Chapter 19 Locked Lips
- She had no answers to her questions, so she surprised her self even further as she went in again for a deeper and longer kiss. The moment her soft lips locked with his succulent ones. Her entire body was ignited and before she could take another slide Andre had pulled her away. She couldn't believe it, he had just pulled away from her kiss. She felt really embarrassed not being able to decipher his expression so she ran. The only way she could escape from such embarrassing situation.
- what are you doing standing there? You should go after her. The voice in his head spoke. She probably felt bad thinking he didn't want the kiss but in reality, he had only pulled away to stop himself from doing something she wasn't ready for. She already saw him as a lustful person. He didn't want to prove her right especially not today.
- "Mati!" He called as he went after her.