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A Sugar Baby For The CEO

A Sugar Baby For The CEO


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Sugar Baby, Find A Billionaire

  • "This will be the last." The nervous voice of a female spoke, she was sitting before her laptop and her breath was shaky and heavy.
  • She sighed shutting her eyes tightly then suddenly she opened her laptop, rubbed her palms together to bring a warm feel to it. Her index finger reached out slowly to the keyboard and when it finally touched it, her desperate movements did not stop as she logged into a site that read "Sugar baby, find a billionaire." She signed in and when she checked her dashboard it read again "No clients." With an animated doll sticking it's tongue out as a sign of mockery.
  • Her chest dropped in an instant, like always she was met with another heartbreaking disappointment. She stared dead at the screen, a drop of tear making its way down her cheek. She slammed the screen against the keyboard and gave up her head in a rest on the table shedding tears of failure.
  • "Why is this happening to me? Why is life so mean to me?" She cried asking no one in particular.
  • Two years into the business of being a sugar baby and all she got were low income earners who needed an extra juice for themselves and the only breakthrough she had experienced so far was being a sugar baby to a man in his late eighties, he was old and his appearance was irritating enough to make any girl throw up, but the money she got from him was paying most of her bills.
  • It wasn't enough even though he was filthy rich, he led her on with the promise that once he gave up in his battle of survival he would give her the greatest part of his wealth. That alone was enough to keep her by his side. It was vicious waiting for one to pass on to inherit some wealth but that was her only hope of a real breakthrough.
  • "Not again!" She yelled crying out her eyes, she had put all her hope on this and promised herself that if she failed this time she would stick to her old man and once he was gone she would never go back to being a sugar baby. She picked up her phone that lay close to her system and her jaw dropped with her mouth opened. It was few minutes to her shift, she also worked as a bartender to help boost her income even though she hated it, it had been one struggle to the other to make ends meet, at this point life was becoming unbearably frustrating.
  • Rushing into the bathroom she took a quick bath dumped herself inside a blue gown that was slightly above her knees and tied her dark hair into a bun, she was quite clumsy trying to get herself in order before leaving for work.
  • "You're late again!" Marcus her boss yelled, his eyes glaring threateningly at her.
  • "I can expl...."
  • "Save it!" He cut her off walking past her, her chest dropped in relieve he wasn't on about ranting today like he used to. That was at least the nicest thing she got today.
  • She dumped her bag on the table, pulling a chair out which she sat crossing her leg.
  • "I hate this job."
  • "You are better off resigning than coming late." Marcus mean voice echoed in her ear startling her up from her chair, she bit her lips cursing herself within for saying what she said.
  • "Take this to the table over there." He ordered her like she was a little kid, she took the tray of wine, rather accepted the tray of wine which he had pushed forcefully into her hands before storming out. The guts of this man, she hated it. She exhaled deeply trying to suppress the anger he had fueled up in her.
  • " Take this, you don't want to walk around serving the customers without it." A sweet feminine voice drew her attention as she handed her an apron which she took.
  • "Thanks Kim." She said, her lips curved up in a smile. She fixed the apron around her before grabbing the tray. " Sorry what table again?" She asked having not paid attention to when Marcus had directed her.
  • "There," Kim pointed and her eyes followed in the direction. The first thing her eye caught was the back of a lady against her, then her eyes trailed to the man before the lady and she blinked nervously, he was staring right at her, she withdrew her gaze quickly from him focusing it on the tray in her hand. Damn! She couldn't help but admire the sight she had just caught. How could one be so good-looking? He had the perfect visage; the way his dark hair was styled complimented his face structure, his pink lips were muted in such a tempting way, and the way he looked at her. Wait! Was he staring all the while? Her heart suddenly leaped and began beating at a fast pace. Why did she just feel this way now. She shook her head at the immediate thoughts that got into it.
  • " You forgotten already?" Kim's concerned voice brought her back to reality.
  • "Oh, no no. I'm good." She griped the tray more tightly and began making her way to the table, as she moved, she kept her gaze down not wanting to catch those tempting eyes staring at her. Whoa...." She muttered, for the first time paying attention to the drink, it was a really costly wine and to think she had been careless about holding the tray earlier, how would she have paid for that if it fell off her hands. Her breath increased as she made her steps closer to the table, she raised her head slightly focusing on the lady's back, till she got to stand in front of them. Her eyes met the ones of an entitled and privileged girl. The way she looked at her made her wonder if she looked any less human at the moment, one of those rude behaviors she had to tolerate from customers. She was the poor one here after all. She splayed the drink before them still avoiding the man by her right even though she could feel his gaze at her. She went ahead to open the drinks when the warm, strong but gentle hands of the man touched hers, her eyes bulged out in surprise as she reflex a look at him which she regretted immediately.
  • His killer looks, spelling eyes and enticing lips she pictured them all in a split second.
  • "I'll take it from here." Her heart sank and rose up with butterflies tickling around her chest. Even his voice was not left out in his sinful beauty, she found herself staring longer and when she snapped out if it his hands were still glued on her stopping her from leaving. The lady gave her a death stare seeing the situation between the two, she hastily withdrew her hand from his hold, breaking off from the awkward moment. She grabbed her tray and was about to leave when his enchanting voice came at her again.
  • "Thank you." He said in the sweetest tone, handing her a clean note as a tip for her service. Her lips parted as she looked at the note in her hand, that was the highest tip she had received in her entire life on top of it he was thanking her. He committed another sin against her when he sealed it with the cutest chuckle ever.
  • "Hope to see you again." He muttered. She was quick to read his lips. Was he being serious now or were her eyes just deceiving her.
  • She found her heart responding in the speed of light, silently she grabbed her tray walking back like one who had been spelled.