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Chapter 8 No Way!

  • "W-what?" She stuttered trying to assimilate what she had just heard, it seemed like a joke to her. No this had to be a joke, there was no way possible Mr. Graham could have done this to her. How were the dogs supposed to change her life. She stared into space oblivious of the people staring at her now. Miss Charlotte seems to be the most pleased, her second son Ivan had a hint of pity in his eyes but once he sighed he returned to his blank expression. Bruno was the only one who considered her feelings and really felt sorry for her. He knew the efforts and all she had to endure as his father's sugar baby.
  • "Mati... My sweet Mati." His voice rang in her ears, she could hear him loud and clear like he was present there.
  • "Mr. Graham, how could you? You gave me your word you!" She yelled at him in her head. Her heart was aching. To everyone she stood shocked at the outcome of the will but to her, several scenes were playing out in her head.
  • "Mati what do you need such amount for?" His voice came again. It was the time she had pleaded with Mr. Graham to lend her some money promising to pay back. She didn't want to let him know it was to settle her brothers debt seeing he was on the run from loan sharks but Mr. Graham had unsympathetically refused to do so, bringing up her inheritance again. It wasn't logical that he was so stingy to that point but she was desperate and knew he didn't have much time left. She wouldn't need to wait on his demise if only he was good to her. She didn't even want the inheritance to begin with, she just needed him to treat her right with good pay. Which would have gotten her enough savings to have some life changing investments. She shut her eyes tightly, reliving all this memories in her head. Tears flowed uncontrollably. She was losing her mind this point. This had to be a dream or at least some prank.
  • He stood up in shock as well seeing how Matilda was taking the news.
  • "Mr. Robert, I'm sure that's not all there is in the will for her, you should get to the end. My father must have said something after that."
  • "Bruno ?" His mum questioned his interference, why was he feeling sorry for this girl who should never have a share in his father's property.
  • "Go on. There must be something." He continued, ignoring his mother's initial interruption. Tears kept flowing down Matilda's cheek. She lowered her head as her hands folded into a fist.
  • "I wish I could kill you the second time Mr. Graham. You played me a fool all because I was desperate." She said speaking to no one but herself.
  • "Bruno sit down this instant." She ordered her words stuffed in between her teeth as if trying to pass the message without letting others hear her. He hesitated but soon succumbed falling back to his seat. Something wasn't right, he knew his father was a stingy man but how could he do this to Mati who had endured him the most.
  • "I believe the will is fair enough except my son's have some objections and if someone else has a problem it's sad that there's nothing that can be done. Since there's no blood relation to the deceased." She said eying Matilda who stood dazed. Her pretentious smile returned as she turned to face the lawyer. "You should round up now since there's nothing to be read again."
  • "I never said I was done Miss Charlotte." Mr. Robert said in an mean tone, making sure that she got a taste of the embarrassment she had just initiated for him. He disliked her, she was a mistress who got lucky to tie the knot with Mr. Graham and Matilda was just a sugar baby. His respect belonged to Mr. Graham's first wife the mother to Andre so he didn't hesitate in putting her back in her place.
  • "Are you saying there's more to what you just said?" She asked, nervous for his answer.
  • "Certainly. If you don't mind I'll like to proceed. I want to be done with this more than you wish to." He looked at Matilda who still stood her ground like a statue, he didn't feel the least pity for her. As far as he was concerned she was a potential home breaker if not one already. He proceeded with the reading but at the end of it all, it only amounted to shattering Matilda's heart further. Mr. Graham left nothing for her except his dogs. The reading was concluded with Mr. Graham's appreciation towards her.
  • Matilda fell back on her seat once Mr. Robert was done, he left just immediately not able to stand the presence of everyone any further. Miss Charlotte seemed to enjoy her miserable situation. She stood up and walked towards Matilda with her son's solidly behind her.
  • "It is foolishness to have such a career and settle for less. My ex husband was a smart man and he used you well for your feeble nature. I hope you choose right the next time you work as a sugar baby." She smirked making her way out of the room.
  • Matilda was left alone now with Bruno, the steward had left earlier after Bruno had signaled him to take the dogs away. He leaned to her level, pressing his hands on both sides to envelop her between his arms. He studied her briefly before sitting next to her. He got out a handkerchief and handed it over to her. He was surprised a bit at how gently she accepted it. He thought a passed aggression would have met him but she was gentle. He watched her intensely, her tears had soaked her face still he couldn't help but admire her. What a waste of beauty and time, he would have treated her a little much better than his father did.