not attending her wedding her grandmother had always been there for her until the last minute.
  • She sighed, she felt so sad and forlorn right now when she was dry and in her new clean clothes: she could feel a little better.
  • However from time to time memories clouded her eyes, make her sigh and suffer internally.
  • She didn't know at what point her life had turned into a nightmare, that's why the minute she almost committed suicide. The only thing that had held her back had been the memories of her grandmother, who had raised her and him.
  • Brianna had her mother and father; however they had had her very young at only 16. So her mother had taken on the role of raising that little girl.
  • Chapter 3
  • She had felt the traces of abandonment since she was a baby, and for a moment, she had thought she had made the right choice. But apparently she had been wrong again.
  • When he looked out, he could see no one in the dining room. Looking a little confused at his surroundings he decided to go out the back door, when he reached the courtyard he could find a rather manicured garden.
  • >
  • A few meters ahead there was a vegetable garden, large seedlings of lettuce and other vegetables which she could not identify.
  • She was surprised.
  • For some reason plants had always attracted her attention, in her house she always placed one in every corner.
  • She had inherited it from her grandmother, and in part: from the mysterious boy of her adolescence.
  • He, had no idea that she: was aware that he, helped her grandmother with the plants.
  • ?
  • Esteban, seeing her confused, approached her and said:
  • “Do you like plants?
  • She looked at him in surprise, he took her away from the haze of memories.
  • “I saw a twinkle in your eye," he answered, as if he had read her thoughts.
  • She nodded, started walking towards the orchard. Esteban began to talk, explaining to her what each of the plants did, as well as the care it entailed.
  • First they went through the lettuce
  • “Lettuce requires two things from the soil, the first is that it is very rich in nutrients and the second is that it drains very well. For this it is enough to pour a good amount of humus to the soil where we are going to plant them. Humus is very rich in nutrients and also acts as a sponge, retaining water but letting the excess pass through.”
  • Brianna nodded, approaching and observing closely.
  • “Lettuces do not grow well in heavy soils, that is why it is not recommended to plant them in clay soils. If we have clay soil in the garden, just add compost and manure for a couple of years and it will become a soil suitable for lettuce.”
  • Brianna touched the ground, spreading the soil between her fingers. She lifted her chin to listen to him.
  • “Lettuce can be planted directly in the garden, in its final pot or in a potting box for later transplanting. It is necessary to take care of providing a fresh medium to germinate, otherwise it will never come out of the seed. For this we must always keep the soil humid and if it is very hot we can cool the seeds between 2 sheets of blotting paper in the refrigerator for a couple of days before sowing...”
  • He continued talking...
  • Brianna was amazed at how much Esteban knew....
  • “I'm sorry, he didn't mean to bore you.”
  • She shook her head and waved him on, and soon they reached the tomatoes.
  • “To develop well, tomatoes need constant watering: a deficit or excess of water will damage both the fruit and the plants themselves....”
  • They kept walking, all over the tomato seedlings.
  • “Water alone is not everything to prepare the plant to form numerous delicious fruits. The tomato is among the plants considered extremely nutrient”extracting.... “
  • .
  • He continued walking, along the large orchard. Thinking for a slight second, in those green eyes.
  • “ Growing supports keep the plants from bending. Sorry, am I boring you? Sorry... I get excited when I talk about, well plants....”
  • She smiled, and motioned for me to continue talking.
  • And so she continues going through all the plants she had and explaining the care of each one. He couldn't help observing her, her golden hair was spread behind her back and this time, her hair was combed, small waist was marked by the high”waisted pants.
  • Every now and then she leaned over looking at the leaves with curiosity, she wanted to learn.
  • Then he said to her:
  • “Do you want us to prepare a vegetable garden for you?”
  • She felt very happy at that moment, she nodded.
  • Brianna.
  • The next morning, the sun coming through the big window of the room: woke me up.
  • “... “ I claimed within my thoughts, but only my breathing was heard.
  • My words, were silenced in the depths of my mind.
  • I looked around confused, my things that always accompanied me throughout my life were not there. Even though I was 23 years old, I still slept with a stuffed animal that my grandmother had given me when I was a little girl.
  • My grandmother was a lawyer and had worked very hard to give me the best for all these years, I even went to college without having to work thanks to her.
  • Suspiré, sabía que no estaba en mi lugar habitual. Estaba empezando a darme cuenta de que mis días terminarían aquí tarde o temprano.
  • Al llegar a la cocina, me recibió un rico aroma a tostadas recién hechas y tostadas con huevo. Miré con curiosidad a Esteban, que cocinaba mientras silbaba una canción.
  • Tan pronto como me vio, casi tiró la sartén al suelo.
  • No pude evitar reírme, aunque estoy seguro de que él no notó mi sonrisa: ningún sonido salió de mi boca.
  • "Me alegra saber que estás despierto, ¿tienes hambre?"
  • ...